Damn! That's awesome.
So every tank survives at full health except for Zarya. Good to know. I'll still stick them when I get the chance just because that's still a lot of damage (and I NEED that adorable spray), plus how often are tanks at full health anyway?
I'm a good Genji but even I can't take out a good widowmaker consistently, that combo doesn't kill her and she has plenty of things to escape.I am legit not good enough as a Genji player to easily 1v1 a Widowmaker.
I have 3 hours played as him but just have a really hard time getting his Shurikens on target.
Especially Widowmaker will just grapple away, jump around ,poison mine and keep peppering you with her SMG. You deflect the SMG for a bullet or two which makes her stop and then once it's over she'll go right back to it.
I don't know,maybe it was just a bad match with he Widow having a constant pocket Mercy.
I just really need to get better with those shurikens.
I'm a good Genji but even I can't take out a good widowmaker consistently, that combo doesn't kill her and she has plenty of things to escape.
Attacking on Hanamura really is the worst. Map needs a complete overhaul.
Does Zarya's shield have a certain amount of damage it can take before it pops? I always thought it just lasts X seconds, and the more damage it takes the more powerful she gets.
Just ended a match against 3 symatra cheaters on PS4 which where using an exploit with their turrets behind a wall in Dorado, they looks to be proud too...
I hope Blizzard will do something against cheaters on console too.
I play on console, but two changes really helped my genji game.
First, change the reticle from the default to the cross (or the dot). Also, change the color to yellow or green, which makes it pop a lot more.
Second, if you're on console, map jump to left bumper. This enables you to be very mobile and aim while you're jumping and climbing. As a side note, I also map jump to left bumper on Lucio as it makes wall running much easier.
Anyone have a good control mapping for genji? Would like to easily double jump and climb walls while maintaining accuracy instead of trying to hit X to jump. It also needs to have all skills readily available.
What exploit?
My Lucío says hello.So every tank survives at full health except for Zarya. Good to know. I'll still stick them when I get the chance just because that's still a lot of damage (and I NEED that adorable spray), plus how often are tanks at full health anyway?
This happened on brawl last night
What exploit?
Just ended a match against 3 symatra cheaters on PS4 which where using an exploit with their turrets behind a wall in Dorado, they looks to be proud too...
I hope Blizzard will do something against cheaters on console too.
I'm a good Genji but even I can't take out a good widowmaker consistently, that combo doesn't kill her and she has plenty of things to escape.
This is how it goes against a good one:
1) I do the combo,
2) she is low on health but starts moving towards a health pack.
3) I have no dash, she drops a mine then uses her submachine gun while hopping around damaging me.
4) If I am lucky I manage to get her with deflect otherwise now I am low on health too as well as out of dash and deflect.
5) At this point either my shurikens get her, or her submchine gun gets me, or she gets backup that kills me or here's the worst one....she just goes far away with her grapple and I have no dash left to chase her or get out so as to heal.
The submachinegun is too good of a secondary weapon for a long range specialist.
The final bridge on Dorado before the factory can have Symmetra's turrets perfectly hidden while they still fire at you.
What exploit?
if the Zarya has a shield up it will eat the damage. It only absorbs 200 damage but a single hit above that will be fully negated (junkrat tire, D-va explosion etc).
of course if the shield is on cooldown or doesn't have the presence of mind to hit it on reaction, then it's still a good option.
Anyone have a good control mapping for genji? Would like to easily double jump and climb walls while maintaining accuracy instead of trying to hit X to jump. It also needs to have all skills readily available.
Thinking about putting one of the skills or L3 or R3 and punch/hit with face button.
I wish there was an option to turn off play of the games, they're all "press Q" and boring
D.Va and Reinhardt will survive the bomb from full health. D.Va will also easily get away after the bomb, and Tracer's gun barely hurts her and it doesn't even tickle if at distance (due to armour).
If rather have coins increased to 50% of value and have no trading. I hate how many people just try to hound you for trades in TF2. Let me play the damn game.This + skin trading instead of paltry coins for duplicates.
The bridge before second point, there's a small gap between the underside of bridge and the house where you can place Symmetra turrets. These turrets will shoot though walls and the bridge itself (even people walking on it). The turrets can only be destroyed through the small gap, making it close to impossible to do so.
Edit: (the video doesn't show how to do it, but how it affects opposing players).
Edit 2: This bug (and how to do it) was on the front page of r/Overwatch a couple of days ago, making this exploit fairly well known. Please do report players who abusive this spot.
I know Lore is meaningless in a game like this, but after watching the shorts I just can't figure out what they're going for.
Sometimes it seems like Overwatch was disbanded 30 years ago. Do the heroes never age? The only one who looks old enough is Soldier 76 and maaaaaaaaybe McRee. Why don't they age? Or were D Va and Tracer not members of the original Overwatch?
Also, Winston says that the world needs Overwatch because of disasters and war, but that doesn't make any sense when the game is just literally them all fighting each other.
Like I said, lore doesn't matter, but I honestly don't know why they bothered. We're never even presented with the most basic framework of why we're fighting. I would honestly prefer the Team Fortress 2 rational of because they're a rival company/spy agency or something like Monday Night Combat where it's explicitly a sport.
