Actually jealous
Worse hero in the game in my opinion.
McCree sucks because stuns are stupid. Widowmaker sucks due to the incredibly fast charge rate. But Hanzo...fuck Hanzo. Huge ass hit box on that stupid arrow. Bullshit ult that never ends.
So many times on the kill cam, it shows me getting hit by a random arrow. Sometimes head shots. Some times leg shots. Very few do I see actual tracking. Due to the fucking tick rate, I KNOW I'm behind a goddamn wall in my game, but fucking Hanzo doesn't play by those rules.
The thing i hate most about Hanzo is that watching the Killcam it feels like 90% of the time he wasn't even aiming for me.
Which part of the phrase "Group up with me!" is in some alien language that no one but me understands? I'm confused.
Which part of the phrase "Group up with me!" is in some alien language that no one but me understands? I'm confused.
"Group up with me" - flanking Genji
"I need healing" - Tracer on the other side of the map
People can't tell a good call out from a bad one
I love how people bitch about random Hanzo arrows as if he has a scope to aim through but chooses to just throw them randomly just because.
I love how people bitch about random Hanzo arrows as if he has a scope to aim through but chooses to just throw them randomly just because.
That's the thing. There's no real skillful way of playing Hanzo if the game is heated and a lot of enemies are running all over the place. THE way to play Hanzo in that situation is to spam shit with no regard as to what you're doing, and the game actively rewards you for it because the hitboxes are so outrageous. That's why he's a terrible character. You can be careful and aim far behind the frontlines and it really feels like that's what he was intended to do, but in making his arrows non-scopable and still viable as a sniper anyway they've made him frustrating to play against at medium range.
Let's not get crazy nowYeah, they need to do something. He's such a trash character right now. Every single death to him feels like utter bullshit. It's infuriating. I'd rather get frozdn/headshotted or flash/fanned forever than his shit.
Oh my god, I just played with a Lucio named Dat boi.
He had the frog suit and everything.
Because you usually have 2 Torb plus 2 turrets plus 4 other characters all tearing through 2000hps shield in a couple seconds. Then one of the Torbs will ALWAYS molten core adding 400 hps and double dps to the turret and increasing Torb attack speed by 50% while giving him D.Va armor/hps.
Makes sense about the stick turn speed though.
I'm sorry for your loss.Golden coin flips out of a box. Could this be? My first legendary skin?! YES!
.Torrid Zarya is truly the worst.
Goth Zarya is truly the worst.
I'll take goth Zarya over her default skin right now since I play her a lot and haven't gotten any unique skin on her except for default in red. Don't want to spend 1000 currency on her good skins yet.
I've put in a lot of time with D.Va and she's easily my favorite to play as right now, alongside Mercy. She's got incredible mobility for her heft, her damage potential in her mech is similar to Reaper's if you're accurate enough (I've been top damage with her in many matches and I've even had a win in which I was 38% of total team damage), and with her defense matrix she's capable of resisting burst to extremes.
Outside her mech, the only reason why it would take you a long time to rebuild her ultimate is if you're being overly defensive. She's a glass cannon, but one that is as agile as Genji (minus the wall-scaling, obviously). The only characters I fear outside the mech are Roadhog and Bastion.
Her obvious downside is her ultimate is very predictable and easily avoided. It's potential to turn the tide of a match is crucial, though. If your team is barely holding on to a point, or looking to make a final push, nothing clears an area like a self-destruct. I've won matches in overtime by simply making the enemy scatter for their lives and giving us the few precious seconds we need.
Honestly, when I heard she was in talks to get buffed I was shocked. If her damage gets pumped up at all, she'll be unstoppable in the right hands.
Honestly I really think Zarya's alt costumes are ugly as shit. I'd rather play with the default or a nice recolour than with a fugly skin like that. I will never use that skin.
The one I would love to have for Zarya is called Dawn (one of the tier 2 recolours).
In fact, I don't like most of the legendary skins. There's like 5 or 6 that I consider to be really nice across all 42 (not including the Origins/pre-order skins here).
That said, I also got a 150 gold coin out of the 3 loot boxes I opened, so I was able to buy myself Anubis Pharah, which is sleek as fuck. I love that the helmet is changed to a jackal head too.
Goth Zarya is truly the worst.
Oh my god, I just played with a Lucio named Dat boi.
He had the frog suit and everything.
As Mercy, I hate when the only tank is D.Va. She melts instantly and even when damage boosting, players rarely make anything happen. Feels like she's support more than a tank!
Which makes it even better when you get play of the game with that costume.
Just adding more salt to the pile.
People get really mad when you ask them to switch heroes. Like, REALLY mad.
We never got a single 1% on the point because roadhog complemented and healed itself so well, and can 1v1 almost any champ.Speaking of stacked teams, is there any good approach to countering 3 roadhogs on KOTH + 3 other champs?
Point is then we have nothing to hold the front. I'd rather have any other tank than It's like when you have no healer and the only support pick is Symmetra.You'd be better off attending to someone else honestly. D.Va's job is to get the mech blown up and take one or two people with it, then melt foreheads with her real weapon. Continue until mech can be called and repeat, self destructing when applicable.
I actually prefer not to have Mercy with me when playing D.Va because then I feel responsible for keeping her alive when I'm trying to boost around and cause trouble
Roadhog is weak to a lot of midrange or long attacks. Think soldier 76, hanzo, widow, for example. Even if they heal up you're gonna get your ult very fast with all the damage you're putting out. Reaper can also melt roadhogs if they get up close.
Played a few matches as Widowmaker after the nerf, still wreck fools.
Mei's icebeam range should be reduced IMO.
Played a few matches as Widowmaker after the nerf, still wreck fools.
Mei's icebeam range should be reduced IMO.
Goth Zarya is truly the worst.