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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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Man i played some awesome random games today was on fire, and then got my loot box was like the game new i was doing good and rewarded me.

my 3rd legendary skin thus far

If you like it cool... but Jester/Fool is one of my least favorite skins in the game and I love me some Junkrat. Toasted all day until he gets better legendaries.
I don't want to tell people how to play the game but I think its best to learn how to play more than one character cause sometimes you need to switch based on the situation. I see a lot of people stick to one character even tho they're not helping.


the holder of the trombone
Oh yeah, I definitely did not mean to imply he should go it alone. And the best he can be is a nuisance/cleanup for others.

The point being he can be played much more 'assault-y' than all the other supports. Most games I am in now usually has a Lucio on point being a dick. Especially KOTH.

Nah, zenyatta is the most assaulty of the supports. Even to the point that I still need to learn how to balance offense and support.

You can shred a bastion quicker than they could shred through rein's shield.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Man, the gameplay in this is just so damn tight. It feels good to play. The environments/level design are about perfect. Balancing is surprisingly good.

I got to say, though, at almost level 50, there are some pretty glaring issues that will drive me away.

I don't mind playing pubs. But very, very rarely do I feel like - as an individual - I have any ability whatsoever to win the match for my team. And in the few cases I have that perfectly timed ult, that single-handed team kill, or that absolute clutch snipe against their Lucio/Mercy that ultimately wins us the game... I get no credit for it. Nobody cares. Nobody says good job. No hero card. No POTG. And it's not just kills. It's that ability to hold overtime for a solid two minutes single-handily. Or switching to Rein and getting us that shield when we need it. Or flipping over to Genji to take out that one Bastion nobody can seem to get with their sniper or Junkrat or McCree.

Yes, kills are important. Lots of kills are great. But it's that sneaky one-kill play that often wins the game or changes the tide of the match; and it's always ignored.

I keep asking... WHAT am I progressing toward? Not a number by my name. Not a legendary skin. Not some awesome achievement.

And that's OKAY. A-okay! But one thing that I absolutely do want as I progress, is a stronger sense of being able to win. A stronger sense of mastery. And while I, personally can feel I'm getting better, I still ask what's the point? Because I'm still not gonna win those last three games where we had three snipers and no healers.


Man, the gameplay in this is just so damn tight. It feels good to play. The environments/level design are about perfect. Balancing is surprisingly good.

I got to say, though, at almost level 50, there are some pretty glaring issues that will drive me away.

I don't mind playing pubs. But very, very rarely do I feel like - as an individual - I have any ability whatsoever to win the match for my team. And in the few cases I have that perfectly timed ult, that single-handed team kill, or that absolute clutch snipe against their Lucio/Mercy that ultimately wins us the game... I get no credit for it. Nobody cares. Nobody says good job. No hero card. No POTG.

Yes, kills are important. Lots of kills are great. But it's that sneaky one-kill play that often wins the game or changes the tide of the match; and it's always ignored.

I keep asking... WHAT am I progressing toward? Not a number by my name. Not a legendary skin. Not some awesome achievement.

And that's OKAY. A-okay! But one thing that I absolutely do want as I progress, is a stronger since of being able to win. A stronger sense of mastery. And while I, personally can feel I'm getting better, I still ask what's the point? Because I'm still not gonna win those last three games where we had three snipers and no healers.

That's what ranked is coming for


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
That's what ranked is coming for

My fear, there, though is that I'll get stomped playing by myself.

Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm very, very hopeful for something similar to Halo 2's matchmaking - which is, to this day, the best implementation I've experienced.

If my rank can go up and down with my wins, and the enemies I face are of equal skill 99% of the time... then yeah, that would be fantastic! But I can't help but think I'm gonna be playing the EXACT same game as I am now, but with even more frustration because loses will hurt more.
My fear, there, though is that I'll get stomped playing by myself.

Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm very, very hopeful for something similar to Halo 2's matchmaking - which is, to this day, the best implementation I've experienced.

If my rank can go up and down with my wins, and the enemies I face are of equal skill 99% of the time... then yeah, that would be fantastic! But I can't help but think I'm gonna be playing the EXACT same game as I am now, but with even more frustration because loses will hurt more.

Isn't it skill based instead of progression, as in win/lose does not matter?


Had a great run last night, but tonight I had the worst run since launch. Is it me, my team, or the game trying to put my 53% win rate to 50? I don't know, however what I do know is that it crushed my drive to play the game for a few days.


