Dead Prince
Y'all sym main need to relax.
Y'all sym main need to relax.
You might need to actually create a degree for console settings for how over complicated this shit is.Console aim settings sound unusually complicated.
Y'all sym main need to relax.
Duo with me bro?Fuck you say bout my kin bruh?
I'll have you know my attack teleporters take points faster than any configuration of the dive comp you THINK any pro meta can do.
When my shields are on, you can go in.
When I flank the supports, you can go in.
My barriers block Earthshatters ffs, so it's me keeping you on your feet.
You might think it won't come someday, but the Symmetra meta will, and all the skills I mastered while being a pariah in your meta will be worth as much as 5 golds.
You'll be begging me to queue, and I'll turn around and say:
I don't think so.
Mina Kimes wrote a fantastic article about Geguri and the female Overwatch community in South Korea. It opened my eyes to a lot about the feminist community there too.
When you're done, check out this short interview she did with Jeff Kaplan as well.
New D.Va skin for Heroes of the Storm. I can barely even tell it's her.
I don't want to spend $40 on a skin, but it's
what do I do?
Edit: Wait, it's for HotS? Just HotS? Oh, who gives a shit then
It's still a cool cosmetic skin. *shrug*
Months after and I'm still not used to the nerf hog. It feels so disorienting on some level to outplay a genji on every level and constantly hook him and shoot+melee him only to have him run away off with a small amount of health. Then he is instantly healed and it all amounts to nothing. It's also not a target you can fire at once to soften and then hook because he is ungodly fast. Should be able to oneshot at least genji because he is one of the hardest one to hook in the whole game. It's so unrewarding to hook genji now. I almost don't even want to because it's borderline impossible to actually shut him down with that.
Well it works both ways as genji literally does nothing to hog now.
New D.Va skin for Heroes of the Storm. I can barely even tell it's her.
Which is fine, of course, happy for the HotS fans in here that like D.Va.
But I'm exclusively interested in Overwatch stuff, so it's kind of a relief for that I won't have to cough up that much money for a skin.
And it's middling the line between being so unique that I really want it and being so edgy that I think the skin is kinda ridiculous.
Personally, some heroes have gotten skins that I think are almost perfect and don't see Blizzard topping themselves. Oasis Symmetra, Cyber Ninja Hanzo...Okay, Genji has 3 of them in Oni, Blackwatch, and Sentai. But I'm waiting for the absolute perfect D.Va skin to show up. I like her Cruiser skin, and her Junkertown skins are fun, but I'm not a fan of the insect ones and my favorite is actually the white one called White Rabbit.
I want a legendary that I feel the need to use exclusively.
Well while ulting he can kill my team without me being able to shut it down even if I land the hook. Requires teammates who are on point with that shit and focusfire on Genji to finish him but most of the time said teammates aren't on point :/
Thanks, I read both articles. I didn't know she did features like theses. I sometimes hear her on the Bill Barnwell podcast whenever they talk about the Seahawks or cover the NFC West.
:symmains:Fuck you say bout my kin bruh?
I'll have you know my attack teleporters take points faster than any configuration of the dive comp you THINK any pro meta can do.
When my shields are on, you can go in.
When I flank the supports, you can go in.
My barriers block Earthshatters ffs, so it's me keeping you on your feet.
You might think it won't come someday, but the Symmetra meta will, and all the skills I mastered while being a pariah in your meta will be worth as much as 5 golds.
You'll be begging me to queue, and I'll turn around and say:
I don't think so.
I'd use it in overwatchGood lord what an abomination
This skin is ugly af, ewww.
New D.Va skin for Heroes of the Storm. I can barely even tell it's her.
Months after and I'm still not used to the nerf hog. It feels so disorienting on some level to outplay a genji on every level and constantly hook him and shoot+melee him only to have him run away off with a small amount of health. Then he is instantly healed and it all amounts to nothing. It's also not a target you can fire at once to soften and then hook because he is ungodly fast. Should be able to oneshot at least genji because he is one of the hardest one to hook in the whole game. It's so unrewarding to hook genji now. I almost don't even want to because it's borderline impossible to actually shut him down with that.
Try walking forward a bit before you shoot. I can get the kill on him more often than not.
Also with that mouth it's totally a D.Va / Deathwing mashupSince I see you all like debating D.Vablo
Since I see you all like debating D.Vablo, here's the in-game version:
Months after and I'm still not used to the nerf hog. It feels so disorienting on some level to outplay a genji on every level and constantly hook him and shoot+melee him only to have him run away off with a small amount of health. Then he is instantly healed and it all amounts to nothing. It's also not a target you can fire at once to soften and then hook because he is ungodly fast. Should be able to oneshot at least genji because he is one of the hardest one to hook in the whole game. It's so unrewarding to hook genji now. I almost don't even want to because it's borderline impossible to actually shut him down with that.
Junker is my favorite!Why does HOTS get all of the good OW skins ��
Yeah D.Va herself is fine. The meka is the big problem for me.
Also with that mouth it's totally a D.Va / Deathwing mashup
I would play 10 more games of HoTS for this skin in Ovie.2real4OW
I would play 10 more games of HoTS for this skin in Ovie.
You hear me Blizzard?
I turned it off and I'm liking it. I had my sensitivity up to 78 but turning off Aim Smoothing and I've had to reduce it quite a bit, now I'm at 42 sensitivity. I also had Aim Ease In at zero, don't know if I should turn that back up?Why do ana's keep nanoboosting me as D.Va?
The extra damage is appreciated, but it makes me a huge target and I don't exactly have a lot of range/options (yet) and I could be DMing the team.
On the other hand, I know I said it yesterday, but it bears repeating:
I would play 10 more games of HoTS for this skin in Ovie.
You hear me Blizzard?
I turned it off and I'm liking it. I had my sensitivity up to 78 but turning off Aim Smoothing and I've had to reduce it quite a bit, now I'm at 42 sensitivity. I also had Aim Ease In at zero, don't know if I should turn that back up?