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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

The Widow buffs seem good and not OP. Giving her a quicker escape option combined with the wallhack for the spidermine for her makes her more useful. Altho, she's gonna be even more of a pain to deal with. I feel like she'll be a bigger nightmare on PC than console.

The wall hack seems a bit of an odd design choice to me, but that may be because I play her wrong. I usually put it in a blind spot so I can tell if people are sneaking up from behind me, but not far away enough that being able to see them from behind a wall would benefit me sniping them. Especially since if they get poisoned, they may as well just either stay in place, because I probably won't want to engage as Widow unless I call out to my team, or just back off.

It's a nice buff, but I don't see it being that useful. Like, I think using it to cover blind spots is more useful than throwing it into a choke point to get the wall hack to help you track them.


You won't believe how good it felt to have a full team and not worry about randoms throwing or trolling. We had a full team of PS4 squad and no one tilted and we worked together building out a good team comp. I didn't even feel bad when we finally lost one cuz that was a close game that ended up in the final round.

Season 5 is such a mess that 6-stacks is the way to go. Even one random who isn't playing with the team can totally ruin our matches.

I've been six stacking on my alt with gaffers. One of them got from plat to masters. We went 15-2 or something. I usually solo queue on my main account though.
Yesterday I played Lucioball with Lik and it was kinda of hilarious.

I'm pretty bad at the game, my experience from most of the matches was being in the middle of the field looking at the ball going from one goalie to the other lol

that's in the past.

Yup, they don't know what's coming when you get your A-Salt rifle.

It's all about the skin.

That first group we faced hated me so much when I was Zen. They literally had their Winston constantly go after me. If they were smarter, their DVa should've double teamed me but thankfully, they didn't do that. I Discord tanks every chance I get. Always top priority for me.

Yeah those games were pretty fun, koth is the best.

You never played with my Symm there! She's my main in Horizon.

Nope, I think it's only like the 3rd time I played comp in that map. One of them solo and another with a gaf stack but I can't remember if you were there.


The wall hack seems a bit of an odd design choice to me, but that may be because I play her wrong. I usually put it in a blind spot so I can tell if people are sneaking up from behind me, but not far away enough that being able to see them from behind a wall would benefit me sniping them. Especially since if they get poisoned, they may as well just either stay in place, because I probably won't want to engage as Widow unless I call out to my team, or just back off.

It's a nice buff, but I don't see it being that useful. Like, I think using it to cover blind spots is more useful than throwing it into a choke point to get the wall hack to help you track them.

I think it's gonna make the poisoned players think twice about peeking out since the Widow can see them behind walls. Lord knows how many times I was killed from good Widows with their Ults active as I happened to be outta cover for a split second.

I've been six stacking on my alt with gaffers. One of them got from plat to masters. We went 15-2 or something. I usually solo queue on my main account though.

You still playing on PS4?

Yesterday I played Lucioball with Lik and it was kinda of hilarious.

I'm pretty bad at the game, my experience from most of the matches was being in the middle of the field looking at the ball going from one goalie to the other lol

Nope, I think it's only like the 3rd time I played comp in that map. One of them solo and another with a gaf stack but I can't remember if you were there.

Yea, those Lucioballs were pretty chill. Altho I found the players in QP harder to play against than Comp. I feel like people were taking more risks in QP since there were no stakes. I did pretty well in Comp version of Lucioball.

Oh, you did fine in Horizon. Batman absolutely hates that map since he hasn't played it much. I really like it now. Way better than Hanamura and Anubis for Attack at least.
Yea, those Lucioballs were pretty chill. Altho I found the players in QP harder to play against than Comp. I feel like people were taking more risks in QP since there were no stakes. I did pretty well in Comp version of Lucioball.

Oh, you did fine in Horizon. Batman absolutely hates that map since he hasn't played it much. I really like it now. Way better than Hanamura and Anubis for Attack at least.

Agreed, like I said before Hanamura 1st point and Anubis 2nd are absolute trash, worst points in the game by far.

Volskaya is my favorite 2cp but Horizon is a close second.

I still don't know exactly the best way to defend the 1st point, I've seen people going top left but I can't say I like it.

Saw I cheese strat that I found funny that consisted in having a Orisa/Torb putting a turret with a shield in the point covering the entire front (that opening with a yellow border at the center), another tank (either Rein or Winston) that can switch between the left/right entrance depending from where the enemy team is coming, a Sym/Mercy combo and another dps, S76 preferably because of the healing station since it's only mercy healing and everyone is fighting on the point.

I really want to try it.


Agreed, like I said before Hanamura 1st point and Anubis 2nd are absolute trash, worst points in the game by far.

Volskaya is my favorite 2cp but Horizon is a close second.

I still don't know exactly the best way to defend the 1st point, I've seen people going top left but I can't say I like it.

Saw I cheese strat that I found funny that consisted in having a Orisa/Torb putting a turret with a shield in the point covering the entire front (that opening with a yellow border at the center), another tank (either Rein or Winston) that can switch between the left/right entrance depending from where the enemy team is coming, a Sym/Mercy combo and another dps, S76 preferably because of the healing station since it's only mercy healing and everyone is fighting on the point.