My fear, there, though is that I'll get stomped playing by myself.

Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm very, very hopeful for something similar to Halo 2's matchmaking - which is, to this day, the best implementation I've experienced.

If my rank can go up and down with my wins, and the enemies I face are of equal skill 99% of the time... then yeah, that would be fantastic! But I can't help but think I'm gonna be playing the EXACT same game as I am now, but with even more frustration because loses will hurt more.

I'm sure people on gaf and in this very thread will play with you online.
The more I play this the more I dislike the games teamplay orientation. Playing alone or with small parties is an excersize in frustration, and more so than in other team orientated games. On a moba I can win my lane and that's okay, I can still have a good time, but on this, if my team won't group up and just want to filter in and die all day, well, that directly affects my experience from the outset of the game, all the way up to its conclusion.

It really feels as though doesn't matter how well I do as an individual here at all. I have had games where I'm 35-0 and we have still lost. Obviously kills don't directly mean anything, but I would like to think that when your opponents are dead half of the time, the rest of my team could pick up some of the slack and do their job, but no... usually not. This is distinct from other team play focused games like Rainbow Six Siege, or even MOBAs, where individuals have an individual and often isolated role to play that has its own determinants of success that in and of themselves, can make a large contribution to team. As in, if I win my lane on a MOBA, it feels like I've had an impact that can be identified as determinant of match outcome.
some good solo queued games tonight. Overall mostly wins. bless Blizzard for pairing me with functional team. i think i got 3 POTG back to back. so i'm happy about that. (y)
I got the Sunyatta skin, which makes me want to play as him, but every time I do I feel like I'm handicapping my team by not being Mercy or Lucio. It's so rare to convince people to run double support in pubs, and Zenyatta just doesn't put out much healing except for his ult, but people expect him to for some reason.

Also he just gets murdered by any flanker, unless you can kill the attacker before they get two shots off on you.

He's my least played hero and I still haven't gotten a handle on him. I guess I'm supposed to play him more like a Hanzo, picking people apart from a distance? His damage is good but every time I'm in line of sight of the enemy I feel like I'm going to melt instantly.

I was thinking that he might work out on defense when paired with a Symmetra. The extra bit of shields and the vison/protection her turrets give against flanking would help him out a lot. Meanwhile he could shred people that are forced down chokepoints.

It would be fun to pair him with a Genji and just gank people all day, too. I need a buddy to try these things out with.


Hallways and tight spaces are your friend for taking out anyone who isn't a tank. When firing don't click but hold the mouse as it will help you focus on aiming and not adjusting do to your finger presses. When they get close flash and fan, if you miss or don't kill them, roll and fan again. Thats basically McCree. Other than that, just practice.

McCree is a close range character not mid since he has a fair amount of damage drop off. Sounds like the way you are playing him you might be better off with Soldier 76. Staying near the support is a proper way to play him since his primary job is to protect them from characters like Tracer and Genji but most people will flank for surprise high noons and camp doorways with his flashbang.

I agree with More Fun. It sounds like you're playing McCree more like Soldier 76. Adjust to some closer range tactics.

stun/fan combo.

Thanks guys!


Finally got my first legendary skin for a character I play... feels good. Only took, like, twenty hours of play time. Okay, one down, only fifteen or so more to go... *breaks into tears*


I got my first legendary last night @ level 24, which was the Chopper skin for Torbjorn. Man, it's a pretty terrible skin. It's the worst looking skin for a hero I rarely play haha, but oh well! I honestly think most of the epic skins are better than the legendaries. The only legendary skin I really want is for Genji.

Really excited for ranked mode, definitely want to put together a team first though. I couldn't give a shit if I win or lose in quick play because most of the time my team cares more about medals than objectives, but in ranked I will care quite a lot. Out of curiosity, does anyone know if the medals all reward the same EXP? I haven't checked. It'd be cool if the medal for objective time gave more EXP than the others, it would promote being on the objective a bit more maybe, I dunno. Then again, people just don't care, they want dem kills!

I was thinking that he might work out on defense when paired with a Symmetra. The extra bit of shields and the vison/protection her turrets give against flanking would help him out a lot. Meanwhile he could shred people that are forced down chokepoints.

On certain maps when defending, if there's a Symmetra or Zenyatta I always pick the opposite, they seem to combo very well together for the reasons you mentioned. I REALLY like Zenyatta's skillset but I just get murdered by flankers. As soon as I die to a Tracer or Genji I end up swapping to Lucio, it's just so frustrating when you're in amongst 3 of your teammates and still die immediately.


