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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Pretty sure you're just one of those other people who don't realize the entire game can't be balanced around pro play and pick/win rates. Sorry, the game is for made for more than the top 0.001% of players.
I've been on record saying that's what they should do. I'd rather have balancing based on the actual mechanics vs people who lack the skill to counter particular moves and think they're op when in reality they're fine. The latter is silly because essentially you aren't balancing the game, youre balancing people being upset about nonexistent issues.

It's even more evident that's the case because none of your posts have had anything to do with actually refuting our arguments.


At least make it so that Roadhog can one shot Tracers and Baby Dva. I could live with not one shoting 200 health characters, but it feels so bad to hook a Tracer only to have her recall.
I've never had a problem with a hook-shot- that's on me if I get snagged- but that Scatter is just fucking random. If I'm in a room and get Scattered, again, on me, but if I'm in the open and the RNG gods decide a Scatter one-hit kills me, I'm pissed.

Right, that's what I mean.

It just sucks to be insta gibbed across the map from a 'skill' that requires you to miss your target.
I like that idea, maybe 120 damage like a 76 direct hit rocket but that's his regular arrow damage so I dunno.

Yeah I don't play him either, get him all the time in mystery heroes tho.

I just can't see how anyone could say it's bullshit to die from a hook-shot, but it's fine to die from scatter arrow.

I don't mind dying from either but hook is a stun/re-position which is why there is sometimes a distinction. At the end of the day scatter arrow is just a high damage nuke and that's part and parcel of shooters whereas CC tends to be looked down upon. But there are stuns and slows and all kinds of weird stuff in Overwatch so the ship has sailed on that one.

A 120 damage scatter would be awful. One of the weaknesses of scatter arrow is damage mitigation from armor. That's because each little arrow has to deal with the armor malus individually. A 120 damage scatter would mean 20 damage arrowlets which is less than a melee attack. You also have to consider that to land every single scatter arrow on a 200 hp character requires hitting an area in front of their feet smaller than the head hitbox. So you would be burning a 10 second cooldown ability to have a harder time doing less damage. It would be more extreme than the initial nerf to fan the hammer.

I mean if you want the game to not have these one hit kills you'd have to do more than Blizzard's spot welding style balance where they jiggle around a few heroes at a time. You'd need Icefrog style balancing where you essentially redo the whole game from top to bottom and look at every system. To make the game revolve more around poking at each other for instance you have nerf healing on all fronts so chip damage has more relevance. You'd have to find some way for projectile characters to establish a niche that distinguishes themselves from hitscan or alternatively you have to increase the projectile hitbox to a larger size to mitigate the skill floor. Things like that.


I've been on record saying that's what they should do. I'd rather have balancing based on the actual mechanics vs people who lack the skill to counter particular moves and think they're op when in reality they're fine. The latter is silly because essentially you aren't balancing the game, youre balancing people being upset about nonexistent issues.

It's even more evident that's the case because none of your posts have had anything to do with actually refuting our arguments.

Except I've had a perfectly constructive discussion about my idea of balance as it refers to Roadhog with just about anyone but you, just scroll back and read my posts about why I think win rate/pick rate != balance in and of itself. I'd love to know your rank and the platform you play on, just out of curiosity.

You can't really balance around people who don't play optimally either. Games have tried it and it doesn't work.

Go tell Valve you can't do that by the way, I'm pretty sure their games have giant player bases too.

Can you give examples of games which explicitly tried that and it didn't work? I'm not saying you're wrong, and I don't think you can balance everything purely based on feedback, but I'm curious to hear about examples.

You can't balance around people not playing optimally but as I've mentioned, across most of the player spectrum Roadhog was simply seen as a nuisance and problematic. His insta-gib hook with the combo just felt unfun, unfair, and frustrating. Regardless of how many ways you theorize people could counter it effectively at higher levels of play, it simply did not happen in most Overwatch matches being played -- which are being played by mediocre to shitty players in disorganized team fights played with people that don't know each other and will not coordinate.

Not every single hero has to be viable for competitive. If nerfing roadhog means he seems virtually no pro level play but it alleviates the headache that he was for 9.998% of the playerbase, that seems like a fair trade. And Blizzard decided, quite simply, that he was problematic enough to require adjustment, and continue to stand by that decision and bringing him back in a way that ISN'T allowing him to kill someone every 10 seconds.

