The next legendary costume I buy will be Goth Zarya because that's how counter culture I am.
Did you mean Icycle? Because that should definitely have more drop to it at long range. I've beaten more Widows than I would ever dream of dropping in straight up sniping duels with that thing.
That's the thing. There's no real skillful way of playing Hanzo if the game is heated and a lot of enemies are running all over the place. THE way to play Hanzo in that situation is to spam shit with no regard as to what you're doing, and the game actively rewards you for it because the hitboxes are so outrageous. That's why he's a terrible character. You can be careful and aim far behind the frontlines and it really feels like that's what he was intended to do, but in making his arrows non-scopable and still viable as a sniper anyway they've made him frustrating to play against at medium range.
That's the thing I don't get. Why does Torb get all that stuff in one ult while other heroes struggle to do much with their ults in comparison? Two Torbs stacking up turrets and covering their blinds while giving their whole time extra armor and any push you make?
Nah, ima just click that instant turret heal button and have it shoot rockets next while also not dying through whatever you were shooting at me with.
I'm more annoyed by the instant tracking on the turret though. It takes the enjoyment out of the game to have to swap to counter heroes over and over and still not win because the randoms weren't doing it or doing much. Yeah, pouring salt and whatever.
Roadhog is weak to a lot of midrange or long attacks. Think soldier 76, hanzo, widow, for example. Even if they heal up you're gonna get your ult very fast with all the damage you're putting out. Reaper can also melt roadhogs if they get up close.
Widow headshots are unreliable and KOTH point time builds up very quickly if you have 2-3 widows instead of tanky characters.Yeah, double or trip soldiers should demolish the Hog Squad. Soldier stacks are hard to beat without extensive coordination.
Maybe someone was dead but definitely not in range. I even asked in chat each time did anyone get rezzed by it.
A soldier can sprint out of reach. Two soldiers should be able to down a self healing hog at range, you just need them headshots. Reaper I'm not sure, I suppose you need to block the hook? After that Reaper damage is pretty nuts, but I think Soldier 76 stands more of a chance overall.Widow headshots are unreliable and KOTH point time builds up very quickly if you have 2-3 widows instead of tanky characters.
And wouldn't the roadhogs just instantly grab + kill any soldier or reaper? 250 HP or less will instantly die to a roadhog combo at midrange.
Outside of double jump, climbing, and fully three dimensional dash, yeah same mobility as gengi.![]()
Zenyatta can be pretty cool.
Not to mention that each single death provides scrap for EACH Torb in the group, essentially doubling the available armor packs for your team with a second Torb. everyone in the group has 75 extra hps that also eat 5 damage per shot due to being armor.
Widow headshots are unreliable and KOTH point time builds up very quickly if you have 2-3 widows instead of tanky characters.
And wouldn't the roadhogs just instantly grab + kill any soldier or reaper? 250 HP or less will instantly die to a roadhog combo at midrange.
I'm a bad sniper and I can hardly land headshots on anyone, at 50 ping and 70 fps. A level 100+ friend told me that even pro players barely get 33% headshots, but perhaps I was misinformed. They said that due to the models and tick rate and such, hoping for an upper chest shot is best, and headshots are more of a lucky bonus.Lol what? Widowmaker has hitscan. I'm a bad sniper and I can still land headshots consistently on roadhog. And both soldier and reaper are strong against roadhogs. If you're consistently dying to chain hooks, the problem isn't the hero match up, it's the skill levels.
I'm not syaing 2-3 widows. Your team comp can vary a lot. There are a lot of characters that perform okay against roadhog. Bust out a 1 widow, 1 soldier and 1 zenyatta perhaps and you should be able to melt roadhogs. Or perhaps 1 soldier, 1 reaper, 1 hanzo.
That's the thing. There's no real skillful way of playing Hanzo if the game is heated and a lot of enemies are running all over the place. THE way to play Hanzo in that situation is to spam shit with no regard as to what you're doing, and the game actively rewards you for it because the hitboxes are so outrageous. That's why he's a terrible character. You can be careful and aim far behind the frontlines and it really feels like that's what he was intended to do, but in making his arrows non-scopable and still viable as a sniper anyway they've made him frustrating to play against at medium range.
