Unconfirmed Member
Console or PC?
PC, 2100 SR, and I'm not calling her overpowered, just like Roadhog 1 hit wasn't overpowered. Just not fun to play against, particularly in solo queue where help doesn't always come.
Unless you think it's easy to fight a Pharah with a Zen and Mercy healing her by yourself with a soldier. I find I always take her down to 25% health, and she just drops to the ground behind a wall, and then pops back up 2 seconds later fully healed.
Maybe I just need to learn to play widow.
Either way, it mostly just sucks having to be forced into one of like 6 different heros that can fight her if you want to climb at all. She deletes half the roster unless you're confident in your teammates to deal with her for you, which is a bad bet. Zarya, Orisa, Reinhart, Mei, Reaper, Tracer, Junkrat, Roadhog, Symmetra, and Torb, are basically off limits to someone looking to climb unless you either get no enemy pharah or teammates that know how to deal with her. Sombra, Bastion, and Genji isn't great against her either.