Definitely feel Pharah's got a little too big for her boots with McCree and Widowmaker nerfs.
Zenyatta, on the other hand, feels like he's where he should be now.
Definitely feel Pharah's got a little too big for her boots with McCree and Widowmaker nerfs.
Zenyatta, on the other hand, feels like he's where he should be now.
McCree still beats up on Pharah at medium range; you just see fewer McCrees now. (Although I guess the ones that have stuck around are probably good enough to take down Pharah anyway.)Well McCree was never an issue for Pharah to begin with. A good widowmaker should make quick work of a Pharah still though.
Definitely feel Pharah's got a little too big for her boots with McCree and Widowmaker nerfs.
Zenyatta, on the other hand, feels like he's where he should be now.
What a surprise, a team of three prestigers beats a team with none over and over.
"Rank is no indication of skill, it's only hours played." they say, such fucking bullshit, I'd say if you have had 100+ hours to play more than the other player with only 30 hours played you have had quite more time to practice!
What a surprise, a team of three prestigers beats a team with none over and over.
"Rank is no indication of skill, it's only hours played." they say, such fucking bullshit, I'd say if you have had 100+ hours to play more than the other player with only 30 hours played you have had quite more time to practice!
I sure hate when people are able to actually stop my rip-tire. Almost jarring how the camera switches back to Junkrat after it disappears.
I don't have a problem with a lone Torb on PS4. It's the hero stacking with Torb that's an issue for me. The turrets can cover each other and the Torbs can alternate molten core on defense. Each death results in scrap for EACH Torb and the entire enemy team ends up with an additional 75 HPs of armor at all times. The Torb himself does fantastic close range damage (and solid ranged damage), builds up his ult quickly with both his gun and his hammer repairs. The sea of armor packs at the objective is like having another healer on your team. Molten Core doubles the damage of his turret, doubles the damage of Torb, makes Torb have as much hps and armor as D.Va and adds 400 hps to the turret for 12 seconds.
Two torb defense teams are very difficult to crack on PS4 from my experience.
I know that turret problems are mostly considered to be a console problem and even on PS4 I think they can be dealt with in most situations. However, I'm starting to think that a slight range nerf might be in order.
The best counter for a Torb turret is supposed to be range but I've run into a few spots where the turret can lock down a whole area and there just isn't anywhere to get a sight line on it outside it's range. The worst one I've seen so far was a turret stuck in one of the squares on the Mexico map and it was just impossible to flank it to take it out. I think either a flat range nerf or something where it takes the turret a second or two longer to lock on when you are at the outside limit of its range could help.
We ran into a team of three Torbs + a Bastion defending on Volskaya last night. The first point was easy to capture, but the last point was causing us problems. In the end, we switched to two D.Vas and when one built up their ult, they launched it into the point with the entire team rushing behind the mech. We managed to wipe out the entire team and won the match.
I sure hate when people are able to actually stop my rip-tire. Almost jarring how the camera switches back to Junkrat after it disappears.
Use wall climb, bunny hop it with jump. The good ones surprise us all and jump it to make it tougher to kill.
Especially when it gets blown up the same instant you try to set it off.....its like....what happened?
I've learned to avoid driving it directly in front of soldier 76 haha..
Good Torbs don't put their shit in snipeable locations. For Widow to be a counter, she has to get near point blank range.
Chico is Widowmaker
Chico is Widowmaker
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
I find the pause button followed by the leave game option works really well.
Impossible without a full team. Full team comps are meant to stomp pubs, sorry.
D.Va! Just make sure they've got backup
Oh, shit. Without a coordinated team? No clue
i would just use Widow and try to get the turret trophy, lol
You have to be in a coordinated team to beat this, sorry.
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
Yell in team chat for everyone to pick D.vaHow would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
How would you guys counter 6 torbs (they are defending the first point on hanamura, turrets spread out and covering each other) without a coordinated team? Ran into this situation the other day... One of my friends was widow and was taking some out, another was pharah and doing the same but between having 6 of them and molten cores we never could make real progress.
What a surprise, a team of three prestigers beats a team with none over and over.
"Rank is no indication of skill, it's only hours played." they say, such fucking bullshit, I'd say if you have had 100+ hours to play more than the other player with only 30 hours played you have had quite more time to practice!
Heh thanks guys. Figured that was the case but wanted to see what others thought.
I don't have a problem with a lone Torb on PS4. It's the hero stacking with Torb that's an issue for me. The turrets can cover each other and the Torbs can alternate molten core on defense. Each death results in scrap for EACH Torb and the entire enemy team ends up with an additional 75 HPs of armor at all times. The Torb himself does fantastic close range damage (and solid ranged damage), builds up his ult quickly with both his gun and his hammer repairs. The sea of armor packs at the objective is like having another healer on your team. Molten Core doubles the damage of his turret, doubles the damage of Torb, makes Torb have as much hps and armor as D.Va and adds 400 hps to the turret for 12 seconds.
Two torb defense teams are very difficult to crack on PS4 from my experience.
Definitely feel Pharah's got a little too big for her boots with McCree and Widowmaker nerfs.
Zenyatta, on the other hand, feels like he's where he should be now.
I don't have a problem with a lone Torb on PS4. It's the hero stacking with Torb that's an issue for me. The turrets can cover each other and the Torbs can alternate molten core on defense. Each death results in scrap for EACH Torb and the entire enemy team ends up with an additional 75 HPs of armor at all times. The Torb himself does fantastic close range damage (and solid ranged damage), builds up his ult quickly with both his gun and his hammer repairs. The sea of armor packs at the objective is like having another healer on your team. Molten Core doubles the damage of his turret, doubles the damage of Torb, makes Torb have as much hps and armor as D.Va and adds 400 hps to the turret for 12 seconds.
Two torb defense teams are very difficult to crack on PS4 from my experience.