thread title hurts my heart :'(
level 26, no legs
level 26, no legs
No doubt it worked and honestly it was impressive to be able to maintain that for minutes sometimes (I'm on PS4 too) -- and also he would constantly just blast me back to get me away from the Payload, even when I had my shield up.
Reinhardt can be tricky if no one is sticking next to you. Ideally, you'd have someone next to you who can deal some consistent damage at different ranges. Personally if I see a Zarya in the group, I'll ask her to team up. She can dip in and out of the safety of my shield, to build charge safely, but she can also sap charge off my shield as well. Zarya also doesn't have the best mobility or the best HP, so this is a pretty beneficial relationship for the two of you. A Hanzo or Zenyatta will also do in a pinch, but those characters don't have the best track record of staying with me. Getting abandoned for long stretches as a Reinhardt is definitely not what you want.I need some help, I really like Reinhardt and would like to play with him sometimes, but I am just bad with him. The only thing that I can do is raise his shield and that is it and I don't know why because he seems like an "easy" character to play...
Can someone explain the thread title to me?
That sounds like exactly what I do on Lucio. Maybe it was me.
Play of the games as Zen and Symmetra in solo queue, for those who think they are inferior support to the other two.
Just played a game with some random who was on voice chat. We were losing the point at the start and he was all like "You guys are fucking hopeless!" And lost his shit.
I got 4 gold medals. Apparently hopeless.
Of course he was playing Widowmaker.
Can someone explain the thread title to me?
On health pack spawns. They repair the turret.
When you open a loot box four icons pop out - purple for legendary, blue for rare, white for common.
Three whites and one blue is the lootbox that makes you go -_-
Play of the games as Zen and Symmetra in solo queue, for those who think they are inferior support to the other two.
Do ranks affect matchmaking? Or it is fully random?
As support they kinda are.
Huh? That's just your highlight list, and just because you had a few good games with them doesn't mean anything.
There's more to 'support' than healing.
There's more to 'support' than healing.
Reinhardt can be tricky if no one is sticking next to you. Ideally, you'd have someone next to you who can deal some consistent damage at different ranges. Personally if I see a Zarya in the group, I'll ask her to team up. She can dip in and out of the safety of my shield, to build charge safely, but she can also sap charge off my shield as well. Zarya also doesn't have the best mobility or the best HP, so this is a pretty beneficial relationship for the two of you. A Hanzo or Zenyatta will also do in a pinch, but those characters don't have the best track record of staying with me. Getting abandoned for long stretches as a Reinhardt is definitely not what you want.
A big tip for Reinhardts too when you are faced with another one, your projectile attack can pierce the other one's shield, and does big amounts of damage. Definitely worth lowering your shield for, and definitely worth strafing to the side if you see one coming back your way. The move is a good way to signal where your allies should be shooting or looking at.
Ahh so by the time we hit OT4 we should do:
Overwatch |OT4| White(dupe), White(dupe), Blue(dupe), White(dupe)
Play of the games as Zen and Symmetra in solo queue, for those who think they are inferior support to the other two.
Is this true? Zarya can pick up charge by shielding a Reinhardt that already has his own shield up? Because if so, GAME CHANGER
If you had to explain Genji's role in one sentence, what would it be?
The only thing Symmetra does that classifies as support is that ult teleport. She gives 25 shields while Torbjorn gives 75 armor.
Depending on how good they are.If you had to explain Genji's role in one sentence, what would it be?
Play of the games as Zen and Symmetra in solo queue, for those who think they are inferior support to the other two.
Unlike armour, the shield regenerates. There is implicit healing there.
If you had to explain Genji's role in one sentence, what would it be?
It usually saves a highlight form every game you play, Even if it wasn't PoTG.
The only thing Symmetra does that classifies as support is that ult teleport. She gives 25 shields while Torbjorn gives 75 armor. She has defensive turrets like Torbjorn, she murders invaders with her gun without needing a debuffing orb. She might as well be in the defensive class category. In PUG's, the game says your team is good to go in the support department as soon as someone picks Symmetra but that's simply not true.
She's still a great character... And kills it in game. The biggest problem in pubs is if someone takes her, then no one will take one of the other actual tanks and the team will struggle.
I wish some people playing Mercy would use their pistol a bit more, it does a surprising amount of damage at times. I've had a few games as Reinhardt when a Mercy would keep healing me even when I'm at full health behind my shield, it would be far more useful for Mercy to switch to pistol and take out a turret tearing Rein's shield apart.
That might be the technical explanation for it. I just noticed that I got charge from Reinhardt with their shield up, but I don't know where they were actually shooting his shield. I suppose some tests are in order to get a conclusive answer.Yikes, I need to know this too. I thought I saw someone say in the past that Zarya's barrier extends a bit in the front beyond Rein's shield so if someone is shooting the center then it could work?
When you open a loot box four icons pop out - purple for legendary, blue for rare, white for common.
Three whites and one blue is the lootbox that makes you go -_-
Yeesh, the thread title has been very accurate to my three most recent loot boxes.
is it me, or have the POTG's gotten worse? Before it might've been a bit much 'BASTION AND OR TURRET KILLS LOTS', but now it's a bit more diverse, with a bit more underwhelming plays.
Ah, it will be tweaked with every patch, I suppose.