Does Lucio heal Rein's shield like Mercy does? Always feel I'm not helping Rein when I play Lucio.
Mercy doesn't even heal Reinhardts shield? o_o''
Does Lucio heal Rein's shield like Mercy does? Always feel I'm not helping Rein when I play Lucio.
Err Mercy doesnt heal his shield?
Err Mercy doesnt heal his shield?
Mercy doesn't even heal Reinhardts shield? o_o''
No but that would really nullify shooting and destroying the shield as a strategy.Huh, thought she did for some reason
Huh, thought she did for some reason
is that reason because you see Mercy's lashed on to Reinhardts because they saw Medics do that to Heavies in TF2?
Idk man, usually I survive, make it into smoke firm, weave around into a position as I come out of it and then just let the bodies hit the floor.I love hooking Reapers with a Q, Still can one shot them right when they try to get it off![]()
Those are great tips, but...
Idk man, usually I survive, make it into smoke firm, weave around into a position as I come out of it and then just let the bodies hit the floor.
I very rarely see a Roadhog kill a Reaper nowadays.
I think Winston has become my favorite Hero by far. Nothing more enjoyable than eating Widowmaker's lunch.
Try getting one as Lucio. Good luck with that. Unless you kill 3+ people at once using your alt fire near a cliff, I don't see how when you have to fight against people using their Qs or stronger weapons.
When does the weekly brawl update? Gonna be sad to see mystery heroes go.![]()
Try getting one as Lucio. Good luck with that. Unless you kill 3+ people at once using your alt fire near a cliff, I don't see how when you have to fight against people using their Qs or stronger weapons.
Mystery heroes should be a permanent mode in the game. I enjoyed Shimada Bros. but I really missed mystery heroes last week.When does the weekly brawl update? Gonna be sad to see mystery heroes go.![]()
Yup. Pharah, Mercy, Zen, Widow, Hanzo, Genji... It's so fun hunting them down as Winston. Most of the time they panic and jump around and try to escape and it's extremely hard to get away from a Winston once he's zero'd in on you. He just destroys the low health Heroes in the game.Winston <3
untrained Pharah. some people would panic and fly away.. like... they didn't know winston can fly up there too.i jump and shock them and they just let go and drop and i finish them off. it's also fun when a half health pharah decides to ult and i go up behind them lol.
Mystery heroes should be a permanent mode in the game. I enjoyed Shimada Bros. but I really missed mystery heroes last week.
Yup. Pharah, Mercy, Zen, Widow, Hanzo, Genji... It's so fun hunting them down as Winston. Most of the time they panic and jump around and try to escape and it's extremely hard to get away from a Winston once he's zero'd in on you. He just destroys the low health Heroes in the game.
I like mystery heroes in theory but it usually just makes me frustrated. Yeah thanks for giving us 3 Mercys. Meanwhile whichever team rolls a Bastion or Pharah when the other side has no counters, wins.
Still more interesting than the other weekly brawls they've had, hoping for something actually cool this time.
wow, there are people that like that brawl?
That's funny cause I love hunting down winston. And then to top it off, Tracer goes "sorry old pal" or something sorta often when I kill a winston lol.
wow, there are people that like that brawl?
it is nice, though my playtime is like 95% quick play and 5% mystery, there are people that like that brawl?
You shouldn't worry about that regardless of what mode you are playing;Its awesome, its dumb fun without having to worry about what characters people are playing.
wow, there are people that like that brawl?
You shouldn't worry about that regardless of what mode you are playing;
wow, there are people that like that brawl?
It can get annoying when I'm in a pubby by myself, but with friends its a blast. Not for everyone though...I played a game where someone on the mic said "god damnit I just died as my main I'm gonna die quick to cycle back to him"...
And he wasn't kidding...We lost that game if you're wondering
I like mystery heroes in theory but it usually just makes me frustrated. Yeah thanks for giving us 3 Mercys. Meanwhile whichever team rolls a Bastion or Pharah when the other side has no counters, wins.
Yeah as Winston I try not to dance with Tracer as they're incredibly similar heroes. I always feel I have a 50/50 chance of killing her but even if I do she's probably distracted me from distracting her team. I don't see how a Tracer could actively hunt down a Winston, though. Tracer's fast, but like every other character she can't match Winston's horizontal and vertical mobility. He can disengage just as easily from a fight gone sour as she can, and often in a way she won't be able to follow. Roadhogs, McCrees (naturally) and Bastions are actually the heroes that give me the most grief as Winston.That's funny cause I love hunting down winston. And then to top it off, Tracer goes "sorry old pal" or something sorta often when I kill a winston lol.
wow, there are people that like that brawl?
A Reinhardt can tank the turrets and snipers for his team to destroy the defenses, you can also send a Tracer to blink through the defenses and go directly to the objective, which will either cause them to lose the objective or split up, softening the defenses (unless they have defenses there too, but in that case the gate will not be as protected).There are a couple levels in the game which I feel are a bit broken. One is an asian themed level (I think it was hanamura?) and the other was a more middle eastern sand level, and both feature a chokepoint early on where the entire team has to go through a big door/archway which becomes laughably hard when the other team sets up defenses there. Unless I'm missing some alternate paths around, they seem really poorly designed.
There are a couple levels in the game which I feel are a bit broken. One is an asian themed level (I think it was hanamura?) and the other was a more middle eastern sand level, and both feature a chokepoint early on where the entire team has to go through a big door/archway which becomes laughably hard when the other team sets up defenses there. Unless I'm missing some alternate paths around, they seem really poorly designed.
Hanamura A isn't that hard to take, I don't think. Attackers spawn much closer to the point than defenders, and a single orchestrated push by the attacking team can seal the deal. It's Hanamura B (and Anubis B) that seems to give everyone the most problems. The game suddenly shifts to revolving around turret offense/defense regardless of what happened in the first half of the match.There are a couple levels in the game which I feel are a bit broken. One is an asian themed level (I think it was hanamura?) and the other was a more middle eastern sand level, and both feature a chokepoint early on where the entire team has to go through a big door/archway which becomes laughably hard when the other team sets up defenses there. Unless I'm missing some alternate paths around, they seem really poorly designed.
Just ran into a team of 6 Mei's
Our team switched to mainly Pharah. Delicious Mei death.
Hanamura and Temple of Anubis both have very difficult chokepoints for the Attack team to get through (nearly impossible with a good Defense team.) I would not be upset if they received a slight rework.
Just ran into a team of 6 Mei's
Our team switched to mainly Pharah. Delicious Mei death.
A Reinhardt can tank the turrets and snipers for his team to destroy the defenses, you can also send a Tracer to blink through the defenses and go directly to the objective, which will either cause them to lose the objective or split up, softening the defenses (unless they have defenses there too, but in that case the gate will not be as protected).
In Hanamura it is even easier since Genji/Pharah can go through that window near the huge gate and take the left path to distract the opponents, while a Reinhardt can yolo dash directly to the objective to draw attention.
Honestly the points B in both maps are far more hellish than the points A, especially on Hanamora. I hate being on offense in Hanamura -_-