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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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I'd bet my left nut that lasts for less than a week.

This game had a phenomenal community the first few days. Real good. Right up there with Siege as the best community of the last several years. And then it went to shit.

Played five games tonight.

Three of them had two Widowmakers and a Hanzo. THREE SNIPERS. One of those games we're on offense.


Also, I'm beginning to notice that even when other folks are not snipers, they never, ever hero switch. Sure, some games I play the whole match as a single character (90% of the time as healer)... but that's when it's working. This last game we lost, I switched probably six times. Nobody else switched once.

Switching characters correlates with losses.

...in professional games, at least. Could also mean that people don't switch until they start losing, but I haven't actually been watching recently;y. One of my friend's just handed me a bunch of raw data and said have at it.


was scanning the PTR notes

Unlocked by achieving top 500 ranking during Season 1

anyone know exactly what this means? it doesnt clarify what is unlocked

and it doesnt exactly clarify what top 500 ranking means, i guess 500 highest skill rated players (worldwide?)
Defense on Hollywood. We had a Torb and a pretty good balance otherwise, so I picked Symmetra to compliment and give us a tele. Going well at first. Suddenly we start getting steamrolled, and I can't set up anything fast enough. I check the scoreboard, and at some point Torb switched away.

By the point it was too late. We lost, then someone on the Results screen snarked at me for playing Symmetra instead of Torb.

On a side note, I've really taken to D.va tonight, especially when someone here pointed out she could shield-dash straight into Turrets and take them out before they beat her.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Switching characters correlates with losses.

...in professional games, at least. Could also mean that people don't switch until they start losing, but I haven't actually been watching recently;y. One of my friend's just handed me a bunch of raw data and said have at it.

Well, yeah, I think that's a fair assumption.

If you're winning... why switch? But if you're losing, it would make sense to switch the game... but because you're losing, you're already more likely to have a loss when all is said and done.

I mean when I watch professional players play, you're right, they tend to stick to their core selection. But that's because most games at that level are - from what I've seen - at least close. Competitive.

But from my perspective, if we're getting steam rolled, and we lose the first point in 90 seconds, anybody that gives a fuck about winning should be considering switching characters - most probably should. Especially duplicate snipers.
I am 41 in PTR. -_-


Ayyy not bad, I will probably end up getting some single digit number


Defense heroes are labeled defense heroes for a reason. I don't care what the pro teams do. If you're playing on my team, you're probably not pro. We do not need Pharah, Soldier, and Tracer on defense. I promise you.


was scanning the PTR notes

Unlocked by achieving top 500 ranking during Season 1

anyone know exactly what this means? it doesnt clarify what is unlocked

and it doesnt exactly clarify what top 500 ranking means, i guess 500 highest skill rated players (worldwide?)

You get the animated spray. Likely worldwide


I have this feeling that she's actually the best character in the game if she's played optimally, but that there are so many decision points and split-second reactions required to play her that it's nigh impossible to play her at her full potential.

I agree with this. She's very powerful when used correctly. It takes quite a bit of skill and spacial awareness to actually reach her potential though.

Most people I see play her just bubble themselves and charge in thinking she's Roadhog or something.


I'm looking for someone to play PTR competitive with; quote for my username.


Mercy is a strong character but she's not the best in the game. I'm sitting at somewhere around 600 games played with her and I think that there are certainly no shortage of things that keep her in check. I'd say she doesn't need any changes with the game how it is, but if Lucio gets nerfed that could easily change. I'd put her at #2 in the support category (behind Lucio) and somewhere in the top third overall.

