For anyone new still whining about Bastion:
Don't think it's on your end. I've gotten like three disconnects in the last 45 minutes on ps4.Argh so many fucking disconnects from the server. Might be on my end but now I feel so unsatisfied.
Oh well.
It's amazing just how many people used to say Bastion is OP as hell with 10s of pages full of that and how they should nerf him and how people won't play the game until he is needed.
Funny in hindsight considering people basically ignored the real OP heroes like McCree and Widowmaker.
People with higher levels are rarely picking up Bastion anymore. I'm at level 45 and i see him in 2 or 3 times out of 10 defense teams. He's too easy to counter.
I guess I'm an alright Zenyatta ranked at #3,157 compared to all my other heroes that are 15,000+. I don't know that seems good maybe I'm just really bad on everyone else and just okay with Zen.
People with higher levels are rarely picking up Bastion anymore. I'm at level 45 and i see him in 2 or 3 times out of 10 defense teams. He's too easy to counter.
Has anyone ever high nooned a high nooning McCree?
So looking at the Overwatch Funko POP!, one thing I noticed is that HOT TOPIC only sells the Reaper Funko.
... It's like poetry.
Edit: Damn you page top.
For anyone new still whining about Bastion:
Yup.Anyone having connection issues? It took me multiple tries to log in. Once I got in a match people were dropping like flies. I thought it was rage quits at first but it was happening to both teams. Finally I got kicked as well. On PS4.
Don't think it's on your end. I've gotten like three disconnects in the last 45 minutes on ps4.
Edit: Real fucking nice. Now I'm seeing a warning about a penalty for leaving matches early because of these stupid disconnects.
Checking masteroverwatch and the longest time played is 207 hours. I mean, WTF. The game has only been out for 16 days and someone has been playing for over half that time.
Isn't it based pretty much entire on how much you play a character though?
Afaik, you could be the worlds best at a character, but if someone has played the character twice the amount you have, you're gonna be ranked below that person pretty much no matter what.
I didn't say kill him if he is next to the turret... Honestly he is already one of the worst characters in the game. They can't do much more to him without making him worthless at anything but the lowest matchmaking level.
I'm fairly sure that was mostly just two different groups of people.
So how are you guys finding GAF groups on PC? I sit in the Discord server and ask to group up but no one seems to chat on their ever. Really looking to move away from solo queue! (Battle tag is Ace1991#11948 if you want to add me)
There's a google document in the OP with a lot of people to add and group with.Anyone?
Mystery Heroes is a great time waster, good way to practice new heroes and I'd really like it to stay. Today I've discovered the joys of Zenyetta, I probably wouldn't have give him a proper look if I hadn't been forced to.
I feel like it should be a KOTH only mode though. Payload is often a steamroll.
My head cannon for these two has always been the little borb being the pilot controlling Bastion. Aviator cap & all.
My head cannon for these two has always been the little borb being the pilot controlling Bastion. Aviator cap & all.
As a frequent Tornjorn player, the effectiveness and accuracy of his turret is absolutely ridiculous!
P.S: How do you deal with being pinned down by multiple turrets and bastions? Who is best at taking them out?
I feel super lucky I got all those trophies on the first day. That and stacking all my old TF2 buddies. LolJust got the Shutout trophy in Pugs, I'm in disbelief. Such a great team.
They sure as fuck are. I now have a leaver penalty and receive 75% less XP because of these disconnects.Getting disconnected like crazy on PS4
Looks like they are having issues
Just found out I'm ranked #158 Tolbjorn lol.
There's jokes about No Skill, but honestly, knowing the right place to put turrets is a skill on it's own.
Ranked #446 Reinherdt as well. Guess these are my two mains lol
12 hours as Lucío and not one of my game saving Qs have made it to PotG. I cry myself to sleep every night.I had a clutch save earlier as Lucio where a D.Va launched her nuke bot at me and two of my teammates. I got my ult right as it started to blow up. "Let's break it down!" Nuke exploded a millisecond after the shields went up. Saved all three of us and got the Supersonic trophy.
I wish this kind of stuff ended up on POTG - that's what I'd like recognized as awesome gameplay over kills.
12 hours as Lucío and not one of my he saving Qs have made it to PotG. I cry myself to sleep every night.
All but one of my Lucio POTG has been knocking multiple people off of the map, that's your best bet at getting it with him. So close to being number one on PlayStation for most environmental kills now.12 hours as Lucío and not one of my he saving Qs have made it to PotG. I cry myself to sleep every night.
12 hours as Lucío and not one of my game saving Qs have made it to PotG. I cry myself to sleep every night.
I've seen couple but it is always environmental kills.In 25 hours of playtime I've seen one Lucio POTG :|
Yep. I just want my mad wall riding skills on the payload to get PotG. The amount of times I have pushed or held the payload in overtime for a win is ludicrous. No recognition at all. ):All but one of my Lucio POTG has been knocking multiple people off of the map. That's your best bet at getting it with him.
Winston is another I struggle to get PotG with and I do very well with him. I even got the highlight intro for him and I never get to see it. ]:It's so hard to get a PotG with him, which is a damn shame because he along with Zenyatta has the best highlight intros.