Anyone who plays Reaper should be ashamed of themselves. There's literally no character more embarrassing in every way than him.
I mean, I don't agree with that relaly. He can be fun.
But i just went on a 6 v 6 group game w the enemy group having 5 reaper and 1 lucio and got wrecked. They were just too good at teleporting to snipers or shadowing away from any real danger and anyone who would take them out close up would just be annihilated because they were too close.
Interesting game for sure, but what made it worse were they were the type of people who would spam the chat with 'REKT' 'GET REAPRD' and stupid shit like that.
We eventually slowed them with pharahs, but they basicallyw alked through the first two checkpoints before we could figure that out and it was too late.
You know what, that made me hate reaper and I agree w you now.