The game itself is a ton of fun though. I wish I had some friends to play it with on PS4 though. Playing with randoms is fine most of the time, but any time I'm up against a coordinated team it's a total slaughter.
I know Lore is meaningless in a game like this, but after watching the shorts I just can't figure out what they're going for.
Sometimes it seems like Overwatch was disbanded 30 years ago. Do the heroes never age? The only one who looks old enough is Soldier 76 and maaaaaaaaybe McRee. Why don't they age? Or were D Va and Tracer not members of the original Overwatch?
Also, Winston says that the world needs Overwatch because of disasters and war, but that doesn't make any sense when the game is just literally them all fighting each other.
I am legit not good enough as a Genji player to easily 1v1 a Widowmaker.
I have 3 hours played as him but just have a really hard time getting his Shurikens on target.
Especially Widowmaker will just grapple away, jump around ,poison mine and keep peppering you with her SMG. You deflect the SMG for a bullet or two which makes her stop and then once it's over she'll go right back to it.
I don't know,maybe it was just a bad match with he Widow having a constant pocket Mercy.
I just really need to get better with those shurikens.
The bridge before second point, there's a small gap between the underside of bridge and the house where you can place Symmetra turrets. These turrets will shoot though walls and the bridge itself (even people walking on it). The turrets can only be destroyed through the small gap, making it close to impossible to do so.
Edit: (the video doesn't show how to do it, but how it affects opposing players).
Edit 2: This bug (and how to do it) was on the front page of r/Overwatch a couple of days ago, making this exploit fairly well known. Please do report players who abusive this spot.
What exploit?
And do you consider exploits the same as cheating?
As in do you want them to ban the players rather than just fixing the exploit?
I think the lore and the gameplay are totally seperate. Like,non of the gameplay actually happens "in universe"
Personally, I love sneaking in as Genji through the "window" on the upper left side of the entry way, I dash out of range from any turrets/bastions, go around back of the checkpoint and report what I see to teammates. From there, we adapt. Junkrats and Farrah's are super useful to eliminate turrets/bastions, which are always holed up there, especially in the room to the right of entrance.
Can Winston on the bridge be a good counter with his auto seeking gun?
It's all pretty straightforward if you just read the stuff they've releasedI know Lore is meaningless in a game like this, but after watching the shorts I just can't figure out what they're going for.
Sometimes it seems like Overwatch was disbanded 30 years ago. Do the heroes never age? The only one who looks old enough is Soldier 76 and maaaaaaaaybe McRee. Why don't they age? Or were D Va and Tracer not members of the original Overwatch?
Also, Winston says that the world needs Overwatch because of disasters and war, but that doesn't make any sense when the game is just literally them all fighting each other.
Like I said, lore doesn't matter, but I honestly don't know why they bothered. We're never even presented with the most basic framework of why we're fighting. I would honestly prefer the Team Fortress 2 rational of because they're a rival company/spy agency or something like Monday Night Combat where it's explicitly a sport.
The game itself is a ton of fun though. I wish I had some friends to play it with on PS4 though. Playing with randoms is fine most of the time, but any time I'm up against a coordinated team it's a total slaughter.
I know Lore is meaningless in a game like this, but after watching the shorts I just can't figure out what they're going for.
Sometimes it seems like Overwatch was disbanded 30 years ago. Do the heroes never age? The only one who looks old enough is Soldier 76 and maaaaaaaaybe McRee. Why don't they age? Or were D Va and Tracer not members of the original Overwatch?
Also, Winston says that the world needs Overwatch because of disasters and war, but that doesn't make any sense when the game is just literally them all fighting each other.
Like I said, lore doesn't matter, but I honestly don't know why they bothered. We're never even presented with the most basic framework of why we're fighting. I would honestly prefer the Team Fortress 2 rational of because they're a rival company/spy agency or something like Monday Night Combat where it's explicitly a sport.
I know Lore is meaningless in a game like this, but after watching the shorts I just can't figure out what they're going for.
Sometimes it seems like Overwatch was disbanded 30 years ago. Do the heroes never age? The only one who looks old enough is Soldier 76 and maaaaaaaaybe McRee. Why don't they age? Or were D Va and Tracer not members of the original Overwatch?
Also, Winston says that the world needs Overwatch because of disasters and war, but that doesn't make any sense when the game is just literally them all fighting each other.
Like I said, lore doesn't matter, but I honestly don't know why they bothered. We're never even presented with the most basic framework of why we're fighting. I would honestly prefer the Team Fortress 2 rational of because they're a rival company/spy agency or something like Monday Night Combat where it's explicitly a sport.
The game itself is a ton of fun though. I wish I had some friends to play it with on PS4 though. Playing with randoms is fine most of the time, but any time I'm up against a coordinated team it's a total slaughter.
There is a wall near one of the the payload's first chokepoints, where the map geometry seams don't line up 100%, and you can place symmetra's turrets inside the wall, making them impossible to damage, but they can shoot outside the walls.
I have a health question.
What's the deal with regular health, armor, and shields.
Is one type more resistant to certain attacks?