This is the greatest
Leaving too much gets you a -75% xp penalty. I have this right now because of stupid disconnects. Fucking sucks.
I just learned that mercys staff is called the cadeceus staff and it really bothers me that blizzard didn't even bother to fact check the fact that that is Hermes staff which signifies commence and silver tongue negotiations. The rod of asclepius is the staff of medicine.
PS i can't spell either of those names.
There's nothing to fact check, Just because it wasn't originally the symbol of medicine doesn't mean it hasn't become that.
Did you know that all of the words we say used to mean different shit originally too? damn!
Also, how do you check to see if other people are on fire? I've heard of some sort of character menu but I'm on PS4 and haven't found a button for it.
Just got off the phone with Blizzard support and they cannot rescind these penalties. The only way to get rid of it is to keep playing matches without disconnects or leaving. Here's the email follow up I just received that some of you might find helpful.Not sure what does it. The disconnects are bad on ps4 today, I had about 7 in an hour. I just put in for a support call to rescind this since it was for reasons outside of my control.
Though it will warn you, bottom left on the main screen in a white box with red letters.
On the upside, Blizzard phone support is really great and quick with the response. The dude was super friendly and a player of the game as well.Blizzard support said:I'm glad that we were able to talk about the recent disconnects today. It is something that we are working with Sony to get fixed up as quickly as possible. As much as I hate to say it though, there isn't any ETA on how long this will take. I truly wish there was more information that we could offer in this case. =
However, I do have a bit more information on the leaver penalty. I know it's not you physically leaving the game, but there wouldn't be a great way for the system to know if it was a legitimate disconnect or a player just physically unplugging the modem. That being said though, here is the link I was talking about ! It's a bit into it, but it is under "Leaving Games."
Overall, I sincerely appreciate you hanging in there with us <3 It truly does mean a lot and if you ever need anything at all in the future, dont hesitate to ask. We will always at least try to do everything we can to help and have your back. =^.^=
Just bought overwatch and it's nearly done downloading. Is there anything important I should know/ do you have any tips for me going into this? (other than what's in the op)
That feel when you unbox Jester Junkrat as someone who loves Junkrat.
I personally like the Scarecrow skin more. Wish I had it.
General question here: I know "on fire" is sort of a meaningless stat, but I feel like if I'm on fire but our team is losing, I shouldn't be the one to change characters since on fire means you're getting shit done and not dying (or dying infrequently), right?
Also, how do you check to see if other people are on fire? I've heard of some sort of character menu but I'm on PS4 and haven't found a button for it.
I got a gold medal in elimnations. With 8.
Touch pad button. You can see enemy character picks too.
Been giggling at this for the past 5 minutes. Thank you
I'm an idiot. Thanks.
I'm finally playing on PS4. Remote play is awesome with this game.
I personally like the Scarecrow skin more. Wish I had it.
I think the lowest gold elims I've gotten was 4. Lowest obj gold I've gotten was 1. Feels bad man lol
"I'm playing like shit. I'm probably the reason we're losing :/ *hits tab* oh.."
There's nothing to fact check, Just because it wasn't originally the symbol of medicine doesn't mean it hasn't become that.
Did you know that all of the words we say used to mean different shit originally too? damn!
I got a gold medal in elimnations. With 8.
Yeah, gonna stop playing Weekly Brawl. Enemy team just kept dying to reroll until they had a good comp. They rerolled and ended up with two Mei, a Reinhart, Lucio and a Mcree.
I was thinking more of a single payload that spawns in the middle of a symmetrical map, and the goal is to push it to the other teams side of the map. Whoever's side it is on when the time runs out loses.
Can't wait for that Widow nerf, Jesus Christ.
Happens all the time. I've gotten it with less. Some teams are just bad. Move along, nothing to see here.
I'm an idiot. Thanks.
Thats just a regular KOTH that gives a handicap to whichever team is losing.
And the hill is also moving and changing it's environment as the game progresses.