There was an annoying Lucio last night on the other team who literally was just wall-riding all around and on the Payload to stop its movement and my team could just not kill this guy.
I was Reinhardt (and the only Tank) so I had little available to me since I still had to shield my team, but I was shocked because he would just dance around it constantly healing and nobody was doing much to kill him.
This happened to me a couple times.There was an annoying Lucio last night on the other team who literally was just wall-riding all around and on the Payload to stop its movement and my team could just not kill this guy.
I was Reinhardt (and the only Tank) so I had little available to me since I still had to shield my team, but I was shocked because he would just dance around it constantly healing and nobody was doing much to kill him.
That was what my last loot box contained too I think.New box: white, white, blue, white.
This happened to me a couple times.
Honestly a pretty smart strat.
think about the distance you usually get grabbed by Roadhog from. Now cut that in half, and it's how long the chain is when you're playing him.
This session has been awful. I was doing Nepals and my team had 3 Meis, 1 Bastion and a healer whilst I played as Reaper. So fucking frustrating knowing before you even start the game that it's a lost cause. I genuinely don't understand how people are this stupid.
Randoms are ruining my experience... Anyone from PS4 gaf that can save me?![]()
-Don't charge off when your team is depending on your shield. In fact, don't charge off often unless there's an oblivious target because they can dodge him pretty simply.
-Avoid turning around in the face of an enemy team if one person gets behind your shield and shoots you if you have a team behind you, that's what your team is for.
-Don't be afraid to melee when things get too hard to contain
-If your team refuses to get behind your shield/make use of you/support your push, don't play Reinhardt
I'm so bad with McCree it's ridiculous.
Oh shit. New main incoming.
What is this bullshit???
It's just so hard to aim with him I end up missing half my shots. And his ultimate is OP but really difficult to pull off well.I find him hard to play as well. I might need to rebind his fan button. L1 is a weird button to use it. Gonna see if that's better for me.
It's just so hard to aim with him I end up missing half my shots. And his ultimate is OP but really difficult to pull off well.
There was an annoying Lucio last night on the other team who literally was just wall-riding all around and on the Payload to stop its movement and my team could just not kill this guy.
I was Reinhardt (and the only Tank) so I had little available to me since I still had to shield my team, but I was shocked because he would just dance around it constantly healing and nobody was doing much to kill him.
I disagree with almost all of this except the afraid to melee bit. Too many people think Reinhardt is just about shielding and anything he does that isn't about shielding teammates is wrong/weak/whatever. Simply isn't true.
There is another way to play Reinhardt. Try playing him like Winston for a couple rounds.
Instead of jump you have charge, a charge that will 1-hit most pinned targets while stunning heavier ones, leaving them vulnerable to a finisher.
Instead of non-moving bubble shield you have a shield wall with no cooldown that you can take/place anywhere.
Instead of an ult that makes people run away you have an ult that knocks them down instantly allowing you to kill anybody knocked down while they're defenseless.
Instead of a short range low damage electric drain you have an infinite range 100 damage fire blast.
I don't know the damage of hammer vs. arm swing?
Played like a Winston makes him a lot more fun, try it some time. There is a time to be a defensive bulwark and a time to be a rampaging force of chaos. Good Reinhardts know when to switch from one mode to the other.
Fuck Widow
There was an annoying Lucio last night on the other team who literally was just wall-riding all around and on the Payload to stop its movement and my team could just not kill this guy.
I was Reinhardt (and the only Tank) so I had little available to me since I still had to shield my team, but I was shocked because he would just dance around it constantly healing and nobody was doing much to kill him.
They need a character with an invisible camo super. Go semi invisible predator style for 10 seconds. But firing your weapon obviously makes it easier to spot you since people can trace the bullet tracers.
It would also be cool to have a healer that worked via supply drops. Dropping health packs and armor, more effective than other healers but the supply drops take more time.
yup, only played a few matches where I encountered really good Widows on PS4. I would usually be able to counter them with another Widow or Pharah.Haven't had a problem with widows yet, must be because I'm playing on ps4, maybe the lack of mouse and kb takes away some of her sting.
Not even semi invisible![]()
Not even semi invisible![]()
New box: white, white, blue, white.
Mmm, when you win a Gibraltar payload main tanking as DVa.
Though I did switch to Winston for the final few meters because you just need a bit more chaos in the final push.
I disagree with most of this, but you already knew that
Charge works when targets aren't looking for you. When they see you, unless they're distracted the moment you put your head down they can jump away very easily and avoid the pin. Then you're miles away from your teammate's firelines, out of position, etc.
Yes you have a shield, but you can't do anything with it up. Putting it up without support gives you time to move around/retreat, but little else except for a distraction until people crawl over you in small groups.
Ult I don't have a comment on, it's good in a lot of ways.
Fireblast is the easiest thing in the world to dodge unless someone hits you from behind.
Sure, you can play other ways, and should switch it up, tho, but even an aggressive Reinhardt is no Winston. That said, spurts of aggression are a good idea sometimes with 500 health and dat hammer.
It just won't win you a match most of the time without support. Smart pushes with shield up in the boring way will.
As someone who plays one of those annoying bunny-hopping Lucios (and, to be fair, not a ton of Reinhardt), I feel like if this happens to you in the future, you're okay to break out your hammer. If you get two good swipes in quickly, that Lucio is toast. If nothing else, you get him off your payload for a bit.
Checking my Stats and even though i play Genji the most my win rate with him isnt so good :/
Ive started using Bastion unironically more so i hope to get up with him.
Haven't had a problem with widows yet, must be because I'm playing on ps4, maybe the lack of mouse and kb takes away some of her sting.