I really want to try it.

I can tell you a good team comp for first point cuz I've had games where were trashed because of it. On Defense, I recommend Orisa, Rein/Winston/DVa (any one of those), Torb, Symm and Mercy with a DPS. I foudn this combo from my games to be near inpenetrable in the first point. I think the only real way to take them out is some wombo combo Ults from Attacking teams.

But yea, Orisa combined with Torb is pretty strong there. They need to basically stay on point.

Mr Git

I play Sym or Torb if there's already one on Horizon defence and haven't lost yet. One or both for that map seems to work amazingly.
Sounds like PS4 squad has a lot of fun. I'm only a gold scrub so it might be a while before I play with you guys haha.

I was floating in 2300-2400 Gold range for the majority of this season and am by far the lowest SR of our usual group. I don't think anybody from the six-stack last night is above 3100 so if you're at least mid-Gold you should be able to play with us.

On Defense? Go ahead. She's super strong in that map. I only play as her in that map on Defense in both Comp and QP. You instalocked her so I had to pick someone else. Her teleporter can keep first point occupied if the enemy team sucks at destroying it. And she's invaluable on second point with her shield generator combined with Torb's armor. I was really happy Owzers picked Torb.

I have a set strategy with her in Horizon and it works 80% of the time as long as my team doesn't die within the first 2 team fights.

Yeah I think there was just a bit of miscommunication because I was originally going to go her, but then we ended up with Zen-Mercy-Sym and that seemed like a bad idea so I switched to DVa.

But I love playing her on Horizon/Hanamura/Eichenwalde Defense. I can make her work on Anubis/Volskaya/Hollywood too. I also used to do really well with her on Route 66, but I dunno if my strategies would work now.

Yesterday I played Lucioball with Lik and it was kinda of hilarious.

I'm pretty bad at the game, my experience from most of the matches was being in the middle of the field looking at the ball going from one goalie to the other lol

I went 2-8 in my competitive Lucioball matches and got placed in Gold. I thinking I scored maybe 2 goals over 10 matches. Lucio I can play, Lucioball I cannot.


Yeah I think there was just a bit of miscommunication because I was originally going to go her, but then we ended up with Zen-Mercy-Sym and that seemed like a bad idea so I switched to DVa.

Like I said before, I don't consider Symm a Support hero so even if we have two healers, you can use Symm. She's more Defense than anything else. She needs someone healing her anyway if you want her to stay in the fight longer. Her kill potential in Horizon first point is fantastic because of the enclosed space.

No offense to my PS4 squaddies but Symm + 2 healers is perfectly fine in a team comp, imo.


Had a guy log out mid game for somebody else to play on the account who was feeding a lot on Eichenwalde A then when we lost it was somehow losing health in the castle when we were still fighting on the second point before the bridge. Think he was chasing a doomfist on final point for some reason. Maybe reenacting doomfist vs winston.


Back to Masters for this season. Only took me 3 games post placement. Could keep playing till bonus sr is gone or just stop. Dunno.
Agreed, like I said before Hanamura 1st point and Anubis 2nd are absolute trash, worst points in the game by far.

Volskaya is my favorite 2cp but Horizon is a close second.

I still don't know exactly the best way to defend the 1st point, I've seen people going top left but I can't say I like it.

Saw I cheese strat that I found funny that consisted in having a Orisa/Torb putting a turret with a shield in the point covering the entire front (that opening with a yellow border at the center), another tank (either Rein or Winston) that can switch between the left/right entrance depending from where the enemy team is coming, a Sym/Mercy combo and another dps, S76 preferably because of the healing station since it's only mercy healing and everyone is fighting on the point.

I really want to try it.

Reaper works really well with the Orisa/Torb strat.

When they come in from the sides he can melt them almost immediately. He's pretty great on last point as well.


Reaper works really well with the Orisa/Torb strat.

When they come in from the sides he can melt them almost immediately. He's pretty great on last point as well.

Yea, Reaper is really good at quickly getting rid of a Winston and also his Ult can clean up.


Not sure how I feel about the Junkrat changes, felt like he was in a good place and double mine will make him extremely powerful in certain maps i.e Anubis point 2
Not sure how I feel about the Junkrat changes, felt like he was in a good place and double mine will make him extremely powerful in certain maps i.e Anubis point 2

I'm looking forward to new strategies with Junkrat and double mines. I haven't really played with him in so long my skills have gotten rusty.


Great, a post on the top of the OW Reddit talking about how they need to nerf Doomfist.

This is exactly how it starts. The circlejerk happens, then Blizzard reacts. Same shit happened with RH, Dva and others.

Im so tired of hearing people complain about balance when the character has been out for like 2 weeks.

There are SO MANY characters that counter him. Isnt that what his game is all about? Countering the other teams characters?

Nah, instead, Ill just bitch on reddit and get what I want through nerfs so I can keep playing Genji and not have to worry about getting hit by doomfist.


