Also, if anyone has some Genji tips on console, I'm all ears. I'm either on killstreak fire or I'm running back from spawn all game double jumping merrily.
Yeah, I can't stand people like that either. Like this one for example, probably the worst offender yet:
I checked both their profiles and who would've thought they only ever played Genji / Hanzo. I get it they're both cool Ninjas and shit but people who play only a single hero are insufferable.
She's like Winston to me, I get wrecked by them on the other team but when I try playing them I struggle to stay alive for more than 2 seconds
in fact
Count me among those who wishes he knew how other players play Zarya so well. So many times I've seen enemy Zarya's running around with full charge, and meanwhile every time I play her I'm lucky to get up to 50% before somebody seems to tear through my shields and send me right back to 0 and the spawn room. I should probably practice with her more, I suppose.
You only tried 1 game, not enough to say that you've tried and got wrecked...ofcourse in the only game you play as her you'll be terrible.
I've had so much fun, without any communications at all, but people choosing the right (or most fun characters, like: all winston and two lucios, etc) with some teams on PS4. Teams where you want to add every player as a friend afterward and do a hey ho lets go yell at the end or at the front of each math. And I remeind you, ZERO communication.
I've had matches where I was trying hard not to become salty, because I hate salty players, but after a while there's just goofing around with tactics but still trying to win, and there's plain old bad choice making and egotistical ways of playing, and getting your butts kicked and not changing characters.
It can go both ways. I don't understand why I never meet anyone on chat on PS4. No one is ever on comms. I doubt this will change when ranked starts.
Never knew what Waifu attachment was until I saw this![]()
Can you also kill players with other people's deflect? Because I think I got killed as Bastion by another Bastion beside me shooting at Genji's deflect. I really stopped shooting.
Count me among those who wishes he knew how other players play Zarya so well. So many times I've seen enemy Zarya's running around with full charge, and meanwhile every time I play her I'm lucky to get up to 50% before somebody seems to tear through my shields and send me right back to 0 and the spawn room. I should probably practice with her more, I suppose.
Why do people keep asking me to put healing at the start of the game (not talking about payload - attack) when I'm Lucio, instead of speed? I lost count of the times that people asked for me to change back to healing. I mean, there is no one there, isn't the right one speed for us to get to the point faster/set up defenses faster, then change into healing?
Console, btw.
Do you lose charge depending on how much you fire?
And do you earn it if enemy hits your team mate who has a barrier?
She benefits from having Lucio around so she can intentionally get herself into a trouble and shield while taking the brunt of enemy fire. This way it's fairly easy to get a full 50 charge. Using before you take any damage is a waste of a shield (unless you're blocking an ult or Mei ice). She's kind of designed to do this naturally with her 200 shield but it's nice to have a safety net.
But the real question is: Why were there two bastions
Yeah, I can't stand people like that either. Like this one for example, probably the worst offender yet:
So fucking obnoxious, let people play what they want.
Must be a nightmare for their team as well, she's one of the weaker heroes and far beyond that you can never compliment or improve upon your team's setup. Plus it's harder to counter heroes when you have no experience of playing them, you need a basic understanding of every hero to do well which is why playing them all at least a few times is important. And not to mention how boring it must be playing only one hero all the time. I guess waifu love drives a man crazy?
A masterpiece. Greatest PotG I've ever seen.
It's possible to be good with any of the characters
It's possible to be good with any of the characters
I love how you guys always think it's your teammates that's the problem. You get 4 gold medals and think you carried a losing team. Funny how you guys never mention the games where you get 0 gold medals and someone else carries you. Stop whining so much.
It's the same shit every day seeing you guys whine about bad teammates. Half those games you're probably the bad teammate.
If you never play any other character, you won't know what makes them good and bad. You won't truly understand how to counter them efficiently nor would you understand how to handle your counters because you don't have much sense of what they can do and cannot in that situation until you find yourself in that situation while playing as those characters..
I checked both their profiles and who would've thought they only ever played Genji / Hanzo. I get it they're both cool Ninjas and shit but people who play only a single hero are insufferable.
Honestly, I could play Mercy all the time but sadly other people pick healing supports too so I have to play something else.
And it is a true testament to how bad your team is when you have over 13k healing in the match, once even get a full team resurrection with the enemy team having neither a Lucio or Zenyatta or Mercy... and your team still gets wiped.
Can you also kill players with other people's deflect? Because I think I got killed as Bastion by another Bastion beside me shooting at Genji's deflect. I really stopped shooting.
Why do people keep asking me to put healing at the start of the game (not talking about payload - attack) when I'm Lucio, instead of speed? I lost count of the times that people asked for me to change back to healing. I mean, there is no one there, isn't the right one speed for us to get to the point faster/set up defenses faster, then change into healing?
Console, btw.
I actually think that Lucios are too timid about playing with Speed Boost on. Have you ever faced a Reinhardt when Lucio is pumping up the speed boost song? It's terrifying.
I actually think that Lucios are too timid about playing with Speed Boost on. Have you ever faced a Reinhardt when Lucio is pumping up the speed boost song? It's terrifying.
I actually think that Lucios are too timid about playing with Speed Boost on. Have you ever faced a Reinhardt when Lucio is pumping up the speed boost song? It's terrifying.
Why do people keep asking me to put healing at the start of the game (not talking about payload - attack) when I'm Lucio, instead of speed? I lost count of the times that people asked for me to change back to healing. I mean, there is no one there, isn't the right one speed for us to get to the point faster/set up defenses faster, then change into healing?
Console, btw.
Not being able to one-shot Zen and Tracer? Fine. But needing three shots to kill turrets and Bastions is fucking ridiculous.
I'm trying to integrate speed boost into my Lucio plays. It's tough to find the balance because you still want to be pumping heals to your team as much as possible.
I wish Mercy had something like a stun to escape.
The salt that would generate would be sky high
She already has her flight to escape, I think she's fine.
I wish Mercy had something like a stun to escape.
I wish Mercy had something like a stun to escape.
I am pretty terrible with Zarya's Grav Bomb, Junkrat's Rip-Tire, and Hanzo's Dragons. I constantly find myself being wrecked by these same three ultimates, but rarely do ever get more than a double kill when using them myself. I know, I need to get good, but I am having a hard time understanding why I fail so often with AoE ults that, in theory, should be easier to get kills with. I even always try to l-shift with Hanzo or wait on a Widowmaker ult before firing these bad boys off. So are there any resources you guys would recommend to help me step up my skill with these AoE ultimates?
That's because McCree got nerfed. Tracers are running rampant!I wish, my teammates recently don't give a damn about helping me run from a Tracer, so this would be great.
I wish Mercy had something like a stun to escape.