any PC gaf groups playing?
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
She's a great tank, even solo.
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
Yea I pick her basically everytime someone already picks a tank, she works a lot better like that. Although she can get it done with just her as a tank, it's a lot harder and I usually end up having to step out of the battle a lot more to heal up.
She works best when you have teammates who aren't afraid to go in. You keep up the pressure by shielding your attackers and yourself, making the enemy less likely to attack directly at crucial moments. Use grenades to scatter and primary when you have strength of numbers.
Two step guide
- Be in base and press H
- Pick anyone else
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
Every time I've tried going as a 2nd tank the other tank either changes to a different hero or we lose our support hero.
9/10 pub games are a blast, but when it sucks it sucks big time.
Zen might see more play after mccree nerf maybe?
You pick Lucio/Mercy instead, that's how you play him.
As much as I enjoy watching Seagull, I get very envious when I see him use Mei. He has a full team working with him so he can actually have fun using her in situations that suit her. All I get is being left 1v6 on the point, hunted down by a Pharah/Reaper that pops their ult the second they see me (because they hate Mei) all game long, or yelled at by team's token useless Hanzo for picking Mei.
Zen might see more play after mccree nerf maybe?
Two step guide
- Be in base and press H
- Pick anyone else
Yep, especially if there's a rein you can get behind he wrecks on console.Zen's still viable on console anyway
Maybe, but McCree isn't the hero that fucks Zen up. That's the snipers
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
I wholeheartedly endorse this suggestion.Two step guide
- Be in base and press H
- Pick anyone else
Whoa, I think I just chain stunned and blew up Junkrat's tire ult as Roadhog lmao. It was coming right at like four of us clumped together on a capture point and I didn't even think the chain would work, but it totally did (I think).
His healing is faster than Lucio's and is a far stronger attacker than Mercy (and Lucio too for that matter). He's strictly a supportive role best suited for Attack on Point/Attack on Payload. He definitely has a place in the roster, it's just that he isn't to be used interchangeably with a Mercy or a Lucio. Far too many people pick him as Mercy Lite or Lucio Lite, which he isn't.
WTF i just got out of a game where the entire enemy team played mercy, rushed our point, then revived each other over and over again
How do you play well as Zenyatta? He seems really weak to me.
He's also a lot slower than the other two because Mercy can fly to teammates, and thus his survivability is lower. I'm not saying he's bad, but the other 2 imo are just more valuable to a team, and it doesn't help that he's pretty tricky to play so a lot of Zens I go against/on my team are constantly dying, and barely putting up any healing. I think that'll change down the road though.
Zenyatta is an accurate and high damage dealer who can also heal and debuff the enemy.
He is not a "healer".
HE's not a healer, he's an attack support. Many team will use him and a mercy.
Zenyatta is an accurate and high damage dealer who can also heal and debuff the enemy.
He is not a "healer".
How do you control mcree's super high noon on PS4? Are you supposed to hold down triangle, wait for people to enter your view then release triangle? (Does it take a bit to lock on?)
Sometimes if your team is just not cooperating or going off in free for all mode just pick your best hero for killing and go to town. Usually ends a loss streak for me. Gotta be flexible and not just stick to support all the time.