If you like it cool... but Jester/Fool is one of my least favorite skins in the game and I love me some Junkrat. Toasted all day until he gets better legendaries.

eh.. i barely use junkrat so its not a big deal but i do agree his toasted is his better skin


If you like it cool... but Jester/Fool is one of my least favorite skins in the game and I love me some Junkrat. Toasted all day until he gets better legendaries.
Jester is Junkrat's best alt skin imo. Love the colours and it suits him really well.


If you like it cool... but Jester/Fool is one of my least favorite skins in the game and I love me some Junkrat. Toasted all day until he gets better legendaries.

I really like Jailbird personally... I'm a big fan of the more subtle skins over the big flashy ones...
Just one more Trophy away from plat and it's bugged lol


Is anyone else saving their credits for future skins? I've got a couple thousand just sitting there and I can't decide to spend it now or save it until later.
Wound up on a playful team that went all Zenyatta defending on Osiris. 4 out of the 6 of us got wiped out by a single Deadeye at the first point.

Tranquil, though.
It's reaching the point where in the majority of my pug matches I'll be 2 or 3 gold medal and/or POTG. Sure not all my games are wins but I'm pulling this rather consistently. And if my friends login, we get a small group going and just wreck.

And just gotten a legendary coin from loot box.....it's money so that means I'm now at 1000. I'm ready next patch!


I've been reading through the thread and I've seen a few people being troubled by some of the characters and a response that mentions that it isn't difficult.

Doing so is fine I suppose, but its important to mention what character you're using when are having issues.

Most often than not, your experience with the game is dictating by what character you often use or "main". For example, Pharah get's most play time from me and absolute have no understanding of the Mei or Bastion pains but get annoyed by turrets and auto aims.

Those thoughts aside. Loving this game so much, at level 90 at the moment. McCree patch hasn't hit consoles yet, but expecting to love Winston a bit more when it does!


Just one more Trophy away from plat and it's bugged lol


Is anyone else saving their credits for future skins? I've got a couple thousand just sitting there and I can't decide to spend it now or save it until later.

Any tips for zenyatta? I have only him and Dva ult left.

Edit: nevermind, seems like you cheated.


Tips for Lucio-movement on consoles? I have a rudimentary grasp on it but I'm not very smooth at going from the floor to higher ground for example. I should add I've already re-mapped the controls so I can aim and jump/wallride.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
3 more levels and I lose my cool wings and gain an ugly clipart star, yay! :(


But Junkrat has the most expressive face in the game, like all his emotes with the Jester costume are GOAT tier, and his highlight intros are basically ruined with the Hayseed skin.
Pretty much this. I hardly ever use Junkrat but I love it when he comes up on the main menu screen with his Jester skin on, the facial expressions he does there coupled with the skin are perfect.


Anyone who plays a lot of Genji got any tips? I primarily play tank & support roles, but I'm trying to learn Junkrat on defense (pretty easy hero to learn though) and Genji for offense because when I do half decent with him, he's so damn fun. Aside from Bastions, what are other heroes I should keep an eye out for to counter with Genji?


I'm starting to get really frustrated with Overwatch. Losing games over and over when I don't have enough friends online to roll a full team is super annoying. Pickups fail so hard: not protecting supports, playing a tank, waiting for people to spawn before pushing, not playing lucio like he is Reaper, understanding objectives. We seriously need ranked mode ASAP so we can play with people who understand the game more often.

Mr. X

Weird bug where the game says Team Kill if enemy D. Va is the last one alive still. D. Va in mech was on screen shooting us when the other 5 were dead, we all got that message.


Weird bug where the game says Team Kill if enemy D. Va is the last one alive still. D. Va in mech was on screen shooting us when the other 5 were dead, we all got that message.
Yeah this happens when D.va is still in her mech apparently. Must be tied to the fact that destroying D.va's Mech doesn't count as an elimination.
I love it when my team picks 2 snipers then they fight on who should be sniper and the other one says

"pick someone else or I feed"


Fucking Dota-tards.


I love it when my team picks 2 snipers then they fight on who should be sniper and the other one says

"pick someone else or I feed"


Fucking Dota-tards.
Why is it always the snipers that act like this?

Seriously, Hanzo and Widowmaker "mains" are the worst.
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