- Mercy works on basically every map and against almost all team compositions. She has very high mobility in most situations and her toolset is so non-specific that there aren't really any things in particular her that render her irrelevant. Ironically, because she should lose to basically anyone in a 1v1, Mercy has no particular hard counters and the only character that is especially good at trivializing her is Winston, but he can be managed in other ways and with the assistance of your team.
- In terms of single-target healing there is no equal. Because of this, Mercy has a greater power than the other healers to determine the outcome of a fight without using her ult. A Mercy who is playing well is capable of providing the necessary leverage to prevent their teammates from losing fights that they otherwise would have lost. Lucio's dominance is predicated on the fact that he essentially gives his entire team an inflated life pool when they're standing near him; Mercy's healing rate is so quick that she can render a single character effectively impervious to all but the strongest of attacks, which is an ability unique to her. The value of this in 1v1 is obvious, but its benefit is only multiplicative over the course of team fights and games.
- Her ult is really good and charges very quickly; this combination of traits makes it probably the best in the game. Not too much else to say about the upsides of this ult; you're dead, now you're not. You can render plays of extraordinary teamplay irrelevant with the touch of a button and you can allow your team to retain its momentum if they hit a bump in the road at a relatively low cost.
- Her pistol isn't that bad. If you can aim (sorry console players), Mercy can defend herself well enough the squishier portion of the cast to at least force them to run away instead of pursuing her. I have killed numerous Tracers, Torbjorns, Zenyattas, D. Vas and even Reapers as Mercy just by shooting people in the head a few times. It's also good for destroying turrets and otherwise just bothering people at a long range since there's no dropoff.
- Mercy is difficult to kill without an ult. She has a decent-sized health pool which regenerates very quickly and her mobility lets her be quick and unpredictable at the same time, so smart players playing on smart teams are usually able to stay alive as Mercy for a good length of time.

- If you're playing on a team with no tank and/or a team composed entirely of MLG wannabe flankers, you're going to have a bad time. Mercy's movement mechanic is reliant on having LoS to at least one other player and really doesn't mesh well with this style of play. Playing a "pocket" Mercy is just asking to get focused and is bound to make you drastically underutilized, so Mercy only works well on the kind of teams that do team stuff. This is perhaps her biggest flaw in solo queue and I suspect is the reason that she's sitting at the bottom of the leaderboards for winrate (yeah, she's totally overpowered guys): Unlike Lucio, Mercy can't bring her team together and certainly can't lead a charge. She's entirely dependent on your teammates making reasonable decisions.
- Her ult is very, very difficult to use optimally and is often not a massive game-changer because of this. Mercies have to be super careful not to accidentally get revives that are too small or revives that don't really benefit their team or, worse yet, actually benefit the other team by feeding them meter; you need to really be reading the game well to get a good ult and for all of its potential it is probably the ult that is most frequently underutilized. Mercy players basically have to keep track of everyone else's ult status if they want to revive properly and they have to be sure not to be killed themselves if she wants to be able to use her ult effectively in the first place. What good is saving your ult to prevent a multikill riptire if you are also killed by the multikill riptire? Not only did you not save your teammates in this instance, you also probably didn't save them in other instances where you could. It's an ult that inspires a lot of terror but is definitely one of the most difficult in the game to use effectively. There are a lot of ways to cope with this but they serve to diminish the x-factor value of her ult and make it work a whole lot more like Symmetra's.
- Without a vigilant team, Mercy will be blown up religiously by a significant percentage of the game's ults. Of particular prominence are Genji's and Junkrat's, which are essentially a free kill against her if ypur team doesn't act quickly. The point here is that all of the work you do as Mercy to prevent yourself from dying (which is, for sure, the most difficult part of playing Mercy) can be rendered irrelevant by many ults, allowing otherwise small kills to become plays.
- Her performance in bulk healing is a distant second to Lucio. You will almost never beat Lucio in healing done, especially in KotH. The practical gameplay implications of this are few since the vast majority of this healing has no effect on the game at all, but they're there: Lucio does better against the slow burn than Mercy does, and because he keeps up his team by... existing, it's far easier for him to keep his team in the game during long engagements than it is for Mercy. Mercy must constantly divide her focus between her own survival and that of her teammates, and when that split focus reaches critical mass it can give the opposing team significant leverage.
- Mercy's utility outside of straight healing is fairly limited. I said before that her gun is quite handy and this is true, but all of the supports save Lucio have more useful guns and Lucio gets to use his more. Her damage beam is very, very strong in some situations but it doesn't quite match Lucio's speed boost and ability to spontaneously kill characters in one maneuver, especially when it comes to KotH. In relation to Zenyatta she comes off looking pretty good in the utility department (nevermind healing) but he's a different creature altogether.

Tl;dr: Mercy is excellent but Lucio is better. She's fine; maybe buff Zenyatta.
The first competitive placement match was the worst drubbing I have ever experienced in this game. After round one, I had gold eliminations with 1. End of round two, gold with 2.

