Is it sacrilegious to say that i enjoy playing against the AI more than other people? :/
I really like playing support. I immensely enjoy playing as mercy but my experience has been a bit tumultuous. When i get targeted by the enemy team i feel like a sitting duck more often than not. I know this is partially by design given how strong of a healer Mercy is but if i get cornered alone i'm dead and if i beam to a teammate, more often than not they're knee deep in action that makes it all the more easy for me to get killed. I don 't really care about dying in and of itself but having it constantly happen combined with the run up back to the objective makes me feel ineffective in regards to helping the team.
The problem is that there's just not a lot of hereos im particularly good with. I don't have the necessary pin point precision aiming necessary to be good for the team when coupled with the unpredictability of playing against human players. So playing as hereos like mccree, hanzo or even lucio feel daunting.
Playing the larger tankier characters like D.VA, winston and roadhog just feels like im just throwing myself into the fray only to be eviscerated in a matter of seconds.
Then you have what i'm calling your "specialty" characters that seem to require a very particular playstyle if they're to be used effectively (Mei, tracer, zarya, zenny, symmetra)
I feel half way competent as reaper but being able to remove myself from combat when taking damage can be tough. Using the phase shift ability, i usually end up with people who follow me to wherever i go and wait for me to re-materialize before trying to finish me off.
I understand most of this can probably be boiled down to not using hereos to the best of their ability (git gud!) and not playing with pubs but it just feels like im up against a wall in terms of my enjoyment when playing against other people. As i'm sure can be imagined, when playing against the AI it's not hard to be competent with each hero as the AI is more predictable and team composition and even teamwork isn't really all that necessary however this means the skill ceiling playing against the AI caps out at about 30 mins so it doesn't take long before it feels pretty boring like you're just going through the motions
I like that Blizzard lets you level up when going against the AI but the obvious slippery slope here is that as i increase levels with the AI, jumping back into quick play is likely to pair me with players who are more skilled so it all feels very damned if you do damned if you don't.
Tl;dr: I hate that i suck at this game.