Massive Duck. C.M.
Either google translator isn't very good
Either google translator isn't very good
Same boat here. I started with controller and switch to M/KB for the first time.
I'm assuming you're getting dizzy because you're turning too fast?
I changed my mouse dpi to 800 and turned off enhance pointer precision on windows, changed the pointer speed to around the middle, turned off mouse acceleration then lowered my sensitivity on Overwatch to around 10? and that helped out a lot
I think you're better off 800dpi on mouse and higher sensitivity in game from what I'm reading but IDK enough about m/kb to elaborate :\I'm not honestly sure. I feel fine messing around in the target range and in normal matches at long range, but whenever anyone gets up close I start to feel really bad - it gets very hard to follow them.
I'm set to 1800dpi and 9 aiming speed with pointer precision off, the problem is that going lower means more arm movement and due to health problems I find it very uncomfortable to do that.
It's pretty close actually. I'd get a billion POTGs if they showed how often I shutdown ults with it.
It will save you from pretty much all ults save Junkrat and D'VA
Definition - Revive: Bringing a person back from the brink
Maybe 175HP, buff the range of healing orbs and speed up his reload animation and rate of fire![]()
I think some people should practice with him, I find an E + A headshot and a half will down most threats. He is good at countering roaming dickheads like Roadhog or Winston who can just get E'd and have their plans go to shit.
Pharah too. I've pissed off so many Pharahs who try to go all MLG and you just E them and they die.
I justHad a healer we're doing great, healer switches probably because we were doing too goo. Get stomped.????
every pub community mangI just
I don't understand the Overwatch pub community.
Unless you're hiding behind a shield roadhog should win the matchup 100% of the time. People really underestimate hook range, and zen is so slow and weak that he's a free kill to roadhog basically.
Based on just the information on your post, you're probably going to regret it.ok dammit, someone convince me to buy this game. i suck at online shooters. except for mag. i got pretty mediocre at that one after 100's of hours. but i'm jealous of all the fun you guys seem to be having. will be picking it up on ps4. i played the beta and pretty much had no fucking clue what i was doing, was getting slaughtered by mei's everytime i turned around and couldn't hit shit. but i've been thinking, it took me forever to learn the maps in mag. i figure if i just put the time in i will get at least good enough to not suck completely and get yelled at. anyway, sorry about the usual "should i or shouldn't i buy this game post" but i usually don't do it. i usually can make up my mind pretty quick whether or not to buy. oh, and there are no physical copies in my area at this time (would have to drive 30 minutes at least) so i will be going digital. so no selling it back to gamestop (i don't by used unless i have to). sorry for such a long post but hopefully someone will read this and assure me that i won't get made fun of and i will have fun sucking. thanks in advance (more than likely by the time someone responds i will be foolishly downloading just to regret it later this evening).
Based on just the information on your post, you're probably going to regret it.
Man, today was rough. My group went 5-11, most of them we got shrekt pretty hard.
I honestly cannot wait for the McCree nerfs.
yeah, i'm afraid you're right. but i keep trying to fool myself into buying it.
I mean I'm pretty much the same as you. I thought I was going to regret buying this actually. I only bought it because of how cool the characters were and how much I loved the animated shorts they released in the lead up to the launch. Rather than sucking at shooters I just almost never play them, let alone online ones. But I love this, it's digital crack, I can't stop playing or thinking about playing.ok dammit, someone convince me to buy this game. i suck at online shooters. except for mag. i got pretty mediocre at that one after 100's of hours. but i'm jealous of all the fun you guys seem to be having. will be picking it up on ps4. i played the beta and pretty much had no fucking clue what i was doing, was getting slaughtered by mei's everytime i turned around and couldn't hit shit. but i've been thinking, it took me forever to learn the maps in mag. i figure if i just put the time in i will get at least good enough to not suck completely and get yelled at. anyway, sorry about the usual "should i or shouldn't i buy this game post" but i usually don't do it. i usually can make up my mind pretty quick whether or not to buy. oh, and there are no physical copies in my area at this time (would have to drive 30 minutes at least) so i will be going digital. so no selling it back to gamestop (i don't by used unless i have to). sorry for such a long post but hopefully someone will read this and assure me that i won't get made fun of and i will have fun sucking. thanks in advance (more than likely by the time someone responds i will be foolishly downloading just to regret it later this evening).
edit: by the way, i usually go single player in my games (im old and from the times before internet in the home let alone broadband) but i fell in love with socom and mag. mostly because in mag i could heal folks and help my team. after a while i got good at killing.
