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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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Is this Reddit post even a real problem on consoles? None of my friends seem to be leaving this game. They're playing like they always have.


1 Torbjorn isn't an issue usually, with 2 it gets problematic. Everything above that is just not fun. Even if you're playing it well then there's still a very big challenge ahead. I played a match against 5 Torbjorns and 1 Mercy today on Hanamura defense. Every time you figured you'd make it close, they simply used MOLTEN COOOORE and we'd all die. This was with people adjusting heroes as well, swapping to D.va and Widowmaker. Killing one turret is fine and all but they're rebuilt before you get back. Unwinnable


I'd hate this game if I had to play it on console judging by how good Torb is on there. I find even 1 of him unfun to play against, him and Bastion are mood killers for sure, luckily they aren't as bad on PC.
He's really only a good pick on hanamura (point a), Kings row (point a), and Hollywood. Everything else is hit or miss. By point a I mean you need to switch once the other team caps that point. You can troll with him on volskaya attacking point b by placing turrets on the moving platforms but that's about all of the good it does.

They can get above the spawn point on B Volskaya, its really not fun trying to either get close or take them from distance. Though I agree its only certain maps etc but when it falls he's unstoppable and as Nuno said its not any player skill, its an aim bot dealing death all across the map

Dropping the D.Va Bomb + Mass Rush is the best way to handle Multi Torb, IMO.

So you all hang back, wait for a D.Va ULT then all rush in, triffic. Its a 1/1000 play. Pubs never go like that


Matchmaking in this game is horrible. Just got the game today and keep going up against rank 20+ and keeping getting teamed with low ranked players


Matchmaking in this game is horrible. Just got the game today and keep going up against rank 20+ and keeping getting teamed with low ranked players

Those rankings do not matter. Once Competitive Mode is up, you'll start earning a skill rating that does matter.

So you all hang back, wait for a D.Va ULT then all rush in, triffic. Its a 1/1000 play. Pubs never go like that

Pubs can't handle Multi Torb, period. The only way to fix that is to either a) nerf Torb to the point he becomes worthless, b) get rid of Torb or c) ban hero stacking.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.


Crisco said:
The biggest problem is that it's a lot easier for 4-6 random Torbs to work together than it is for 6 pugs playing different heroes.

I think that's the big issue. It's trivial for 6 random people to pick Torb and set up shop in every corner of the map. It's not an insurmountable challenge but it definitely takes a lot more coordination from the opposing team to take them out. I haven't played the console version but I don't doubt that adjustments could be necessary given the range and accuracy of those turrets. Limiting hero stacking seems like the wrong way to solve the problem to me.

I'm also curious what characters people are picking to counter them. I've seen turrets completely destroy their own team simply because a couple Zarya's are keeping themselves super charged long enough to rip people apart. If they are all at a choke point then swapping out to push through with fast or shielded characters means you're beyond most of the turrets. If they have them equally spread out then pushing into their territory isn't impossible. If people see this as frequently as some forums would lead you to believe then counter strategies should be popping up for people to attempt. I realize it's all easier said than done (I've been totally clobbered by similar groups myself) but I suspect this might require a change from both Blizzard and players.
Gee, I wonder who will have the advantage in that brawl, offense or defense, lol. No thx, I already see enough torbs in quick play, don't need to see them in every brawl.


Man it's hard to pick between Hanzo and Widow. Hanzo has the OH SHIT ability and Widow makes me see things. But I can see some things with Hanzo. Makes it really hard to get POTG with Widow though.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Yeah this new brawl sucks lol, just had my first and probably last match.
Everyone picking one character is not fun to play against. Especially since your team can't figure out how to counter cause they rather play their favorite character.

I'm seeing it more and more often.


Gotta love the 12k heals on Mercy carrying your team through a goddamn meatgrinder and no votes. No adulation for me. Time to say feck team composition, it's Mei time. :p

I'm going to be part of the problem!


The overtime/sudden death/tie breaker rules in competitive mode are pretty bad.

If both teams reach the objective, then another round is played with the time they had left remaining, that's fair. If this round ends in a tie then a coin is tossed where one team attacks with 2 minutes on the clock and they only need to capture objective A. Why can't they just give the game a draw after the second round? That coin toss stuff is a load of shite.


I'm sure it's been posted, but this is why we can't have nice things.


Same thing happened with XBOX LIVE iirc. They used to have avoid player but had to remove it because people were abusing it to avoid playing against good players.

Bring back prefer player instead!


A random tangent, but Blizzards authentication process is a goddamn nightmare. Especially when I'm trying to switch devices. I got a new phone and now I need a code to access a program to access a code to allow me in battlenet. But none of it works though email for some reason.

I'm so confused on what code needs to go where to actually switch devices. And now I'm just blocked out of my own account.

You need to use the restore code to change devices on the Battlenet app.


Is this Reddit post even a real problem on consoles? None of my friends seem to be leaving this game. They're playing like they always have.


