I got this quad elimination a few days ago, but I think I lost PotG to a well timed Reaper ult. This is probably the best I'll ever do as Reinhart. >.<
I got this quad elimination a few days ago, but I think I lost PotG to a well timed Reaper ult. This is probably the best I'll ever do as Reinhart. >.<
Lol, this happened to me once at the final checkpoint. I didn't want to stay in there, so I used my ult to kill myself.
Anyone who plays Reaper should be ashamed of themselves. There's literally no character more embarrassing in every way than him.
God damn, game has become impossible in solo que. ALWAYS getting dumb teams, and I mean constanly, not people being very good agaisnt us, but teams when even working together being terrible, 10 seconds left, WHY THE **** IS EVERYONE BACKING OFF THE PAYLOAD AS I RETURN?
I find Mei really annoying; She just shits on Reinhardt.I might have to be more aggressive with hammering her face but that is hard when she groups up with people. I had one chasing me (notified my team to deal with her) and healing with that shitty i-frame move whenever I fuck her up (pin might kill her if she is low on HP); I used the ult and got her to a pixel and then viola! She uses that move and she's back at full health. She failed to freeze me during overtime because I circled around and jumped over the payload--I kited her ass like a shitty A.I. Those previous three games were amazing even though the second one was me as Widow with athat refused to switch; we somehow won without a tank (Zenyatta player help the team). I am getting consisted reccs and epic ratings with my Lucio. I still need to play more with offense characters and try Bastion/Torbjorn for once.Hanzo
I should try characters individually now. I have a couple of characters that I must learn to counter certain opposite team compositions.
Now that Mccree is nerfed.... can I play it without being ashame of myself?
I really like that character lol.
(I played it last night and.... it felt more or less the same? I guess the damage reduction didn't make a whole lot of difference other than in professional tournment perhaps?)
Anyone who plays Reaper should be ashamed of themselves. There's literally no character more embarrassing in every way than him.
Anyone who plays Reaper should be ashamed of themselves. There's literally no character more embarrassing in every way than him.
Junkrat is the perfect counter to Mei. Whenever she uses Cryo-Freeze, just plop a Steel Trap with a landmine right next to her.. If she moves a muscle, the combination of the trap triggered to the landmine will blow her adorable head to smithereens, and "BOOM! No more Mei!"
Alternatively, Pharah and McCree can stop Mei before she can freeze them.
You can icewall yourself out of steel trap.
I got this quad elimination a few days ago, but I think I lost PotG to a well timed Reaper ult. This is probably the best I'll ever do as Reinhart. >.<
it probably matters the least in competitive play since most professional DPS players utilize his left click far more than the right click.Now that Mccree is nerfed.... can I play it without being ashame of myself?
I really like that character lol.
(I played it last night and.... it felt more or less the same? I guess the damage reduction didn't make a whole lot of difference other than in professional tournment perhaps?)
I got this quad elimination a few days ago, but I think I lost PotG to a well timed Reaper ult. This is probably the best I'll ever do as Reinhart. >.<
Wow what's up with the games today. They've all been stomps where we or the other team doesn't even capture the first point.
Lucio is really hard to play on CP maps. There's just so much nuance to playing him. I don't think there's another support that's as difficult to play as-
This made me LOL
man you are over double my level (I am trying to hit L25 before ranked comes out, L23 right now).
Respect to you guys grinding up all these levels so fast.
I was playing Lucio the other day in a public game, I felt like I was the only person in my team, often being alone near the objective or payload. Through out the match (we lose, no surprise) I have only seen my teammate a couple of times at best.
Then I look up the team composition.... 2 widowmakers, 1 Hanzo, 1 Bastion apparently camping somewhere.
Oh. ;/
Just because something works a few occasions doesn't mean it's actually good. I've won games with all offensive characters. Hell, I won ranked games like that. That doesn't mean it's a good strategy at all. I am not saying zarya solo defense tank never works, but that it's not good to work enough. Anything can work. I've won games, even in ranked, with absurdly bad team compositions. The fact that something works every once in a while just doesn't justify it.