I'm sorry you experienced that. I personally have always had a good reaction to playing healer and feel like it was appreciated at least. Yesterday I even had a guy straight up tell me "Man, you won that game for us" over voice chat. It's not all bad.The Overwatch community is awful... Join a lobby in progress see they have no healer and decide to go Mercy... not the greatest healer but whatever try to help and get it to a 3rd round. Game finishes and i get 2 messages from teammates complaining i died to much.....
I mean im not the greatest at support but the post game cards did say i healed 28% of team damage, also had some good revives... Are you really going to blame me for letting the other team flank you all game to kill you and your healer from behind over and over.
I guess i should just went attack and joined them on their elimination hunt instead.
The Overwatch community is awful... Join a lobby in progress see they have no healer and decide to go Mercy... not the greatest healer but whatever try to help and get it to a 3rd round. Game finishes and i get 2 messages from teammates complaining i died to much.....
I mean im not the greatest at support but the post game cards did say i healed 28% of team damage, also had some good revives... Are you really going to blame me for letting the other team flank you all game to kill you and your healer from behind over and over.
I guess i should just went attack and joined them on their elimination hunt instead.
The Overwatch community is awful... Join a lobby in progress see they have no healer and decide to go Mercy... not the greatest healer but whatever try to help and get it to a 3rd round. Game finishes and i get 2 messages from teammates complaining i died to much.....
I mean im not the greatest at support but the post game cards did say i healed 28% of team damage, also had some good revives... Are you really going to blame me for letting the other team flank you all game to kill you and your healer from behind over and over.
I guess i should just went attack and joined them on their elimination hunt instead.
I mean I'm pretty much the same as you. I thought I was going to regret buying this actually. I only bought it because of how cool the characters were and how much I loved the animated shorts they released in the lead up to the launch. Rather than sucking at shooters I just almost never play them, let alone online ones. But I love this, it's digital crack, I can't stop playing or thinking about playing.
Yeah you can't convince me that widowmaker won't be hit by the hammer hard in the near future.
ok dammit, someone convince me to buy this game. i suck at online shooters. except for mag. i got pretty mediocre at that one after 100's of hours. but i'm jealous of all the fun you guys seem to be having. will be picking it up on ps4. i played the beta and pretty much had no fucking clue what i was doing, was getting slaughtered by mei's everytime i turned around and couldn't hit shit. but i've been thinking, it took me forever to learn the maps in mag. i figure if i just put the time in i will get at least good enough to not suck completely and get yelled at. anyway, sorry about the usual "should i or shouldn't i buy this game post" but i usually don't do it. i usually can make up my mind pretty quick whether or not to buy. oh, and there are no physical copies in my area at this time (would have to drive 30 minutes at least) so i will be going digital. so no selling it back to gamestop (i don't by used unless i have to). sorry for such a long post but hopefully someone will read this and assure me that i won't get made fun of and i will have fun sucking. thanks in advance (more than likely by the time someone responds i will be foolishly downloading just to regret it later this evening).
edit: by the way, i usually go single player in my games (im old and from the times before internet in the home let alone broadband) but i fell in love with socom and mag. mostly because in mag i could heal folks and help my team. after a while i got good at killing.
If you're forced to be a healer in a group that refuses to pick a healer, always pick Lucio. If they aren't willing to pick healer, they're certainly not going to be aware enough to protect you. At least with Lucio you have some survivability.
They've already said that she's being looked into, most guesses are changing the charge speed because it's ridiculously fast right now for how much damage it does on even body shots.
Rofl, someone just accused me of hacking because I hit them with an icecicle as mei while they were in the air as pharah.
They could shrink the mag too. As in make each shot take 10 rounds instead of 3 or whatever. Also Give the gun some recoil.
kinda makes me feel a little better about playing on console.. Never see these dominant widow makers
Just picked this up, loving it so far. Any GAF groups going right now?
B.NID is SaberVS7#1480