Ethereal Ardor
You played Widowmaker. You're lucky you got any votes.![]()
I'll make sure to play Torbjorn on Attack next time. Gotta get that PotG.
You played Widowmaker. You're lucky you got any votes.![]()
Speaking of stacked teams, is there any good approach to countering 3 roadhogs on KOTH + 3 other champs?
The next legendary costume I buy will be Goth Zarya because that's how counter culture I am.
The next legendary costume I buy will be Goth Zarya because that's how counter culture I am.
The people who play Zenyatta and are so focused on attacking that they don't heal their teammates are the absolute worst.
Guys, I fell down a dark hole and now I think I really like playing as Reaper. He's so stupid easy to play and get kills with. I already got his cute spray and everything (I'm never gonna get the other one lol).
But I don't have any costumes with him, and I've got 500 coins. Should I go for one of his epic skins or should I wait it out and buy one of the Mariachi outfits?
Just won Hanamura attack with 6 D.Vas
Feel kinda bad lol
This. They don't even respond when you ask them to heal you--Zenyatta is not even sufficient to fill the role of a healer. Experiencetranquilityauto-aim.
I got this as a drop yesterday FeelsBadMan
D.Va has a fully three-dimensional high-speed flight ability. She actually has significantly better mobility than Genji. She's closer to Pharah.
I feel McCree fits better as a defense hero than an offense one.
The Offense category in particular holds very little meaning.
Lucio is great for pubs and KOTH, but I don't think my win ratio is that high with him lol.Man, sitting at a 75% win ratio with Lucio so far. I'm either super lucky or not that bad.
Man, sitting at a 75% win ratio with Lucio so far. I'm either super lucky or not that bad.
is zarya the best?![]()
ugh, using zarya and sending a shielded widowmaker against a bastion turret makes me so erect. is zarya the best? [/QUOTE]
The worst thing about losing isn't because the other team is beast, it's because matchmaking seems to keep giving me and my friend at least one terrible teammate, we've had soldiers who never use their ult, suicide pharahs, double zenyatta pairings who both hang back next to each other and reinhardts who charge every time their skill has cooled down.
It's upsetting.
Zarya is a beast in good hands.
I had a Symmetra trying to pull a Dunkey last night and put her teleports right besides a cliff to trick people into mass suicides
So fun and original
After 62 hours of playing complicated character I played an entire match as Soldier for the first time, and he's...pretty good !
His DPS is great at medium range, I think he has the best and most consistent medium range he's very fast and can heal himself and others. His Helix rockets are better than Pharah's rockets for surprising enemies, but then it's a special ability compared to a primary fire of Pharah.
I sometimes wonder if this is the reason why many times my pug teammates just straight up ignore my teleporter and take the long way backI had a Symmetra trying to pull a Dunkey last night and put her teleports right besides a cliff to trick people into mass suicides
So fun and original
I don't really blame the dude who made the vid. Someone was bound to figure it out and post it sooner or later.That video did more harm than good tbh, most people wouldn't even dream of picking Sym so they never thought of it until now.
I sometimes wonder if this is the reason why many times my pug teammates just straight up ignore my teleporter and take the long way back
I sometimes wonder if this is the reason why many times my pug teammates just straight up ignore my teleporter and take the long way back
i never knew her teleporter had a limit before it breaks thought it was unlimited until someone destroyed it lol
My thoughts and prayers go out to you.Golden coin flips out of a box. Could this be? My first legendary skin?! YES!
You'll never get scared of a D.Va gunning towards you, there's little she can do to really harm you. The spread on her guns means she can only do real damage against large characters, but Reinhardt and Winston are the only ones she really has any advantage over, assuming you can track them with your cursor. I honestly have better luck killing people with Zero Suit D.Va, you do insane damage as long as you keep your cursor at head level. However, ZSS has no utility, so unfortunately I have to get back into the mech to help my team. Your ult always takes ages to build, and it's barely effective because a shield, cart, pole, or column will completely negate it. Hopefully they do more then just give her a damage buff.
Wow! Got my first legendary skin! level 27.
...for a character I never use.
i never knew her teleporter had a limit before it breaks thought it was unlimited until someone destroyed it lol
Not possible. You're guaranteed a legendary after 25 lootboxes, so you must've got one before you hit level 27 too. You probably missed it, so go through your hero gallery just to make sure
When playing Symmetra, there's a counter at the bottom of the screen that shows the number of usages left, too.
the times i do get legendary it's just coints. fml. i guess it's better that way so i can buy what i want.
i never knew her teleporter had a limit before it breaks thought it was unlimited until someone destroyed it lol
I have 1770 coins right now. Think I'll save it for the new batch because there really isn't anything I want right now.
Kinda want imp Mercy but I really don't play mercy that often.
I almost have enough for a legendary, but I'm too afraid to use them. I think I'm going to save them to buy the last items I need when I'm close to that stupid 50 item trophy.I have 1770 coins right now. Think I'll save it for the new batch because there really isn't anything I want right now.
Kinda want imp Mercy but I really don't play mercy that often.
Same, i'm at 2k and the skin i wanted already dropped for me
Hyped to see what they come up with next