I'm really liking D.Va a lot. I really like her gameplay style just getting up on people's faces and harassing them. The more I play on the maps the more alternate routes you can find with her boost ability. You can usually find a small opening or a cranny to get behind enemy lines and it's surprising how often people on the enemy team just don't expect that. I love that I can get into practically anyone's face and either mess them up or wreck their shit entirely.
If there's a Widow or Hanzo in some place high up it's really satisfying to know I can get up to wherever they are, regardless of where they are, and wreck their shit. I've yet to get killed by any snipers even if I'm at half-health and they're at full because getting right up in their face really throws everyone off. Even a couple of times as the mech is about to get destroyed, I use my rocket boost not to fly out of there (which would be a perfectly fine response), but a few times I've done the opposite and used it to get even closer to them and bump them around with the boost and do even more damage. It's surprising how often that works, because bumping them does some damage, throws off their aim, and allows me to do even more damage. You can also destroy ANY level 2 torb turret by rocketing right up to it with the shield engaged and then laying waste when you're touching it. I never realized how much of a hard counter she is against Torbjorn but she is. D.Va can destroy lv 2 turrets at any point in time regardless of where they are.
D.Va when out of her mech is also a lot more useful than I originally thought. I thought she was useless and that the best course of action is just to run away forever until I died or my mech became available again, but now that I'm learning how to lead shots with slower projectile weapons I'm finding her little gun can be devastating if you can land several shots and even a few headshots in. I've even killed a few Bastions while on foot after getting in a tussle with them on mech and them winning. I've gone up against tanks and she can really contribute a lot to damage if you have at least one other teammate in there with you.
I just really like D.Va and how playing hyper-aggressive actually rewards you.