Props to those to randoms for not leaving, but lol you guys are trolls, haha. This is too funny.
Props to those to randoms for not leaving, but lol you guys are trolls, haha. This is too funny.
I really don't understand what's fun about going Tor on attack and getting your turrets destroyed the whole time
maybe they'll feel sorry and stop killing it
cant get to 55% win rate to save my lifey
i mean im solo queueing and everything im reading saying much more than that is pretty unrealistic, dunno
Props to those to randoms for not leaving, but lol you guys are trolls, haha. This is too funny.
Should I do that to improve my aimi just realized i had the game locked at 30FPS for the longest time
when i took off FPS caps my aim suddenly went from garbage tier to god tier
Yes. Aiming is so much smoother because the rendered frames will line up or are closer to lining up with the frame that shows up on your screen. Feels a lot better/responsive, at least IMOShould I do that to improve my aim
Yes. Aiming is so much smoother because the rendered frames will line up or are closer to lining up with the frame that shows up on your screen. Feels a lot better, at least IMO
no because on 30 fps you aim like someone with a cerebral hemorrhage.
i think roadhog's hook should not be allowed to hook people through walls.
i just realized i had the game locked at 30FPS for the longest time
when i took off FPS caps my aim suddenly went from garbage tier to god tier
or turn his hook into a remote hook that can maneuver around walls.
I wonder what you would do if you left enhanced pointer percision on in the mouse control panel.
Dear Matchmaking,
Can you please, at some point today, put me in a match that's actually winnable, and not either a total steamroll where I start at the beginning of the game and get 3-4 gold medals, or one where I get shoved into a game in progress in which my team has not even defended the objective for a single second?
Your Friend,
they have that feature already, it's 20 tick rate.
If anything it needs to be shortened, that chain is stupid long
Having a lot of fun with my friend when playing Control point maps. I play as Lucio on them, and he plays Symmetra. Start of the game, i boost the speed to the control point. He gets a little extra time to set up his turrets and then things seem to always go our way from there. 6-0 currently in control maps using this strategy. Its real fun haha.
uhh, terrible because that's mouse acceleration?I wonder what you would do if you left enhanced pointer percision on in the mouse control panel.
You must be very lucky in playing 6 straight games in a control map withouy the enemy team having a Lucio of their own which would completely negate your strategy.
I dont remember the last time I played a control map and both teams didnt have Lucio. Are you on console?
so THIS is why they look like security cameras
flash banging someone and right clicking :^)Been messing around with mei the past few days and i've just been the most obnoxious little shit. Is there anything more satisfying than sniping a pharah out of the air, or ice walling an enemy reaper so he's stuck in a doorway while he ults?
That's the point though. Pull the backline squishies to the front.
uhhh... should that be on or off? I'm asking for a friend.
Yea console
Console landscape for this game is truly a strange beast. I feel more and more there should be seperate threads tbh
I am so sick and tired of getting into losing games right at the end. Fuck this matchmaking, just fucking put in if payload is x meters from end dont fill the fucking spot
Nah, at this point it's a death sentence for squishes. Positioning doesn't matter if the end of that pull is guaranteed death.
It's not THAT big of a deal, it's not like you get a loss from it. I know it's annoying though.
It's a waste of time. It's especially bad if you're new to the game like me because it just delays you being able to practice. And there's a LOT of quitting in the lower levels, believe me.
Right, a waste of time like sitting in a queue. And maybe a minute due to the end screens.
I love how you guys always think it's your teammates that's the problem. You get 4 gold medals and think you carried a losing team. Funny how you guys never mention the games where you get 0 gold medals and someone else carries you. Stop whining so much.
It's the same shit every day seeing you guys whine about bad teammates. Half those games you're probably the bad teammate.
It's not THAT big of a deal, it's not like you get a loss from it. I know it's annoying though.