I'm not sure what Valve has to do with this. Anyways, to your earlier post..

I think we're on the same page now. I agree about changing heroes that are unfun to play or play against, but it is a dangerous game to play as Blizzard is trying to make Overwatch into a giant esport. Every decision they make needs to factor in pro level play first and foremost or they are making a mistake. There's also the argument that Roadhog will never work unless he has the ability to one shot heroes, but I feel like that's for the future to decide.

I think Blizzard kind of knows the messed up the Hog changes, or else they wouldn't have worked to buff him immediately. Keep in mind that in the patch notes for their decision to change him they stated that his DPS would be the same because of his increased fire rate and higher clip size. I definitely got the vibe that the Hog changes were meant to be a rework and not a nerf, but I guess that's open to interpretation.

I think making the game fun for the majority of their players comes before their eSports ambitions, but yes, they have to tread carefully. I see no evidence that the adjustments they made to Roadhog significantly affect competitive play. Not every hero has to be viable for the top 0.0001% of players, it seems more reasonable to adjust a hero that feels unfair and unbalanced to a large portion of the other 99.999% of players.

I think they definitely messed up, they took away too much without giving him anything back to redeem it. I'm glad they're reworking him, but I'm also glad they're not doing it by just making his hook a guaranteed pick again.

Roadhog was balanced, and his pick rate at all levels showed that. He was also one of the only things keeping Genji/Tracer in check. Not like dive comp has been slowly killing the game or anything.

You can argue that Hog getting nerfed contributed to dive comp coming back, but Winston's adjustments also played a big part. I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing, as tired as I am of the current dive meta.
Doomfist seems alright. There's a fun rhythm to pulling off his combos, but several times I would land a uppercut and and rocket punch without out killing the target and then just blank on what to do next.

He wasn't super annoying to play against tonight but with rocket punch being on such a short cooldown I could see him being a huge pain when people start to get good with him.

Glad for the loot box patch. 4 boxes, no dupes. Was getting 4 dupes per box previously.

Didn't get a single duplicate in 10 loot boxes. Thank you Blizzard lol


Except I've had a perfectly constructive discussion about my idea of balance as it refers to Roadhog with just about anyone but you, just scroll back and read my posts about why I think win rate/pick rate != balance in and of itself. I'd love to know your rank and the platform you play on, just out of curiosity.

Can you give examples of games which explicitly tried that and it didn't work? I'm not saying you're wrong, and I don't think you can balance everything purely based on feedback, but I'm curious to hear about examples.

You can't balance around people not playing optimally but as I've mentioned, across most of the player spectrum Roadhog was simply seen as a nuisance and problematic. His insta-gib hook with the combo just felt unfun, unfair, and frustrating. Regardless of how many ways you theorize people could counter it effectively at higher levels of play, it simply did not happen in most Overwatch matches being played -- which are being played by mediocre to shitty players in disorganized team fights played with people that don't know each other and will not coordinate.

Not every single hero has to be viable for competitive. If nerfing roadhog means he seems virtually no pro level play but it alleviates the headache that he was for 9.998% of the playerbase, that seems like a fair trade. And Blizzard decided, quite simply, that he was problematic enough to require adjustment, and continue to stand by that decision and bringing him back in a way that ISN'T allowing him to kill someone every 10 seconds.

I'm not sure what Valve has to do with this. Anyways, to your earlier post..

I think making the game fun for the majority of their players comes before their eSports ambitions, but yes, they have to tread carefully. I see no evidence that the adjustments they made to Roadhog significantly affect competitive play. Not every hero has to be viable for the top 0.0001% of players, it seems more reasonable to adjust a hero that feels unfair and unbalanced to a large portion of the other 99.999% of players.

I think they definitely messed up, they took away too much without giving him anything back to redeem it. I'm glad they're reworking him, but I'm also glad they're not doing it by just making his hook a guaranteed pick again.

You can argue that Hog getting nerfed contributed to dive comp coming back, but Winston's adjustments also played a big part. I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing, as tired as I am of the current dive meta.

