Yeah for real. Going by this thread, a majority of players are great and are only held back by their team and not their limited skill set.
Can't wait for competitive and reading all the salty posts about poor teammates. It will be like a new season of LoL all over again.
While that is half-true, you guys are taking things a bit out of context. Most of the complaints are about team picks and not playing objectives; it doesn't mean certain defeats wouldn't have happened, but they wouldn't be complete streamrolls. Losing while trying your best or getting outplayed is fine, but there are certain things that piss you off even if you win. Seriously, I lost some matches where the other team was too good, and I was excited to learn how to counter them and improve my skill/character knowledge (immediately went to vs A.I and A.I range).
Competitive might be people going AFK and losing deliberately because someone on their own team pissed them off or didn't pick the "proper" meta characters. It reminds me of my first competitive CS:GO match where someone went apeshit on me and the whole team later on for no reason. I am not saying that I wasn't following the meta in that match (did my research on buys, maps and high level play in general) but I don't know what ticked that
guy off LOL. Everyone in the team was trying hard and planning things in the chat, but we still lost, and then the other team called us noobs (duh level 1 guys) for cracking up at a comeback attempt by me and a teammate where we made an obvious mistake. I lost every round in my first competitive match but I didn't feel bad.
Now that High Bandwith is fixed there should be more GAF 12s.
Support your local GAF Salt factories.
This is something people should realize. You will still lose a lot even in competitive and in organized groups with mics and shit. I hope that we see less team picking shenanigans in competitive, but I doubt it. People will still pick popular offense/defense characters and ignore the others.