Then the next 2 games in competitive were great. 2 good hard fought wins. I'm 2W 1L so far with my placement matches but that loss was like nothing I ever experienced. A Pharah on their team was a nightmare.
Went 5-6 in competitive, down to 40.

Definitely feel there were some winnable games in there, and I played none of them with a full team and only a handful with a group of five. It's fun but the matches can be long.
Guys. Wow. WOW. The PTR is incredible. When I was watching the game before release, all the footage I saw was people grouping up, communicating and playing the game the way it was meant to be played. And of course, I was more than a little disappointed when I played the game for real and found out that people don't really care to talk at all. I mean, I even bought a microphone and everything, just for this game! But competitive... everyone is in it to win it! Just had a game with absolutely rock solid teamwork. Reinhardt shielding Bastion, me damage boosting the Bastion, Torbjorn providing turret and armor support, with Pharah and Hanzo clearing flankers. Our defense was impenetrable, and we held them back for over six minutes without even giving up the first point. No toxicity. No raging over mics. Just people asking for healing, listening and actually protecting the healing, paying attention to flankers and callouts. It was amazing.

Competitive is dreams baby. Competitive is dreams.

The people who bothered to download the PTR were probably itching to get some good games in.

Wait until it goes live and have your dreams dashed.


Man am I stupid or what, is there no rank play yet? I just keep going to quick match and I see people talking about their ranks and shit in this thread. I thought it comes out next month.


Sorry if this has already been mentioned but the update patch notes say that they improved the dead-zone for better accuracy using a controller -- however being on PC I am assuming this will be experienced by 1% of the player base.

Does anyone on PC with the PTR have access to plugging in a controller and possibly commenting on how the controls feel? The issue right now on console is aiming feels a lot more heavy and sluggish, like aiming underwater even.

I downloaded it. I stopped playing with controller a couple days after launch and switched to M+KB because I didn't like the feel. I'm using an XBOX Elite controller with long stick on the right stick.

I played around in training grounds with PTR and regular client for a bit and on PTR the deadzone seems smaller.

In this scenario:

On regular client it's a lot harder for me to adjust diagonally to the head. I'm able to do it if I swipe past then come back and often times I'll end up moving in a square around it as I move from deadzone to stick move to deadzone. Diagonals are really difficult. On PTR client I'm able to make the microadjustment a bit easier and moving diagonally feels a lot more natural.

I tested by just using RS only so in an actual game I'd use LS as well to adjust over and it's doable. Not sure how strong autoaim is on console but if it's sticky then this should be a lot more responsive for people.

Heres the curve I'm using for RS:

Not really scientific at all just going by feel.


Unconfirmed Member
Annoying when you're spectating a game, then someone leaves and you get plonked onto the losing team in the last 10 seconds... My w/l ratio is hovering dangerously around 50% as it is =/
i didn't understand sudden death on volskaya. we went to sudden death. other team had 2 minute to cap the first point. they did. then we had 5:51 to cap BOTH points.

5W, 3 Losses. 2 more to go before i'm ranked (doesn't matter because i'll be going up and down at this range anyways lol)


Guys. Wow. WOW. The PTR is incredible. When I was watching the game before release, all the footage I saw was people grouping up, communicating and playing the game the way it was meant to be played. And of course, I was more than a little disappointed when I played the game for real and found out that people don't really care to talk at all. I mean, I even bought a microphone and everything, just for this game! But competitive... everyone is in it to win it! Just had a game with absolutely rock solid teamwork. Reinhardt shielding Bastion, me damage boosting the Bastion, Torbjorn providing turret and armor support, with Pharah and Hanzo clearing flankers. Our defense was impenetrable, and we held them back for over six minutes without even giving up the first point. No toxicity. No raging over mics. Just people asking for healing, listening and actually protecting the healing, paying attention to flankers and callouts. It was amazing.

Competitive is dreams baby. Competitive is dreams.
Wait till you get a bunch of try-hards who immediately tell you what class you need to be instead of concentrating on the actual match.

