Its very much a real problem. Teams of Torbjorns are just plain broken. As it stands now, the meta on consoles is to have a bare minimum of two Torbjorns and a Symmetra on defense. Th optimum set up is four Torbs, Sym, and a Lucio. Now its definitely not as effective on all the maps but maps like both the second points of Volskaya and Anubis can become nigh impenetrable fortresses. So long as the Torbjorns are alternating their ults and set up their turrets to cover one another they can absolutely make choke points next to impossible to get through since Torbjorn gets his ult so damn fast that it means your guaranteed to have to deal with at least one level 3 turret and a very angry dwarf at all times. Symmetra's teleporter also insures that if anyone of the Torbs die they're back in the fray in seconds. Her Sentries can really make a push through choke poitng come to a near stop and leave the opposing team to stop and try and destroy her turrets, leaving the enemy open to Torbjorns turrets. Also, if the Torbjorns get the high ground they can essentially use their guns primary fire as a sniper rifle if they're a good aim. Throwing a lucio into the mix can shut down an enemy teams push by using his ult and negating pretty much all their damage, and buffing already incredibly strong molten cored Torbs. Also, with that many Torbs you basically have near infinite armor packs littering the point. Meaning that there is essentially free health packs all over the place beefing up the team during any skirmish with the enemy on, or near, the point.
I apologize for the wall of text there but this is a BIG problem and its something Blizz needs to address soon.