We should just do a whole tournament based around thisWe should have some GAF scrims where attackers try to break a 5 man torb
We should just do a whole tournament based around thisWe should have some GAF scrims where attackers try to break a 5 man torb
We should just do a whole tournament based around this
Those rankings do not matter. Once Competitive Mode is up, you'll start earning a skill rating that does matter.
We should have some GAF scrims where attackers try to break a 5 man torb
last night me and Dreams-Visions played in this one lobby that was absolutely hilarious
lots of all-chat BM (in good fun) and i got some additions to friends list from people on both sides
it was great
Its very much a real problem. Teams of Torbjorns are just plain broken. As it stands now, the meta on consoles is to have a bare minimum of two Torbjorns and a Symmetra on defense. The optimum set up is four Torbs, Sym, and a Lucio. Now its definitely not as effective on all the maps but maps like both the second points of Volskaya and Anubis can become nigh impenetrable fortresses. So long as the Torbjorns are alternating their ults and set up their turrets to cover one another they can absolutely make choke points next to impossible to get through since Torbjorn gets his ult so damn fast that it means your guaranteed to have to deal with at least one level 3 turret and a very angry dwarf at all times. Symmetra's teleporter also insures that if anyone of the Torbs die they're back in the fray in seconds. Her Sentries can really make a push through choke points come to a near stop and leave the opposing team to stop and try and destroy her turrets, leaving the enemy open to Torbjorns turrets. Also, if the Torbjorns get the high ground they can essentially use their guns primary fire as a sniper rifle if they're a good aim. Throwing a lucio into the mix can shut down an enemy teams push by using his ult and negating pretty much all their damage, and buffing already incredibly strong molten cored Torbs. Also, with that many Torbs you basically have near infinite armor packs littering the point. Meaning that there is essentially free health packs all over the place beefing up the team during any skirmish with the enemy on, or near, the point.
Edit: Not to mention how fast Torbs can put up his turret, it doesn't matter how many you destroy it just doesn't matter unless you kill both the turret and Torb at the same time. But even then they'll respawn in no time and use their ult and Put up a brand new level 3 turret on the point. Its bullshit.
I apologize for the wall of text there but this is a BIG problem and its something Blizz needs to address soon.
so many torbs are so annoying...
That being said, counters would be Zarya, and maybe Winston, perhaps a Widowmaker to take turrets out, and Reinhart. Something like that
I don't know how it is for PC, but on console if they limited it to only 2 per class it would solve a lot of issues.
I got killed by a Junkrat who threw a bomb at an enemy that was behind meIs there any form of friendly fire in this game?
ggWe were in a 6gaf vs 3 GAF 3pubs last night with this dude named "wienerman" that was just flipping his shit after every match, and everyone was trolling him, was good stuff
On PC, I can't remember the last time I've seen more than 2 of any one character on a team. But yeah, I think that would be a decent fix.
I got killed by a Junkrat who threw a bomb at an enemy that was behind me
We were in a 6gaf vs 3 GAF 3pubs last night with this dude named "wienerman" that was just flipping his shit after every match, and everyone was trolling him, was good stuff
There's a community which you can join, I think it's called Overwatch Gaf squad or something like that. The exact title is in the OP if you can't find itIs there a GAF PS4 league? How can I get an invite to it? Pretty done playing with randoms.
Earlier we had a convo about who Zarya's hard counter was?
Well, the answer is Roadhog.
Even when a Torb team steamrolls the competition on Hanamura or Volskaya and the voting cards are all red, no one votes them up/they never get 5 votes. That's because even the team who won knows they were being extremely cheap with their tactics.
My favorite thing: I'm playing Mercy or Lucio and helping to push the payload with three other teammates, and a Genji flying around on the other side of the map spams "I need healing".
People misusing a feature.
Earlier we had a convo about who Zarya's hard counter was?
Well, the answer is Roadhog.
Is he? As Zarya I like coming up against roadhogs because they give me high energy from the hooks and are incredibly easy to beam down because of his huge hitbox. It seems a pretty even fight from my experience.
The thing that kills me is that sometimes when a Torb team wins I'v seen them all quit just so they didn't have to play offense on that map. Its so lame, because they know the'ed have to deal with the same bullshit they put the attackers through.
I wouldn't say that. Sometimes you feel like a player is inhumanly good, and you just don't want to play against them. There's already Widowmaker aimbotters running around to deal with; if I somehow bumped into a match with one of the best Hitscan Snipers in the game, even if they're legitimate, I'd probably want to avoid them because that's way beyond my tier. The game's not going to be fun if they're constantly picking my team and I off like Whack-a-Mole.
but if enough people do that the good players basically don't get to use quick play anymore
Just played a few qualifying rounds of competitive on PTR. Not enough to actually earn a ranking, but got one lopsided win (like VERY lopsided), one less lopsided loss, and one that ended in a tiebreaker where we lost. It's pretty neat, and they've made a bunch of tweaks to the different play modes that are interesting:
- You play all three rounds of KOTH no matter how both teams are doing; we won all three rounds and the game didn't end after round 2.
- The two-point games swap sides, and if you didn't manage to take the first point when you're attacking, you immediately lose if the other team takes it when they're attacking.
- Payload seems to take into account the number of checkpoints you hit. It MIGHT also take into account the time it took to get there (basically the stopwatch mode seen in pro play) but not enough info to know.
The tiebreaker game I played was Payload, where both teams managed to push the payload all the way. Our team was slower, and our team got picked to attack in sudden death, but it's not clear to me if those two things are linked or if whoever attacks in sudden death is picked at random. It's just a timed mode, basically it works like normal Payload except your time limit is shorter. We failed before hitting a checkpoint, so we lost the tiebreaker; I don't know what happens if you hit at least one checkpoint.
The purple icon people saw in the Korean PTR screenshots does indeed appear to be a new currency, and you earn that currency even from qualifying matches (I think I got 1 per game), so it does seem like everyone will be able to earn those gold weapons if they play long enough unless actual competitive games don't give out any currency.
Everything I saw so far seemed neat in theory, and the games I played were surprisingly chill. Seemed like everyone was in a diagnostic mood, poking at things to see how they worked and discussing with each other whether this game change or that game change made sense. I expect that mood to last for maybe a day tops when this launches on production (maybe far less, depending on how many people try PTR), but it was real nice.
but if enough people do that the good players basically don't get to use quick play anymore
i used avoid for some really shitty people but i get why they're removing it and think it's fine
There's got to be more you can buy with the new currency than those cheesy gold weapons. Right?
There's got to be more you can buy with the new currency than those cheesy gold weapons. Right?
Honestly he's the one hero that can really get my goat on occasion, still kinda fun to play but I do think he has a lot going for him and I ain't used to grenade launchers that can used so thoughtlessly without any comeuppance.People hate Junkrat? D:
My favorite thing: I'm playing Mercy or Lucio and helping to push the payload with three other teammates, and a Genji flying around on the other side of the map spams "I need healing".
There's got to be more you can buy with the new currency than those cheesy gold weapons. Right?
Sounds like a lot of people are leaving games though. People on the forums are already wailing if I'm understanding correctly, I was going to pop in for some fun but looks like I'm locking solo out of it.
Part of me thinks that's probably more because it's PTR. Once there are real penalties for leaving I imagine it will happen less. Also, the competitive mode is a lot harsher on other people if one person leaves before a match starts; one person leaving means everyone gets kicked out unless they come back.
You might as well try it out on PTR if you're curious and have some time. You've got nothing to lose except time (and 6GB of hard drive space), really!