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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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there will still be lopsided games in ranked. you will still go on long losing streaks in ranked. there will still be people playing one single hero in ranked. ranked won't save you from believing that you are the best and everyone else is the worst. you will just blame the skill ranking system for putting you in the wrong bracket.

dont get your hopes up.

At least ranking will be more transparent. They will show who is grouped with who and it'll show each player's ranking and each team's average ranking. Perhaps these things will help people accept that matchmaking isn't screwing them over, perhaps other things are like someone not playing up to potential or not playing a hero they're particularly good at, or teammates just don't click fast enough etc..


At least ranking will be more transparent. They will show who is grouped with who and it'll show each player's ranking and each team's average ranking. Perhaps these things will help people accept that matchmaking isn't screwing them over, perhaps other things are like someone not playing up to potential or not playing a hero they're particularly good at, or teammates just don't click fast enough etc..

the number of people who claim they are at the wrong mmr in dota would suggest otherwise


I really want to enjoy playing as Pharah but I find it to hard to hit people with her rockets most of the times. Even if I try to predict where people will walk by the time the rockets reach them, they suddenly move somewhere else and I end up wasting more than half of my rockets. :( I might be lucky enough to hit someone 2 or 3 times, but that isn't enough to kill them.

Could be that you just are too far away from them. That's something I see a lot of players do. They fly like 25 meters in the sky. Very hard to hit anything moving from that. Try learning to fly lower while still staying alive.
Yesterday I had 51 percent of total wins, today, blizzard decided that was just too much and started pairing me with fucking losers and bad team players until it made me go down to 49%
But the worst thing is not losing, is being steamrolled by 90% of the teams Ive played today. Won once steamrolling the other team, that not even fun.
Teams not even passing the first checkpoint, and me trying to help with Lucio, Reinhardt and Mercy's. Every time they seem to push, it was thanks to my Reinhardt moving the payload, or becuase I used Mercy to resucitate the whole team. Nobody using the ults in the team, and the other team using them every 30 seconds becuase they killed my team so much and coordinated from all flanks.
When I get gold with Mercy killing 15 guys, you now your team is shit. Its true that I tried to play a junkrat in Numbani defense on one of the games, and I did super bad becuase I was trying to do something new, that all my fault, but the rest....

Sometimes I think the game is pairing me up with guys talking through skype, I dont know why Blizzard tries to hide that info. I know Blizzard tends to separate guys if they repeat the next fight and one team has steamrolled, when that doesnt happen and the enemy team is exactly the same persons, Im pretty sure they are playing using skype.
I really want to enjoy playing as Pharah but I find it to hard to hit people with her rockets most of the times. Even if I try to predict where people will walk by the time the rockets reach them, they suddenly move somewhere else and I end up wasting more than half of my rockets. :( I might be lucky enough to hit someone 2 or 3 times, but that isn't enough to kill them.

like other say hit the ground/wall the splash damage will still hit them.


It's great when you're with one or two other people in a group and you get steamrolled by a full group cuz everyone is super coordinated including using their Ults together.
Ugh, why don't people kill the Mercy first I don't think there's anything at drives me crazier then when people kill everyone else but the mercy and she res everyone.

Well when I play Mercy I'm hiding behind someone. So if all goes according to plan I'm the last one alive.
Yesterday I had 51 percent of total wins, today, blizzard decided that was just too much and started pairing me with fucking losers and bad team players until it made me go down to 49%
But the worst thing is not losing, is being steamrolled by 90% of the teams Ive played today. Won once steamrolling the other team, that not even fun.
Teams not even passing the first checkpoint, and me trying to help with Lucio, Reinhardt and Mercy's. Every time they seem to push, it was thanks to my Reinhardt moving the payload, or becuase I used Mercy to resucitate the whole team. Nobody using the ults in the team, and the other team using them every 30 seconds becuase they killed my team so much and coordinated from all flanks.
When I get gold with Mercy killing 15 guys, you now your team is shit.

Sometimes I think the game is pairing me up with guys talking through skype, I dont know why Blizzard tries to hide that info. I know Blizzard tends to separate guys if they repeat the next fight and one team has steamrolled, when that doesnt happen and the enemy team is exactly the same persons, Im pretty sure they are playing using skype.

I'm confused... what relevance is skype? Do you just mean you think you're playing against premade teams? It's possible although not likely. The system doesn't prevent you from playing against premades but when solo queueing it tends to pair you with other solo queues against other solo queues.
It's great when you're with one or two other people in a group and you get steamrolled by a full group cuz everyone is super coordinated including using their Ults together.