Mr. X

Sat in his stream chat and we were all salty when he was saying this. People hate on DSP even on here hmm? Don't know why one man became the internet's punching bag, I watch plenty of Youtubers make horrible mistakes and never get shit on for them. Only watched his videos on and off since 2011.
He's a scumbag who would sell his fans broken shoddy arcade sticks when he was a fighting game player and he was ran out the community for it so he sticks to other genres of games.
The counter to McCree is Lijiang Tower, because it's too damn dark to see everybody's tiny heads.

You need a counter for Mccree? lol what? Hes like the easiest KO in the game. As a roadhog I laugh at Mccree's when they try to 1v1 me lol. I am sure unless you are tracer trying to fight Mccree 1 vs 1 at close range you should have no problem against him.


Wait till you get a bunch of try-hards who immediately tell you what class you need to be instead of concentrating on the actual match.

That's inevitable, and it already happens to some extent in quick play, but ranked modes in games are usually pretty effective in influencing players to use a lot more teamwork than in more casual modes and generally make winning more of a priority.

So you'll still get the turds - and they may be more aggravating since it's more "serious" - but on the whole you should also be getting much better games.
I nearly solo'd Anubis today with Winston. That last checkpoint was really funny and made the other team salt. I used the ult to smash one or two of them, then chased their Widowmaker and killed her twice after their Mercy revived her. Then I solo take the objective LOL. I got four gold medals.

Right now, I am nearly at 57% winrate; I am grinding to get to level 25 to get into competitive. I have a feeling that I will go down to sub 40% and get some low PTR LOL. I had some experience with players that are leveled up and experienced (70 something) and I can tell that I need to play way more than I do right now, and get familiar with every map. I can do well with some characters but I don't feel sharp or on point skill-wise.

Edit: Got double cap achievement while at it LMAO. The other team was so salty, three of them left at the same time.


Defense on Hollywood. We had a Torb and a pretty good balance otherwise, so I picked Symmetra to compliment and give us a tele. Going well at first. Suddenly we start getting steamrolled, and I can't set up anything fast enough. I check the scoreboard, and at some point Torb switched away.

By the point it was too late. We lost, then someone on the Results screen snarked at me for playing Symmetra instead of Torb.

On a side note, I've really taken to D.va tonight, especially when someone here pointed out she could shield-dash straight into Turrets and take them out before they beat her.[/QUOTE]

you can shoot while shielded and flying? I didn't know that.
You need a counter for Mccree? lol what? Hes like the easiest KO in the game. As a roadhog I laugh at Mccree's when they try to 1v1 me lol. I am sure unless you are tracer trying to fight Mccree 1 vs 1 at close range you should have no problem against him.

Roadhog 1v1's everybody, though.

I'm just making a joke about how dark the map is, not saying anything about McCree.


McCree is so slow he dies so fast.

Had a match with a McCree that theoretically was doing what he should have but everytime I came across him as Tracer he was dying to me or I see him dying to our Mei, maybe he was not aware, it was just a terrible time for him.
On a side note, I've really taken to D.va tonight, especially when someone here pointed out she could shield-dash straight into Turrets and take them out before they beat her.[/QUOTE]

you can shoot while shielded and flying? I didn't know that.

You cannot shoot while shielded or flying. You can shield while flying.
I'm looking for someone to play PTR competitive with; quote for my username.


Mercy is a strong character but she's not the best in the game. I'm sitting at somewhere around 600 games played with her and I think that there are certainly no shortage of things that keep her in check. I'd say she doesn't need any changes with the game how it is, but if Lucio gets nerfed that could easily change. I'd put her at #2 in the support category (behind Lucio) and somewhere in the top third overall.