Master/GM every season since 2 on xbox playing primarily DPS (who could get picked quite easily by old hog). And countering roadhog shouldn't be this big strategic endeavor that your whole team should plan around; you literally just had to keep your distance and he was just a big fat Ult charging target. Thats it. Which is why its even more perplexing that people had such issues with him. It wasn't even a skill problem but a recognition problem. It might have felt unfair and unfun to people but thats because youre being punished for poor positioning and situational awareness. None of these things are reserved for high level play.
Only had a quick couple of games with Doomfist last night. Looks like he'll be rather fun.

Question for console folks. Has anyone changed controller settings with him, and does it seem viable?

Using right trigger for his left hand and left trigger for his right hand felt a little odd but I've not had time to test out switching yet.


Fully expected to turn on my PS4 and have the Overwatch patch downloaded and ready. Why is Overwatch the only game in my entire PS4 library that won't download the latest patch while in standby mode?
I don't mind dying from either but hook is a stun/re-position which is why there is sometimes a distinction. At the end of the day scatter arrow is just a high damage nuke and that's part and parcel of shooters whereas CC tends to be looked down upon. But there are stuns and slows and all kinds of weird stuff in Overwatch so the ship has sailed on that one.

A 120 damage scatter would be awful. One of the weaknesses of scatter arrow is damage mitigation from armor. That's because each little arrow has to deal with the armor malus individually. A 120 damage scatter would mean 20 damage arrowlets which is less than a melee attack. You also have to consider that to land every single scatter arrow on a 200 hp character requires hitting an area in front of their feet smaller than the head hitbox. So you would be burning a 10 second cooldown ability to have a harder time doing less damage. It would be more extreme than the initial nerf to fan the hammer.

I mean if you want the game to not have these one hit kills you'd have to do more than Blizzard's spot welding style balance where they jiggle around a few heroes at a time. You'd need Icefrog style balancing where you essentially redo the whole game from top to bottom and look at every system. To make the game revolve more around poking at each other for instance you have nerf healing on all fronts so chip damage has more relevance. You'd have to find some way for projectile characters to establish a niche that distinguishes themselves from hitscan or alternatively you have to increase the projectile hitbox to a larger size to mitigate the skill floor. Things like that.

Everything you're saying makes sense...but I'll forever hate it and think it's a cheap shot.

I don't see them ever changing it and I've accepted the fact that if there's a hanzo on the other team...I'm gonna get one shot at some point in the match lulz.
Quick thoughts on Doomfist now that he is live:

-He hard-counters Rein.
-Really good at defending
-His ult is stupid good for diving backline healers.
-Super pro-dive. Fucking gross.
-Gets fucked by Mcree

Holy hell he makes playing Support a nightmare. Not at all helped by the wonky hit-box for is dash.
Only had a quick couple of games with Doomfist last night. Looks like he'll be rather fun.

Question for console folks. Has anyone changed controller settings with him, and does it seem viable?

Using right trigger for his left hand and left trigger for his right hand felt a little odd but I've not had time to test out switching yet.

Yeah I switched L2 for his shotty and R2 for the fist...I also swapped the L1 and R1.

R1 dragon punch, L1 Slam.
haven't played a game yet but immediately bought the "One punch is all I need" line

gonna drop down on fools like



Gotta aim at the ground I noticed or the slam doesn't seem to work.

Let me tell you how awkward it is to do this after being propelled upwards.

Also didn't they make Zarya's ult non escapable? Because I used it earlier and a reaper 100% got out. My teammates even called it out.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, it does feel like hog redux.

This dude is really mobile though, Roadhog's fat ass was only coming from obvious spots (or he took a long time to go for a flank).

Oh well, maybe in a year they'll nuke doomfist from orbit and remove him from the game too


Blizzard also thought Anna was underpowered and buffed her to a point where she was insanely op at healing. They tend to listen to the loudest fans when they complain about a character which is what happened here. As others pointed out, he was not a highly picked character at the high and pro levels of play and neither was his win %. If He was op, it would have been evident in both of those categories.

I'm not saying they are correct. I'm saying that they think there is a problem and they are going to work on him til it's "fixed". I personally dislike Roadhog, but as I said, it's not about me. And I never thought he was OP personally (outside of that cute mouse sensitivity glitch). I dislike him because I hated playing vs or with him in QP/Arcade. HATED it. I hate his playstyle design, I hate Hook > dead on a "tank" character. Hate badHogs feeding ult charge to the enemy. hate how useless he is if the player is bad enough to not land hooks.

