Went 8-2 in my placements, the final match was the worst I've ever been beaten, either the enemy team was incredible or the other 4 people on our team were just awful.
Guess I'm rank 60.
It's hard to tell sometimes.
Went 8-2 in my placements, the final match was the worst I've ever been beaten, either the enemy team was incredible or the other 4 people on our team were just awful.
Guess I'm rank 60.
I've seen Hanzos unleash their ults in corridors as we are all charging towards the payload point (which is much further away). I have no idea why. Some of them are really high level players too, so it can't be inexperience. What the hell are they expecting to hit? Enemies that are trying to potentially spawncamp us? Why would they do that when they're moving the fucking payload and we are defending???????
It's weird to me that support players rank lower and gain rank slower than other positions. Isn't that just going to encourage MORE non-support, non-tank players in ranked, the opposite of what Blizzard would want?
I mean, normal gameplay is like that as well, and it hurts games because you end up with poor team composition.Unless tactical need requires the use of a healer. Or just personal preference. But that would discourage the use, yes.
Nah 50 isn't avg. 56 is great.
Is anyone else getting crazy bad lag in their placements? Historically I've gotten pings in the low teens.
The first game I played I was spiking over 400, then i back out, restart, come back in and I got 1300(!)
Suffice to say, I lost both times.
Are you using Wireless? It could be interference or a crappy router. I had the same issue with lag spikes up to 1300ms ping. I used an Ethernet cable and later on got a better router/modem to solve the problem.
Ps4 is a complete torb fest anymore. At least 3 in every match tonight and went up against a team of 5 twice. Nerf save me
I really don't think the nerf will do much of anything to multiple Torbs.
Sure it will. People won't be so quick to choose them in general if the turret is doing 30% less damage. Right now, they're so dominant of a force on console defense, why not choose more than one. Hell, right now some people make those turrets work on OFFENSE.
They're still going to be auto snapping, it'll hit a single Torb hard, but I think people who are good at stacking him will still be successful.
Turn off hero stack and you coulda left him as is, Blizzard is being so stupid about that shit.
I agree with you here. There should at least be a no hero stack mode.
Lost three sudden deaths where we got stuck on defense. Won one by the skin of our teeth with a good Mercy res.
This shit needs some reworking. Defending four times.
Didn't exist 2 days ago and it's weighted towards people who opt in to track their stats and play competitive. Don't think you can call it average skill, average ranked initial rating 2 days in is another story.
What about 6 Symmetras?![]()
You know your team sucks when you're Zenyatta and the only one pushing the payload. FFS.
What about 6 Symmetras?![]()
You just need 2-3 Winstons to beat that.
So much rage quit in competitive.
I wonder if they know about the penalties