A soldier can sprint out of reach. Two soldiers should be able to down a self healing hog at range, you just need them headshots. Reaper I'm not sure, I suppose you need to block the hook? After that Reaper damage is pretty nuts, but I think Soldier 76 stands more of a chance overall.
People get really mad when you ask them to switch heroes. Like, REALLY mad.
I thought Mercy could only use her ult if someone is dead and in range?
Except when that tank is just out of reach but you think he's not and instead you revive a single widow behind you!Correct. You can't 'waste' Mercy's ult. The game won't let you.
Blizzard should make a game mode that consists only of strafing back and forth in front of chokepoints. Just give the idiots what they want so the rest of us can play in peace. If I'm on the objective holding off 3 people with the other 3 also rushing back, you should not be at the chokepoint strafing back and forth shooting at literally nothing.
Love the game, but Overwatch has the absolute worst playerbase of any game I've ever spent significant time with.
If a player is Sym, and they shield someone while waiting in base, then the shielded person changes characters, does the shield stay?
If I play Sym and shield everyone while waiting in base, then I change heroes, does the shield stay?
If a player is Sym, and they shield someone while waiting in base, then the shielded person changes characters, does the shield stay?
If I play Sym and shield everyone while waiting in base, then I change heroes, does the shield stay?
Something like the TF2 pre-match animations would be a welcome addition.Maybe a mandatory non-skippable tutorial video on the gamemodes, overtime etc. can be made and shown to everybody who starts up an online game after the update. Just once ofcourse.
Just short 'n sweet but enough so that everybody at least knows what the goals are in each mode.
Even if it helps just a few % of the people now (maybe) not knowing exactly how it works.
edit: or even better, make loading screens with that kind of info and maybe a short animation.
Except when that tank is just out of reach but you think he's not and instead you revive a single widow behind you!
Speaking of which, I think that happened to me for the first time today. Other than being aware where people have died, is there a prompt on corpses showing that they are within reach, that I've missed?
Um yes there is an icon in the top middle of your screen.Except when that tank is just out of reach but you think he's not and instead you revive a single widow behind you!
Speaking of which, I think that happened to me for the first time today. Other than being aware where people have died, is there a prompt on corpses showing that they are within reach, that I've missed?
Blizzard should make a game mode that consists only of strafing back and forth in front of chokepoints. Just give the idiots what they want so the rest of us can play in peace. If I'm on the objective holding off 3 people with the other 3 also rushing back, you should not be at the chokepoint strafing back and forth shooting at literally nothing.
Love the game, but Overwatch has the absolute worst playerbase of any game I've ever spent significant time with.
Well yeah! But when the icon pops up, and I have the person I want to revive in-front, I want to be sure I'm in range of that particular guy. If I'm moving towards a corpse and someone dies beside me I can't be sure if I moved within range, unless there's an indicator at the corpse (or I get the feeeeeeling down). :<Um yes there is an icon in the top middle of your screen.
The people who play Zenyatta and are so focused on attacking that they don't heal their teammates are the absolute worst.
The people who play Zenyatta and are so focused on attacking that they don't heal their teammates are the absolute worst.
The trick, I've found, with Torbjorn's turret is to only repair it when you've cleared an area of the opposing team. Otherwise, you should be on the move and setting it up in a different area as it gets destroyed. This keeps them from knowing where it is and they'll have to figure out which angle they're getting fired from. In addition, if your turret doesn't get destroyed, you can shoot at your enemy from several different angles. That's the strongest point of the turret, the ability to have attacks coming from a variety of vectors.
Wow! Got my first legendary skin! level 27.
...for a character I never use.
Wow! Got my first legendary skin! level 27.
...for a character I never use.
I'd really love to play Widowmaker more, but I can't hit anything for toffee. How are you supposed to hit a target down a scope when both it and you are moving? I can't do it.
Correct. You can't 'waste' Mercy's ult. The game won't let you.
I'd really love to play Widowmaker more, but I can't hit anything for toffee. How are you supposed to hit a target down a scope when both it and you are moving? I can't do it.
I'd really love to play Widowmaker more, but I can't hit anything for toffee. How are you supposed to hit a target down a scope when both it and you are moving? I can't do it.
Git gud is really the only answer.
It can also help to mess with your sensitivity, you might be using one that is kinda high when scoped in which makes sniping harder.
81% of match on fire as Widowmaker on PS4 and I get 2 pity votes. Lol.