Non of the stat tracking sites seem to be updating for me, even the official one.
On PS4
Did you win on a KoTH map and lose on a payload/2CP map? There seems to be a bug where you get 10% of the actual gain/loss you should do on KoTH maps, Blizzard are looking into it.
Looking at Overbuff and my accuracy shot up 4% today thanks to a new mouse. It feels so much more comfortable and precise than my old one. 40% accuracy with Soldier![]()
I feel kinda wrong saying this.
But I've been finding soldier 76 to be really fun.
I tend to only pick him for defense though.
People sleep on him because of his design and get off my lawn attitude.Why feel wrong? He is a decent hero and can be really effective.
I'm jealous. I switched to a new mouse today and feel like I can't aim for shit. Can't find a DPI/sens setting that feels "right".
lvl 358 with his group of unranked with his 253 hours on hanzo (he's ranked btw)
I usually aim way worse whilst I get used to a new mouse but not this one. This one just fits my hand so perfectly. I had a razer deathadder which was OK but too big for my hands and always felt like something wasn't right, like how it feels when you put your t-shirt on inside out and you know something doesn't feel right but not sure what. I went to a Logitech G303 and it is like.![]()
But he's just so... basic I guess. Basic and insanely effective.
Though really, ever since giving him a run it made me wonder about all those 76 I've played with that just sits on the main chokepoint with biotic field, plinking away at the main enemy group. I find him much more powerful when i constantly maneuver to different positions with him.
Why feel wrong? He is a decent hero and can be really effective.
Anybody know how overbuff works? It will show percentiles for me, but not any of my friends.
Have they played enough games? In my experience the tracking sites don't show anything until you're about 50-60 games in
Bothare hovering around 300 games played
On Console, Tracer can be a serious and continuous pain in the ass for the other team even if they throw a Winston at her. Even if she dies, she'll blink and be back in the action faster than anyone else anyway.
Even on Payload Defense she seems to be a great choice to disrupt the back line of the Attack team constantly and I'm seeing it more and more.
I've destroyed countless Winstons using Tracer.On Console, Tracer can be a serious and continuous pain in the ass for the other team even if they throw a Winston at her. Even if she dies, she'll blink and be back in the action faster than anyone else anyway.
Even on Payload Defense she seems to be a great choice to disrupt the back line of the Attack team constantly and I'm seeing it more and more.
I can at least respect a good Genji since he's not an easy character.Genji is just as big of a cunt TBH. Yeah he doesn't have recall to gain his health back but a good Genji will sneak up on you with a few shuriken, get your attention, wait for you to react and fire a few shots, reflect, then dash through you/melee, then throw a finishing shuriken, all the while bouncing around like an idiot.
Play more than one and it's basically non stop dragon blades after a minute or two if your tank allows itself to be their ult battery. It's sooooo annoying if you don't jump on Mei/McCree/Junkrat/Winston right away. If you aren't one of those characters you might as well ignore them unless you are out of their dash distance/they've already used reflect.
Only thing is Tracer's ult is easier to use and charges super quick.Genji is way more of a pest than tracer.
At least tracer doesn't have an ult that can regularly wipe out teams.
Only thing is Tracer's ult is easier to use and charges super quick.
Somewhat off topic, but I could never understand why people can have a backlog of videogames. Especially for those who buy games out of habit, but will otherwise never play them.Damn Overwatch, I don't have time for any other games and my backlog keeps growing. All I want to play is this.
Not as versatile though. It's very situational when it comes to taking out groups. Hell, i frequently survive it as roadhog.
Same here. I fear genjis alt way more than tracers. Although as roadhog I usually have hook up and have gotten pretty good at anticipating and countering. I'll usually survive unless I'm already low health and haven't healed.
I have a backlog because there are a lot of games I was looking forward to and bought but don't have the time to play as I work full time and have other responsibilities and commitments outside of work hours.Somewhat off topic, but I could never understand why people can have a backlog of videogames. Especially for those who buy games out of habit, but will otherwise never play them.