I mean, K/D doesn't mean anything if you're doing your job. Stats aren't great or bad without a proper context. No reason to even think of them.
If you want to see if you're doing relatively better or worse you'll have to check your stats for individual characters.
By the way, what does Zarya say when you ult? I always hear something like "Time for the toughness test!".
By the way, what does Zarya say when you ult? I always hear something like "Time for the toughness test!".
I love playing as Zenyatta and will deffo be playing more of him now that he isn't a one-shot miracle for Widows.
By the way, what does Zarya say when you ult? I always hear something like "Time for the toughness test!".
I always hear it as "Going for the toddler steal.
this has always been the case if you're a fast tracer.I just tried McCree and Tracer can apparently rewind out of stun animation, mid fan-the-hammer.Stun definitely played first. Either that or the stun is short than I'm expecting.
Lucille is so overpowered it's dumb as shit. Just played a game where he stopped the entire payload for six minutes by jumping off walls and running in circles while healing himself. He moves too fast to hit with a controller. Fucking stupid.
A while ago I saw a good video for SC2, saying that wins and losses aren't very important since the matchmaking system will try to match you up with similarly skilled players which will mean that just about every other game will be a loss. While that's not perfectly applicable to stats (and the MMR system is kind of wonky in this game), his point was that you should try to measure improvement in very specific areas every game. I.e. this game I will have perfect macro and never be supply blocked, and then focus hard on that aspect in the game. You can then measure your success in improving something, rather than looking at a more finicky result which to some extent is out of your control if you're matched up improperly.I know I shouldn't think about them as much. I'd probably play better for it and enjoy myself more.
Does score/min mean anything on Master Overwatch? Just saw I'm ranked as #9700 as Tracer and #427 as Reinhardt. Doesn't sound like much but considering the size of the player base...
My Lucio needs work though.
I've added a few people from the document, but to be honest I have too much performance anxiety to hit most of them up for a game. It's easier to play with people you know already than be bad in someone else's game :/ (To my above post's point this is something I should improve so if you're willing you can hit me up for a game tonight, my tag is in the doc)how does organising games work? is everyone just mass-adding people in their area from the google doc, or is it arranged on discord itself? (never used it before)
eu pc here.
Up to level 90 and feeling pretty good about my Xbox leaderboard positions. Win rate has suffered a bit over the past two days, though. :/
Lionhardt is also the best looking one out of all the skins in the game (LA Laker colors!).
Good album 👌Up to level 90 and feeling pretty good about my Xbox leaderboard positions. Win rate has suffered a bit over the past two days, though. :/
I just tried McCree and Tracer can apparently rewind out of stun animation, mid fan-the-hammer.Stun definitely played first. Either that or the stun is short than I'm expecting.
What do these icons mean?
what does it mean when people have a star next to their level? that they went to level 99 and have to start over again?
Was at low health then I got killed by Genji's deflect during my FTH.... he must have deflected my last bullet.
Just need to be quicker on my clicking lol.
Connection issue, perhaps packet loss.
The packet loss symbol is different, it appeared a lot for me last night. Every time I used some mobility ability like D.Va's booster or Reinhardt's charge the hero would weirdly flick around ._.Connection issue, perhaps packet loss.
It is because the hook is a glitchy mess. If the Roadhog is holding down the button you shouldn't have time to react after the hook, but sometimes you not only can, but you will be pulled behind or above Roadhog.I've managed to escape McCrees flashbang + FAN several times with deflect. You need to do it real fast in order to kill the Genji or Tracer without them escaping.
Same thing with Roadhog's hook, you can deflect his shot after getting chained. Though it's 50/50 whether he kills me or if I manage to deflect the shotgun blast, not sure is it because some Hog players shooter faster after hooking or is it just the game randomly picking one players action over another.
Had a Genji deflect my Mei alt back and froze five of my teammates.
Feels bad, man.
I've managed to escape McCrees flashbang + FAN several times with deflect. You need to do it real fast in order to kill the Genji or Tracer without them escaping.
Same thing with Roadhog's hook, you can deflect his shot after getting chained. Though it's 50/50 whether he kills me or if I manage to deflect the shotgun blast, not sure is it because some Hog players shooter faster after hooking or is it just the game randomly picking one players action over another.
Haha, awesome. Come to think of it, can Genji deflect Tracer or Zarya ults the same way?
About that, I've read that it's actually better to hold your escape button (Tracer E for example) than to spam it when hooked or flashbanged ie you're more likely to escape. Does anyone know if there's truth to that?
https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/7779What do these icons mean?
Note: The thresholds for these icons are currently turned down very low, and will pulse when there isn't necessarily a problem. This threshold may change.
I think I'm getting burnt out. Matchmaking seems to hate me these last few days.
So I kept killing this lvl 70 Hanzo with Symmetra because he was going near my teleport and apparently it was his first time because he kept freaking out.
And apparently now I have to do some nasty things to my mother ;(
By the way, what does Zarya say when you ult? I always hear something like "Time for the toughness test!".
Always sounds like "I'm going for the top [russian word]" to me
Огонь по готовности. It means "fire at will".
Just like Mei's "冻住,不许走!" means "freeze, don't move!"
I love that line.Ogon po gotovnosti (for yourself and enemies)
Matchmaking hates everyone, it needs to keep you in a 50% win rate, after allI think I'm getting burnt out. Matchmaking seems to hate me these last few days.
Here's one of my biggest complaints: I see teammate fighting enemy player. I run over to help heal and boost them. Enemy player decides to focus on me first. Teammates runs off to look for someone else to fight. AAARRGGGHHH.
For me, it's just having a little concern making sure your Mercy is okay. Not saying to spend all your time checking on me, but if you know an enemy is right around you and you are getting attacked at all, give a thought to the fact that Mercy might be in trouble at that moment.
When Reinhardt says "group up with me", and then he dashes into a group of enemies and dies in seconds.
When Reinhardt says "group up with me", and then he dashes into a group of enemies and dies in seconds.
I will ping the point and say group with me if I want the team to follow me to the point. Like, I am going to dash there and distract their team, so use the opportunity to get to the point or soften their defenses. Works wonderfuly on maps like Hanamura (point A) and Numbani (if they don't have a Bastion sitting there). I find that better than standing behind a corner waiting for my shield to refill.