Zarya suffers perhaps the most from a death and on defense that means you're at the sufferance of an attack without a tank for a good 20 seconds. And regardless of whether you walk back, teleport, or get a revive, you're starting at 0 charge again. Reinhardt can charge back, winston can hop back, even d.va can fly back. And roadhog often has an element of surprise when he hits the field again, and at least starts at full strength.
You can't just look at it from the perspective of just completely out killing, out damaging and pure out skilling an opponent team who refuses to adapt. You should try to gain meaningful advantages against your opponent through your composition, to maximize your chances of victory. Because after all, you can win with a 6 man hanzo team. But when you do it's because your opponent team was completely outskilled and clueless on how to play the game.
Here's the best part, our Reinhardt just all of a sudden started becoming a coward, full sheild, hiding behind a wall even though 3 of us are with him, I'm sitting there stating at him wondering why he isn't going out and dacing the enemy so we can shoot them.
Just because something works a few occasions doesn't mean it's actually good. I've won games with all offensive characters. Hell, I won ranked games like that. That doesn't mean it's a good strategy at all. I am not saying zarya solo defense tank never works, but that it's not good to work enough. Anything can work. I've won games, even in ranked, with absurdly bad team compositions. The fact that something works every once in a while just doesn't justify it.
Zarya suffers perhaps the most from a death and on defense that means you're at the sufferance of an attack without a tank for a good 20 seconds. And regardless of whether you walk back, teleport, or get a revive, you're starting at 0 charge again. Reinhardt can charge back, winston can hop back, even d.va can fly back. And roadhog often has an element of surprise when he hits the field again, and at least starts at full strength.
You can't just look at it from the perspective of just completely out killing, out damaging and pure out skilling an opponent team who refuses to adapt. You should try to gain meaningful advantages against your opponent through your composition, to maximize your chances of victory. Because after all, you can win with a 6 man hanzo team. But when you do it's because your opponent team was completely outskilled and clueless on how to play the game.
I haven't even been playing as much as I'd like to because of work and school. A lot of people I know are way ahead of me.This made me LOL
man you are over double my level (I am trying to hit L25 before ranked comes out, L23 right now).
Respect to you guys grinding up all these levels so fast.
I got this quad elimination a few days ago, but I think I lost PotG to a well timed Reaper ult. This is probably the best I'll ever do as Reinhart. >.<
there was ranked in the closed beta lol.Tell me about the future please, are there flying cars?
This thread has really slowed down this week. Not coincidentally, the competition has felt much stiffer online as well. I think the casuals are starting to peel off leaving the more dedicated/skilled players. Shit's rough.
He has tree log arrows
Sometimes playing him you really go how the fuck did that arrow hit that person
You have to shoot near the person and it goes off
Well... shit.It's also E3 week.
all right guys, someone talk me down from buying 50 loot boxes. i mean, hell, why not. i don't think it will affect the carrot i'm chasing since i'm more concerned about getting good right now instead of what i'm earning. it's not like it will give me everything. also, i know, i know, don't support the practice of selling random cosmetics with dupes, etc. also i paid 100 bucks on the division and still haven't touched any of the updates yet.
-Buy the boxesall right guys, someone talk me down from buying 50 loot boxes. i mean, hell, why not. i don't think it will affect the carrot i'm chasing since i'm more concerned about getting good right now instead of what i'm earning. it's not like it will give me everything. also, i know, i know, don't support the practice of selling random cosmetics with dupes, etc. also i paid 100 bucks on the division and still haven't touched any of the updates yet.
-Buy the boxes
-Wait for skins update
-Buy the boxes
-Wait for skins update
all right guys, someone talk me down from buying 50 loot boxes. i mean, hell, why not. i don't think it will affect the carrot i'm chasing since i'm more concerned about getting good right now instead of what i'm earning. it's not like it will give me everything. also, i know, i know, don't support the practice of selling random cosmetics with dupes, etc. also i paid 100 bucks on the division and still haven't touched any of the updates yet.
This thread has really slowed down this week. Not coincidentally, the competition has felt much stiffer online as well. I think the casuals are starting to peel off leaving the more dedicated/skilled players. Shit's rough.