I said this a thousand times before, but Roadhog was not only balanced, he was fun as hell to play as and against.
His playstyle is an inherent high-risk, high-reward set up that allows for a lot of satisfying plays made from him. The most common argument against him was dying to hooks you couldn't see coming. Well, to that, all I can say is that you got to be self aware. Once you realize that there is a hog on the team, one of the highest priorities you have is figuring out his position and then playing around him. Which a LOT of characters can do. Dash around him as tracer. Deflect him as Genji. Mei wall him, Rein shield him, Symmetra barrier him, etc. I've won so many duels with all sorts of characters against him just though basic knowledge that his entire offense relies on the hook. Once you do that, you at minimum have a strong shot of taking him out yourself because there's not much he can do without his hook.
There are some characters that have no direct ability to counter him. This is okay. The premise of the game is that some characters have distinct advantages over another. This is where you have to rely on your teammates to some extent. But that's an element of almost every character. if you're a healer, you're screwed if your DPS can't get work done. If you're a DPS, you're screwed if your tanks can't create space for you to shoot enemies in. And so on.
It's hard for me to even imagine a Roadhog that doesn't hookshot people can work effectively. This would require a greater rework than Symmetra and effectively turn him into a different character entirely.
And I miss him in the game. Hog was one of the last few that kept the Dive meta in check because if you tried to get in his space, he would fuck you up. And that made the game more dynamic. You constantly had to be on the lookout for this porky predator if you wanted to get behind enemy lines. Now it's as simple as walking around the group.