The pairing ults drives me crazy.
Im trying always to tell my team my ult is ready so they can take adavantage of it. 99% of the times they dont give a fuck when playing with randoms.

The only time Ive paired ults correctly, is when Im with friends. So of course Im going to believe steamroll matches with everyone pairing the ult is people talking through skype and me playing with some uncoordinated randoms.

There should be a mode to play only with friends, and other with only randoms. I think the comptetive is going to try doing that, or at least, telling you if the other team are already friends.
I dont think people are going to play better in comptetitve, but knowing who is a real team or just some randos is going to help, even if its a little.

I'm confused... what relevance is skype? Do you just mean you think you're playing against premade teams? It's possible although not likely. The system doesn't prevent you from playing against premades but when solo queueing it tends to pair you with other solo queues against other solo queues.

Nope, tested with some friends. The matchmaking now doesnt take that into account. And if you get, or do a steamroll, and everyone stays for the next match, the game will always try to mix the teams, something it never does with premade teams.
Your team can all be randoms, and the other team be 4 guys on a premade team and two randoms. They are always going to win becuase they are more coordinated, and it shows by how they use the ults the majority of the time, and how they are never separated in the next match.
And when I say skype I mean any program you can speak privately with some friends.
Master Overwatch has the nicest (cleanest) design and seems to get the most feature updates.

Also, I don't like that Watcher.gg factors defensive assists from supports into its KDA.

Much obliged! This looks perfect for my needs.

One last question: last night I was in a match with pugs, our team was doing pretty good but it was an even fight I felt, when suddenly someone from the enemy team started accusing us of being premades, even though we weren't. They keep saying "I can see you're a premade on <sitewho'surlIdon'tremember>", and no matter what we said, the dude insisted that a certain website said we were.

Is there actually a site like that, showing live game stats?


The pairing ults drives me crazy.
Im trying always to tell my team my ult is ready so they can take adavantage of it. 99% of the times they dont give a fuck when playing with randoms.

The only time Ive paired ults correctly, is when Im with friends. So of course Im going to believe steamroll matches with everyone pairing the ult is people talking through skype and me playing with some uncoordinated randoms.

There should be a mode to play only with friends, and other with only randoms. I think the comptetive is going to try doing that, or at least, telling you if the other team are already friends.
I dont think people are going to play better in comptetitve, but knowing who is a real team or just some randos is going to help, even if its a little.

There's already a mode like that, it's called Group Play. When in a group, the MMR tries to find another group to play against.
There's already a mode like that, it's called Group Play. When in a group, the MMR tries to find another group to play against.

We have always used quickmatch when playing with groups of friends. Im pretty sure the majority of people do exactly that, and it was clear the majority of the times we where playing agaisnt randoms. The game couldnt sperate us because we were a premade team, while the other players came and go.


If a Pharah/Mercy brawl ever happens, I really hope it'll make some people change opinions about support class, they're always the last picked in pub games, just like when you were at school and were forced to take that last kid no one wanted :(.


the holder of the trombone

Can people stop picking Hanzo.

Every fucking game.

It's to the point that if i see that someone pick Hanzo depending on map i might just leave the game.


We have always used quickmatch when playing with groups of friends. Im pretty sure the majority of people do exactly that.

No, I think you misunderstood me. If you're in a group, quick match will look for another group to play against. Of course, this only works when you're in a full group of 6.

The game couldnt sperate us because we were a premade team, while the other players came and go.

And the way MMR tries to fix that is to kick your team back out to the main screen and find you another group to play against.


The pairing ults drives me crazy.
Im trying always to tell my team my ult is ready so they can take adavantage of it. 99% of the times they dont give a fuck when playing with randoms.

I always hit Z to say my ult is ready only to realize the ult is not really dependant on another person like Tracer's Q.
I bought Overwatch yesterday; I don't typically play online PC games, but everything I've seen and heard about it was awesome, so I took a chance and bought it blind.

I couldn't stop playing until 1:00am. Holy fuck; I can't remember the last time a game grabbed me like this.
If a Pharah/Mercy brawl ever happens, I really hope it'll make some people change opinions about support class, they're always the last picked in pub games, just like when you were at school and were forced to take that last kid no one wanted :(.

we'll just end up pharah and her pocket mercy and wonder why no one get them heals anymore.

The End


Can people stop picking Hanzo.

Every fucking game.