What if they nerfed Defense Matrix so that it can only absorb physical projectiles (rockets, bullets, arrows, etc)? "Energy" based projectiles will just go through, not just beams. This would effectively make other tanks better at dealing with d.va and she can still do a good job at neutralizing the attack heroes. This would make Zarya pretty strong though if her grav can go through DM.


Neo Member
Those Orisa buffs might end up going under the radar but they're really strong. More consistent damage plus even better shield coverage is gonna make her the premier "anchor tank" for anyone who bothers to learn how to use her.

Mr Git

I just lost a comp game but my SR didn't change. Thought our team was pretty poor as well. Is this what normal comp is like, I've not played much.


What if they nerfed Defense Matrix so that it can only absorb physical projectiles (rockets, bullets, arrows, etc)? "Energy" based projectiles will just go through, not just beams. This would effectively make other tanks better at dealing with d.va and she can still do a good job at neutralizing the attack heroes. This would make Zarya pretty strong though if her grav can go through DM.

I think if they created a hero that shot out laser projectiles then that would be a great counter and they don't need to change DVa again.

I just lost a comp game but my SR didn't change. Thought our team was pretty poor as well. Is this what normal comp is like, I've not played much.

You encountered one of the best bugs.


Those Orisa buffs might end up going under the radar but they're really strong. More consistent damage plus even better shield coverage is gonna make her the premier "anchor tank" for anyone who bothers to learn how to use her.

I think people don't appreciate how much large her clip is. I see a lot of people reloading after spending only a small portion of her clip out of habit.

Orisa needs to have limitations on her gun to not be overpowered because otherwise she is basically a version of Bastion turret mode that can move and put up shields. She definitely needs the buff to her projectile speed because her damage is very inconsistent, but people are gonna be surprised at how powerful she's gonna end up being I think.


Been playing Roadhog. Seems like people have already forgotten how to play against him.

Haven't noticed any difference in the way I play him. If I hook someone clean, I'll get the kill.
Doomfist is so easily countered that anyone straight up saying he is OP right now is insane.

Anyway, if you guys want to check out some pro Overwatch on the newest patch go watch the two Apex Season 4 games that we're played today. There was quite a bit more variety than we had seen in the dive meta and a lot of Doomfist too.

In even bigger news, USA VS NEW ZEALAND WORLD CUP MATCH STARTS AT 1 EST BE THERE OR BE SQUARE USA USA USA (it's on the pre-Doomfist patch but oh well)

I should probably mention you can watch on Twitch


Give her a Mad Max skin ala D.Va's Junkertown skins and we'll be good.

Or an actual Centaur skin.

Holy shit that is an amazing skin.

And I hate how bland Orisa has been so far, her personality isn't in your face like all the other characters, I know some people like that about her but I just find it boring. Add on top of that her not so exciting kit and you just get an uninteresting character with a safe playstyle.
I've reached a point where I'm most comfortable playing Sombra over any other character, regardless of the situation. I just wish PotG wasn't garbage and would highlight me doing things sometimes. I'm the reason we won dammit, not goddamn enemy Sym who held left click jumping around killing maybe 2 enemies.


For this halloween, rather than going the spooky route, they should make a few heros dress as another. Imagine Torbjorn in Reinhardt's suit of armor.


Doomfist is so easily countered that anyone straight up saying he is OP right now is insane.


Any time I ever bitched about a hero, someone always retorts with "counter it with x,y,z"

But those same people seem to forget that philosophy when a new character is released. Doomfist has so many counters that it dissuades me from playing him competitively.

It will be ridiculous if they nerf him. His rocket punch is the only thing that makes him even worthy of a pick. Nerfing that makes him useless.
Doomfist is so easily countered that anyone straight up saying he is OP right now is insane.

That's not the point, the problem is not him being op or weak, it's the rocket punch ability.

No one says Hanzo is op just because he has a scatter arrow. We really didn't need more bullshit like this in the game

Any time I ever bitched about a hero, someone always retorts with "counter it with x,y,z"

But those same people seem to forget that philosophy when a new character is released. Doomfist has so many counters that it dissuades me from playing him competitively.

It will be ridiculous if they nerf him. His rocket punch is the only thing that makes him even worthy of a pick. Nerfing that makes him useless.

Right? Like just play Pharah, Soldier, or McCree and he immediately becomes way worse.

He's got a big hit box and no range, and the general Overwatch population doesn't know what to do against him lol
That's not the point, the problem is not him being op or weak, it's the rocket punch ability.

No one says Hanzo is op just because he has a scatter arrow. We really didn't need more bullshit like this in the game

Than people need to use the right terminology and not call him OP. That's a big deal in my opinion.

I think his Rocket Punch can get some stupid kills sometimes but...
A. He can get punished pretty easily when he does it.
B. There's lots of abilities in the game that can get dumb kills i.e. scatter arrow, Roadhog's hook, Junkrat, etc.

That's not me defending the design behind the ability, but there's a lot of other heroes in this game with similar abilities. I will say that if you weaken his punch, he becomes a much less viable hero and way less fun to play.
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