I don't understand the insult "tryhard". My team gets this thrown at it every so often when we win hard. As in stomping the enemy team like ants hard. Should I let myself get killed once in a while so they feel better?
I quietly take the game seriously. I never go at people unless they start in the chat window. If people choose an 'incorrect' character for the map / mode then so what? It can be very annoying but I am not going to be vocal in the chat window about it. I just play the match and finish and then find a new match.
I only go at people when they are being cocks in the chat window; I cannot stand big-headed randoms who blame everyone else but never look closer to home. Everyone has a bad day, might be new, just not know what are the ideal characters to choose in a given situation. I am not an anorak: I do not know the maps inside-and-out, the best places to do this or do that. I give my bloody all, though, and contribute a fair amount to each map so that will do for me.
Non objective play is the biggest annoyance as I often wonder if players are afraid of dying. The other day we had the payload near a checkpoint and it then took two minutes to move it about 1 inch because everyone started to abandon the damn thing. Trying to move it on your own against the other team of 6 is not fun.
I don't understand the insult "tryhard". My team gets this thrown at it every so often when we win hard. As in stomping the enemy team like ants hard. Should I let myself get killed once in a while so they feel better?
Well it depends on how the play.![]()
I checked both their profiles and who would've thought they only ever played Genji / Hanzo. I get it they're both cool Ninjas and shit but people who play only a single hero are insufferable.
Yeah, this is me. Sure it annoys me when I see two teammates not jumping on the point in overtime but if I played well and had fun I don't care too much about a quick play defeat. But I hate feeling like the weakest link, dragging good players down.I only get mad when I do poorly myself. I'm really proudful in that way. It doesn't really bother me if my teammates are terrible or if we lost -- as long as I did good myself, I'm happy. But when I start underperforming and feel like I myself am the weak link; that's when I sometimes get upset with myself. I know I messed up if I didn't get a single gold medal or card at the end (except sometimes when I play tank, as tanks don't really have their own category in medals, but often do get objective time).
I don't understand the insult "tryhard". My team gets this thrown at it every so often when we win hard. As in stomping the enemy team like ants hard. Should I let myself get killed once in a while so they feel better?
They are assuming that you are in a full voice comm team and are using your best competitive strategies even if they are no fun "cancer" strategies. Other people might be in a 6 man but are not using comms and are just playing whatever they feel like. Basically accusing you of treating a kick around in the park like the FIFA world cup finals.
I never once rage quit in this game. If we're getting our beaten badly I'm still gonna want the XP points in the end instead of repeatedly backing out and searching for competent teams. I'm so numb to losses that I predict them a minute into a match. lol
Well it depends on how the play.
My most played character, Genji - 20 hours
2nd most , Reaper - 7 hours
3rd most, Roadhog - 5 hours
Basically if I am attacking, then 95% of the time I will play Genji, if I am defending then my choices are spread between 5-6 other heroes. Ofcourse I change when necessary but more often than I don't have to since being my best character I am the most effective as him.
Same here. See the match to the bitter end
I don't understand the insult "tryhard". My team gets this thrown at it every so often when we win hard. As in stomping the enemy team like ants hard. Should I let myself get killed once in a while so they feel better?
Got my first hate mail today on PS4. A Reaper player who kept teleporting into the point on Nepal next to the hole. So I as Lucio alt-fire and push him off. Repeat this about 4 more times.
Always thought tryharding means playing super serious.I think they're using the term incorrectly. I always considered a "tryhard" someone that was really not very good at the game but throws around commands like they're a special forces operator and yells at everyone on their team for being terrible.
Also, I need to start playing again. I've been away for about 3 weeks. I chopped the end of my ring finger off and had to have it sewn back on. It's healed enough I can probably use a mouse well enough to aim againBased on my experience, I'm suggesting a new character that uses a hedge trimmer as a weapon, they are formidable weapons, believe me.
people who play only a single hero are insufferable.
I am not even this kind of player who only plays one hero, before someone says anyfin, but I think people like you are the insufferable ones. So fucking obnoxious, let people play what they want.I checked both their profiles and who would've thought they only ever played Genji / Hanzo. I get it they're both cool Ninjas and shit but people who play only a single hero are insufferable.
Pathetic.My friends and myself always put this kind of players into our avoid list. I don't care whether they're good or not with their "main", if they cannot adapt themselves to enemy comp, I don't wanna play with them.
I checked both their profiles and who would've thought they only ever played Genji / Hanzo. I get it they're both cool Ninjas and shit but people who play only a single hero are insufferable.
My friends and myself always put this kind of players into our avoid list. I don't care whether they're good or not with their "main", if they cannot adapt themselves to enemy comp, I don't wanna play with them.
Yeah, I can't stand people like that either. Like this one for example, probably the worst offender yet: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=207158981&postcount=6712
Road to #1 by total score:
I am not even this kind of player who only plays one hero, before someone says anyfin, but I think people like you are the insufferable ones. So fucking obnoxious, let people play what they want.
Yeah, I can't stand people like that either. Like this one for example, probably the worst offender yet: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=207158981&postcount=6712
Zarya has become my most feared hero. I see her a lot and the people using her are mostly good. Difficult to kill and good at protecting allies. They quickly become huge damage dealers as well. I hold fire pretty well when I see the shield but you can't expect 6 players to be disciplined. A single good Zarya is able to will her team to victory.
Zarya has become my most feared hero. I see her a lot and the people using her are mostly good. Difficult to kill and good at protecting allies. They quickly become huge damage dealers as well. I hold fire pretty well when I see the shield but you can't expect 6 players to be disciplined. A single good Zarya is able to will her team to victory.
She's like Winston to me, I get wrecked by them on the other team but when I try playing them I struggle to stay alive for more than 2 seconds
My sentiments exactly, except on PS4.
The entire team can play Widowmaker on attack if they want. Just jump on the objective when you need to, that's all I ask.
Ain't that the truth.
I swear when you face a good Zarya it's like "these shields last forever!"
Then when I play as her it feels like I blinked and missed my shield phase.
A great Zarya who successfully saves allies from death by perfectly timed shields makes me weep.