The more I play this the more I dislike the games teamplay orientation. Playing alone or with small parties is an excersize in frustration, and more so than in other team orientated games. On a moba I can win my lane and that's okay, I can still have a good time, but on this, if my team won't group up and just want to filter in and die all day, well, that directly affects my experience from the outset of the game, all the way up to its conclusion.
It really feels as though doesn't matter how well I do as an individual here at all. I have had games where I'm 35-0 and we have still lost. Obviously kills don't directly mean anything, but I would like to think that when your opponents are dead half of the time, the rest of my team could pick up some of the slack and do their job, but no... usually not. This is distinct from other team play focused games like Rainbow Six Siege, or even MOBAs, where individuals have an individual and often isolated role to play that has its own determinants of success that in and of themselves, can make a large contribution to team. As in, if I win my lane on a MOBA, it feels like I've had an impact that can be identified as determinant of match outcome.