He can (or at least could in the beta) but it's just hard to hit because no Junkrat throws his mine directly at the enemy.
He can't deflect the trap though IIRC.
Or just put up your shield. Blocks the explosion.
I discovered Zenyatta this weekend. Great fun. Love him. Discord orb is great. People have to fall back or be killed. Great to disrupt enemy offense.
I also wanna take this oppurtunity to call out that one McCree, who was letting the enemy sneak behind and kill me all the time , that was shouting "I need healing" all the time.
Good job.
After experience I just had with Mei's ult I call bs on that claim. I knew where she put it and I heard it, but I didn't see it. I was even one full floor higher than deployed ult, so I was out of line of sight and vertically a lots above. Still got frozen by it.
I feel like every character should be able to see teammate health levels and have them all be on by default.
Isn't this important information, even for players who are not able to heal? Even if I am a Pharah, if I see a Critical teammate I also would be more likely to follow them to see if the are getting hunted to lend support so they don't die before reaching a health pack/healer.
Would there be any downsides to having all teammates know each other's health?
I feel like every character should be able to see teammate health levels and have them all be on by default.
Isn't this important information, even for players who are not able to heal? Even if I am a Pharah, if I see a Critical teammate I also would be more likely to follow them to see if the are getting hunted to lend support so they don't die before reaching a health pack/healer.
Would there be any downsides to having all teammates know each other's health?
I'd love him if he was just a tad more survivable. Like faster or more HP. But atm it feels like anything kills him super fast if you don't have Reinhardt and/or Zarya in your team.
oh mei, sorry I thought you meant dva. yeah no los on mei ult
When you think you have seen all weird and/or straight out bs design decisions in OW it just surprises you and reveals some new.
Lootbox gods blessed me today.
Third epic I got for free and I'm only level 45.
I played with GAFfers all weekend. Nobody singles anyone out. Of course, we all want to win, myself included. But in our losses, I can't say that a single person was some sort of dead weight. Sometimes, you just get beat. Sometimes, you're just off.
ZaryaI'm stuck on deciding what tank to learn. Thinking either D Va or Zarya.
Nice. June Bug is my favorite D. VA legendary but B. Va is pretty awesome too.
I'm stuck on deciding what tank to learn. Thinking either D Va or Zarya.
Uploaded some Torb gameplay where I ask if his turret needs to get nerfed/adjusted:
Personally, I don't think Torb's turret is that difficult to deal with. I can see why it may be an issue to some, mainly if people face more than 3 and they can't get a good team composition to counter.
This may have been true in beta and the week after launch, but assuming mid- to high-tier MMR Zarya is absolutely playable in pubs. With proper barrier timing her damage output is insane at any range, with her shields she's more self-sufficient than a Winston or Reinhardt and black hole wins games by itself.If you play only pubs, dva is much easier, as you can help the team by your own if you play well.
Zarya needs a much better team to work. She is good, but when working with people that understand how to play the game.
I guess they're harder to deal with on console? They die extremely quickly on PC.
I'm stuck on deciding what tank to learn. Thinking either D Va or Zarya.
Is it wrong for me to assume 90% of D. Va players are just playing her because she's their waifu?
I've played too many class based games where no one will go near the tanky class, yet I see people actively jump on D. Va. If Lucio didn't already exist I would suggest a Jpop star who heals people with music and then I'd never have to worry about playing support either.
D.Va is only the better choice if you want to be barely useful memer.
D.Va isn't even a real tank and icon Z is the best hero in the game so
This may have been true in beta and the week after launch, but assuming mid- to high-tier MMR Zarya is absolutely playable in pubs. With proper barrier timing her damage output is insane at any range, with her shields she's more self-sufficient than a Winston or Reinhardt and black hole wins games by itself.
D.Va is only the better choice if you want to be barely useful memer.
Uploaded some Torb gameplay where I ask if his turret needs to get nerfed/adjusted:
Personally, I don't think Torb's turret is that difficult to deal with. I can see why it may be an issue to some, mainly if people face more than 3 and they can't get a good team composition to counter.
Is it wrong for me to assume 90% of D. Va players are just playing her because she's their waifu?
I've played too many class based games where no one will go near the tanky class, yet I see people actively jump on D. Va. If Lucio didn't already exist I would suggest a Jpop star who heals people with music and then I'd never have to worry about playing support either.
I don't think a lot of people listen to the cues. Mercy get hit and she's like protect me they are behindPeople who cannot protect their medic don't deserve healing.
A good Zarya is nigh-unstoppable, especially when backed up by a good team. Reinhardt is the Tank's Tank, but Zarya is orders of magnitude more dangerous... if you know what you're doing with her. Easily one of the higher-skill characters.
People who cannot protect their medic don't deserve healing.
Is it wrong for me to assume 90% of D. Va players are just playing her because she's their waifu?
I've played too many class based games where no one will go near the tanky class, yet I see people actively jump on D. Va. If Lucio didn't already exist I would suggest a Jpop star who heals people with music and then I'd never have to worry about playing support either.
I like D.Va, but she really, really needs less severe damage drop off. She's WORTHLESS unless you're right up in her space... but she's not very mobile and her boost has a relatively long cool down.
People who cannot protect their medic don't deserve healing.
Lootbox gods blessed me today.
Third epic I got for free and I'm only level 45.
People who cannot protect their medic don't deserve healing.
People who cannot protect their medic don't deserve healing.
It also depends on they game mode.
I like D.Va, but I only use her in KOTH. There she's usefull in my opinion. Payload I'd rather go Reinhard or Roadhog, depending on attacking or defending.