Its very much a real problem. Teams of Torbjorns are just plain broken. As it stands now, the meta on consoles is to have a bare minimum of two Torbjorns and a Symmetra on defense. The optimum set up is four Torbs, Sym, and a Lucio. Now its definitely not as effective on all the maps but maps like both the second points of Volskaya and Anubis can become nigh impenetrable fortresses. So long as the Torbjorns are alternating their ults and set up their turrets to cover one another they can absolutely make choke points next to impossible to get through since Torbjorn gets his ult so damn fast that it means your guaranteed to have to deal with at least one level 3 turret and a very angry dwarf at all times. Symmetra's teleporter also insures that if anyone of the Torbs die they're back in the fray in seconds. Her Sentries can really make a push through choke points come to a near stop and leave the opposing team to stop and try and destroy her turrets, leaving the enemy open to Torbjorns turrets. Also, if the Torbjorns get the high ground they can essentially use their guns primary fire as a sniper rifle if they're a good aim. Throwing a lucio into the mix can shut down an enemy teams push by using his ult and negating pretty much all their damage, and buffing already incredibly strong molten cored Torbs. Also, with that many Torbs you basically have near infinite armor packs littering the point. Meaning that there is essentially free health packs all over the place beefing up the team during any skirmish with the enemy on, or near, the point.

Edit: Not to mention how fast Torbs can put up his turret, it doesn't matter how many you destroy it just doesn't matter unless you kill both the turret and Torb at the same time. But even then they'll respawn in no time and use their ult and Put up a brand new level 3 turret on the point. Its bullshit.

I apologize for the wall of text there but this is a BIG problem and its something Blizz needs to address soon.
I'm really liking D.Va a lot. I really like her gameplay style just getting up on people's faces and harassing them. The more I play on the maps the more alternate routes you can find with her boost ability. You can usually find a small opening or a cranny to get behind enemy lines and it's surprising how often people on the enemy team just don't expect that. I love that I can get into practically anyone's face and either mess them up or wreck their shit entirely.

If there's a Widow or Hanzo in some place high up it's really satisfying to know I can get up to wherever they are, regardless of where they are, and wreck their shit. I've yet to get killed by any snipers even if I'm at half-health and they're at full because getting right up in their face really throws everyone off. Even a couple of times as the mech is about to get destroyed, I use my rocket boost not to fly out of there (which would be a perfectly fine response), but a few times I've done the opposite and used it to get even closer to them and bump them around with the boost and do even more damage. It's surprising how often that works, because bumping them does some damage, throws off their aim, and allows me to do even more damage. You can also destroy ANY level 2 torb turret by rocketing right up to it with the shield engaged and then laying waste when you're touching it. I never realized how much of a hard counter she is against Torbjorn but she is. D.Va can destroy lv 2 turrets at any point in time regardless of where they are.

D.Va when out of her mech is also a lot more useful than I originally thought. I thought she was useless and that the best course of action is just to run away forever until I died or my mech became available again, but now that I'm learning how to lead shots with slower projectile weapons I'm finding her little gun can be devastating if you can land several shots and even a few headshots in. I've even killed a few Bastions while on foot after getting in a tussle with them on mech and them winning. I've gone up against tanks and she can really contribute a lot to damage if you have at least one other teammate in there with you.

I just really like D.Va and how playing hyper-aggressive actually rewards you.

This is exactly how I play her, she is my favourite character.

El Sloth

What would be the best possible hero counter to stacked Torbs? I'd probably call for 2 Reinhardts and 4 Zenyattas.
I feel like 6 Zaryas or 5 Zaryas with a Lucio or Mercy should be a pretty solid counter, but I've never been in a group to give it a shot.


Its very much a real problem. Teams of Torbjorns are just plain broken. As it stands now, the meta on consoles is to have a bare minimum of two Torbjorns and a Symmetra on defense. Th optimum set up is four Torbs, Sym, and a Lucio. Now its definitely not as effective on all the maps but maps like both the second points of Volskaya and Anubis can become nigh impenetrable fortresses. So long as the Torbjorns are alternating their ults and set up their turrets to cover one another they can absolutely make choke points next to impossible to get through since Torbjorn gets his ult so damn fast that it means your guaranteed to have to deal with at least one level 3 turret and a very angry dwarf at all times. Symmetra's teleporter also insures that if anyone of the Torbs die they're back in the fray in seconds. Her Sentries can really make a push through choke poitng come to a near stop and leave the opposing team to stop and try and destroy her turrets, leaving the enemy open to Torbjorns turrets. Also, if the Torbjorns get the high ground they can essentially use their guns primary fire as a sniper rifle if they're a good aim. Throwing a lucio into the mix can shut down an enemy teams push by using his ult and negating pretty much all their damage, and buffing already incredibly strong molten cored Torbs. Also, with that many Torbs you basically have near infinite armor packs littering the point. Meaning that there is essentially free health packs all over the place beefing up the team during any skirmish with the enemy on, or near, the point.

I apologize for the wall of text there but this is a BIG problem and its something Blizz needs to address soon.


so many torbs are so annoying...

That being said, counters would be Zarya, and maybe Winston, perhaps a Widowmaker to take turrets out, and Reinhart. Something like that


What would be the best possible hero counter to stacked Torbs? I'd probably call for 2 Reinhardts and 4 Zenyattas.

A rein, a mercy and a lucio at least. Rein to soak as much damage as possible. Both mercy and lucio are there to offset the molten cores. The rest whatever damage dealers that fit be with the map.


Can't wail until Competitive mode where the thread devolves into people bitching about their placement matches.

Actually they said in the video I believe that the same wacky match ups may happen if you solo, they encouraged group ups in the forums in another post, but I guess most people play solo and don't want to feel like its a worse off experience?
they changed the voice on the lady announcer and they make it say play of the match instead. and the music is pretty awesome so far.

i like the presentation of comp so far but like random they put me in teams who don't work together.
how can i 10/10 my placement matches now.
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