But again, it's not about me. No idea what they'll do to him, but I don't miss him. Dive comps don't bother me.
Let me tell you how awkward it is to do this after being propelled upwards.

Also didn't they make Zarya's ult non escapable? Because I used it earlier and a reaper 100% got out. My teammates even called it out.

Yeah its awkward as fuck.

Supposed to negate all escape abilities yeah.
mfw they nuke roadhog and then release doomfist a ~month later lmfao

also yeah i wanna adjust his keybindings for ps4 but he's the first character so far where there isn't enough buttons imo

I want jump and his 3 abilities + fire on the trigger or shoulder buttons and that isn't possible. also unsure about sensitivity/aim smoothing but that can be adjusted at least

also why the hell is arcade xp so shitty, didn't they make it normal recently?


I got my timing down with uppercut into quick punch down pretty well. I think at this point I just need to get use to the slam and it's distance. Pretty close to pulling off a few fun moves with MFDoomfist


Guess I wasn't the only one who wanted to play last night :/ I wanted to get a game in before sleepy time, but the servers apparently crashed and I saw that there's a player queue system, like in WoW? :O I was player 200 at first but it went up by another 200 every time it crashed, so I stopped at 2000...

Is the patch any good? :)


Junior Member
What about for roadhog they revert the rate of fire back to normal because he is a slow beast that's just who roadhog is.

Then keep his gun damage the same as it is right now but when ever he is at full health it goes back to what it was so you can get the hook and kill. This way in the heat of battle roadhog won't be as great but to kill the flankers and stuff he will hopefully pick them off at the beginning. This might make roadhog more of a flanker tank then he all ready was but at least he will be something instead of ass...


mfw they nuke roadhog and then release doomfist a ~month later lmfao

also yeah i wanna adjust his keybindings for ps4 but he's the first character so far where there isn't enough buttons imo

I want jump and his 3 abilities + fire on the trigger or shoulder buttons and that isn't possible. also unsure about sensitivity/aim smoothing but that can be adjusted at least

also why the hell is arcade xp so shitty, didn't they make it normal recently?
I've got his uppercut on L3, which seems fine, but I also have yet to play as him outside of the firing range.
Thank Blizzard for finally adding in the ability to save and record your highlight videos. The options for rendering your videos is a also a nice addition.
The 4K option is divine.


I go Reinhardt. Everyone else goes DPS. I get gold in Elims and damage. We get no healer, so enemy mercy just rezes everything we kill.

Ah, QP. Never change.

Actually, do change. Entirely.
Highlight of the day for me was playing Hog again lol

He continues to be extremely fun, landing those hooks is one of the best feelings in the game. I don't care if people think I'm throwing, I'm going to start playing him again.

It's been 1 day and I'm already more sick of getting Doomfist 1-punched than a year of Roadhog hooks.

So much this, holy shit there's just no excuse for those garbage comments saying they don't want a one-shot ability like that in the game.

Today I got lots of kills where my victims didn't have any time to react and was also killed without being able do absolutely nothing, the speed is insane and there's no Zarya/D.Va that can save you. The hook is a joke compared to this.
What about for roadhog they revert the rate of fire back to normal because he is a slow beast that's just who roadhog is.

Then keep his gun damage the same as it is right now but when ever he is at full health it goes back to what it was so you can get the hook and kill. This way in the heat of battle roadhog won't be as great but to kill the flankers and stuff he will hopefully pick them off at the beginning. This might make roadhog more of a flanker tank then he all ready was but at least he will be something instead of ass...

You get hit while hooking, lol. Play the character before saying stuff like this.


Tried Doomfist last night, looks promising. The best thing about him is that I don't think he's a dive hero, more like a "counter-dive". "But Yager, he's got so much mobility, he's a fucking olympic diver!"...yeah, he's got mobility, but to get in you have to basically use all your abilities, and also he isn't really "fast" when moving, unlike Tracer or Genji, who can just basically come in, get a pick and disappear.

Zarya seems like a good partner for Doomfist, and her ult's change is great. I bet we're going to see a lot more of her on comp (specially now that Mercy can't escape her ult. get rekt).
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