- Mercy works on basically every map and against almost all team compositions. She has very high mobility in most situations and her toolset is so non-specific that there aren't really any things in particular her that render her irrelevant. Ironically, because she should lose to basically anyone in a 1v1, Mercy has no particular hard counters and the only character that is especially good at trivializing her is Winston, but he can be managed in other ways and with the assistance of your team.
- In terms of single-target healing there is no equal. Because of this, Mercy has a greater power than the other healers to determine the outcome of a fight without using her ult. A Mercy who is playing well is capable of providing the necessary leverage to prevent their teammates from losing fights that they otherwise would have lost. Lucio's dominance is predicated on the fact that he essentially gives his entire team an inflated life pool when they're standing near him; Mercy's healing rate is so quick that she can render a single character effectively impervious to all but the strongest of attacks, which is an ability unique to her. The value of this in 1v1 is obvious, but its benefit is only multiplicative over the course of team fights and games.
- Her ult is really good and charges very quickly; this combination of traits makes it probably the best in the game. Not too much else to say about the upsides of this ult; you're dead, now you're not. You can render plays of extraordinary teamplay irrelevant with the touch of a button and you can allow your team to retain its momentum if they hit a bump in the road at a relatively low cost.
- Her pistol isn't that bad. If you can aim (sorry console players), Mercy can defend herself well enough the squishier portion of the cast to at least force them to run away instead of pursuing her. I have killed numerous Tracers, Torbjorns, Zenyattas, D. Vas and even Reapers as Mercy just by shooting people in the head a few times. It's also good for destroying turrets and otherwise just bothering people at a long range since there's no dropoff.
- Mercy is difficult to kill without an ult. She has a decent-sized health pool which regenerates very quickly and her mobility lets her be quick and unpredictable at the same time, so smart players playing on smart teams are usually able to stay alive as Mercy for a good length of time.

- If you're playing on a team with no tank and/or a team composed entirely of MLG wannabe flankers, you're going to have a bad time. Mercy's movement mechanic is reliant on having LoS to at least one other player and really doesn't mesh well with this style of play. Playing a "pocket" Mercy is just asking to get focused and is bound to make you drastically underutilized, so Mercy only works well on the kind of teams that do team stuff. This is perhaps her biggest flaw in solo queue and I suspect is the reason that she's sitting at the bottom of the leaderboards for winrate (yeah, she's totally overpowered guys): Unlike Lucio, Mercy can't bring her team together and certainly can't lead a charge. She's entirely dependent on your teammates making reasonable decisions.
- Her ult is very, very difficult to use optimally and is often not a massive game-changer because of this. Mercies have to be super careful not to accidentally get revives that are too small or revives that don't really benefit their team or, worse yet, actually benefit the other team by feeding them meter; you need to really be reading the game well to get a good ult and for all of its potential it is probably the ult that is most frequently underutilized. Mercy players basically have to keep track of everyone else's ult status if they want to revive properly and they have to be sure not to be killed themselves if she wants to be able to use her ult effectively in the first place. What good is saving your ult to prevent a multikill riptire if you are also killed by the multikill riptire? Not only did you not save your teammates in this instance, you also probably didn't save them in other instances where you could. It's an ult that inspires a lot of terror but is definitely one of the most difficult in the game to use effectively. There are a lot of ways to cope with this but they serve to diminish the x-factor value of her ult and make it work a whole lot more like Symmetra's.
- Without a vigilant team, Mercy will be blown up religiously by a significant percentage of the game's ults. Of particular prominence are Genji's and Junkrat's, which are essentially a free kill against her if ypur team doesn't act quickly. The point here is that all of the work you do as Mercy to prevent yourself from dying (which is, for sure, the most difficult part of playing Mercy) can be rendered irrelevant by many ults, allowing otherwise small kills to become plays.
- Her performance in bulk healing is a distant second to Lucio. You will almost never beat Lucio in healing done, especially in KotH. The practical gameplay implications of this are few since the vast majority of this healing has no effect on the game at all, but they're there: Lucio does better against the slow burn than Mercy does, and because he keeps up his team by... existing, it's far easier for him to keep his team in the game during long engagements than it is for Mercy. Mercy must constantly divide her focus between her own survival and that of her teammates, and when that split focus reaches critical mass it can give the opposing team significant leverage.
- Mercy's utility outside of straight healing is fairly limited. I said before that her gun is quite handy and this is true, but all of the supports save Lucio have more useful guns and Lucio gets to use his more. Her damage beam is very, very strong in some situations but it doesn't quite match Lucio's speed boost and ability to spontaneously kill characters in one maneuver, especially when it comes to KotH. In relation to Zenyatta she comes off looking pretty good in the utility department (nevermind healing) but he's a different creature altogether.

Tl;dr: Mercy is excellent but Lucio is better. She's fine; maybe buff Zenyatta.

Yup. Great post. Mercy is also just fun to use.

Something i've noticed is that the Ult is more about the situation then the amount of people you revive. Sometimes I'll pop it to revive just one dude and give us the edge at a crucial moment.
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