It's to the point that if i see that someone pick Hanzo depending on map i might just leave the game.

he can be very useful on defense!

somewhat less so on attack

but yes, often it's better to pick widow or torb
That Winston.


"I'm sorry" - every Mei ever

I think friendly Meis kill me more often than enemy Meis, lol.



Can people stop picking Hanzo.

Every fucking game.

It's to the point that if i see that someone pick Hanzo depending on map i might just leave the game.

Got on a pub team with 2 Hanzo, 2 Widows, and a Pharah and me as Lucio. I guess I'll cap that point and move that payload by myself, oh wait we didn't make it that far. I have yet to quit a game because they are so short, but that one made me almost. A couple finally switched when the countdown started, but to little to late.
I wish more Mercys helped out my Pharah but nope. Foolish Mercy is foolish.

I've pretty much settled in on Mercy as my main character unless someone else picks her. She is just so game changing. I've had so many games where I see the characters everyone else picks and think to myself we have no chance, but then we win easy. When your team doesn't die it's hard to push a payload against it.
Is there anything they can do about the payload maps? They feel far too dependent on the first and last points. If there's a wipe on the first point, or even 3 defenders die while the point is being captured, the 2nd point is basically guaranteed. Or Route 66, which has no capture point, people tend to lose the early points easily and then hold the last for 8 minutes.


Some ppl on this game just make me smh. Gonna call me a bad Zen when I was doing what I'm supposed to do while he wasn't doing anything.

Game before that guy wants to brag about how he did better than 2 prestiges. Bitch you're a Hanzo. And what did you do that was oh so great because I didn't see it. Not like you really have to aim with him anyway.


Some ppl on this game just make me smh. Gonna call me a bad Zen when I was doing what I'm supposed to do while he wasn't doing anything.

Game before that guy wants to brag about how he did better than 2 prestiges. Bitch you're a Hanzo. And what did you do that was oh so great because I didn't see it. Not like you really have to aim with him anyway.

is this all on PC chat? cuz i'm glad i don't need to see that garbo on PS4.

On a side note, I cleared out some people from my PSN list. the promise of playing together never came through so whatevs. Got 6 guys that will almost always invite me when i send them a request to invite me to their groups. Good dudes.


Just came back from a holiday, last played overwatch on the 9th June and whatever patches they've done over that time have killed my fps.

3570k GTX970

Before: never dropping below 80fps, usually at ~120.

After: drops down below 40! usually at 80 now.

What gives? anyone else experience this?


is this all on PC chat? cuz i'm glad i don't need to see that garbo on PS4.

On a side note, I cleared out some people from my PSN list. the promise of playing together never came through so whatevs. Got 6 guys that will almost always invite me when i send them a request to invite me to their groups. Good dudes.

Yeah PC


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
There's only 6 characters on a team. It's not TF2. If there's a shit pick for a situation, it can ruin it for your entire team.

True story: On some maps, if someone on the other team picks a hanzo or widow, sometimes I will not target them because I know they are not really helping their team and I secretly hope they don't switch to a more useful class. Sad but true.


Well, my issues with him is that on some maps/sides, it's pretty counterproductive to pick him over other characters.

His wallhack arrow is always useful to me so I like a Hanzo pick.

There's only 6 characters on a team. It's not TF2. If there's a shit pick for a situation, it can ruin it for your entire team.

How would you know it's a shit pick from the start? There are some dudes who do well as Hanzo.

The Hanzo hate makes no sense to me.
is this all on PC chat? cuz i'm glad i don't need to see that garbo on PS4.

On a side note, I cleared out some people from my PSN list. the promise of playing together never came through so whatevs. Got 6 guys that will almost always invite me when i send them a request to invite me to their groups. Good dudes.

Yeah, coming from League, I would think a text chat would increase how toxic a community looks. If that was prevalent on the Xbox version, I'd turn it off in a heartbeat.


Gold Member
Just came back from a holiday, last played overwatch on the 9th June and whatever patches they've done over that time have killed my fps.

3570k GTX970

Before: never dropping below 80fps, usually at ~120.

After: drops down below 40! usually at 80 now.

What gives? anyone else experience this?

yeah a lot of people, including myself, are experiencing framerate drops.
His wallhack arrow is always useful to me so I like a Hanzo pick.

How would you know it's a shit pick from the start? There are some dudes who do well as Hanzo.

The Hanzo hate makes no sense to me.

I don't question anyone's pick before we get into the game and see how it goes. I've been surprised too many times.
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