Reference?It's weird to me that support players rank lower and gain rank slower than other positions. Isn't that just going to encourage MORE non-support, non-tank players in ranked, the opposite of what Blizzard would want?
Reference?It's weird to me that support players rank lower and gain rank slower than other positions. Isn't that just going to encourage MORE non-support, non-tank players in ranked, the opposite of what Blizzard would want?
I agree with you here. There should at least be a no hero stack mode.
Penalties are pretty weak in this game. I wish they'd adopt the CS Go model.
So much rage quit in competitive.
I wonder if they know about the penalties
That's not what I mean. We had lost control of the payload near the start of Dorado, I was the only one pushing aggressively to get it back while all the rest of the team were off in different corners trying to get be fair, it's basically in his job description on payload maps. he's designed to be far away from the action. sometimes the payload is in the back. :3
penalty " Make the enemy team gain a pixel of a rank", wow such penalty. Fucking dumb system.
I can't find an official reference -- I thought I saw some people mention it in the thread. Maybe I'm wrong?Reference?
The issue is that 3+ of the same champion (or even possibly 2+ in some cases) can be minimal effort and high reward.I really feel that anyone complaining about hero stacking is just looking at the problem wrong. The problem isn't stacking, the problem is you have shitty teammates who don't cooperate. Removing stacking won't make that problem go away.
- If you don't like hero stacks because you hate fighting multiple torbs or bastions, your problem is that your team isn't working together to counter that, by switching characters and talking more.
Give me something fun to do with that completley unfun ult other than 'well it's a heal and i kind of wail wildly at everything'.
Okay, then I'll stand and wait for a source. I main Support and Tanks, so I hope you're not right (although I can see how it might be harder to level up, because tanks and supports are very dependant of how the team plays).I can't find an official reference -- I thought I saw some people mention it in the thread. Maybe I'm wrong?
I don't understand what's so hard to fix, really. Make enemies go through anything and land directly in front of Hog. Doesn't sound too crazy. I hope they fix it soon enough.Hook fix when
Ranked KOTH fix when
Ugh, I forgot to mention that. It feels like the hook is MORE broken now. Junkrat goes to one side. Tracer and Lucio still seem to go behind you. Some people end up like 6 feet in front.Hook fix when
The issue is that 3+ of the same champion (or even possibly 2+ in some cases) can be minimal effort and high reward.
It's POSSIBLE to lasso a group of random internet people together and have everyone pull off a coordinated, strategic takedown of something that doesn't take much effort to create, but it's still a frustrating, complicated experience.
Anyone else seeing weird glitches in spawn room? like invisible players, menus not loading and glitchy mess like that.
You know your team sucks when you're Zenyatta and the only one pushing the payload. FFS.
That's Symmetra. :>But you, like, get to put turrets on it and stuff!
That's Symmetra. :>
Didn't see if anyones posted on this subject but Koth game mode rank gains/losses seem a bit off and others are saying they are seeing it too.
Theres also some posts popping up about it on the games forums.
First noticed it last night where my team had a few payload wins with good gains but then a koth win only gave the tiniest amount of progress towards a higher rating. Thought maybe we were against a much lower rated team but this morning I had 2 payload losses and lost a good deal of rank but the following 2 koth wins I gained hardly anything even though the teams were on an almost equal level.
I hope its not intended since koth games can go on a bit.
I feel this is a bit overstated though. The idea that just picking multiple Torbs and Bastions will give you a free win is absolutely not true in a vacuum. A team of 5-6 Torbs and Bastions will take no effort at all to counter, even if only 1 or 2 players bother to counterpick and fix the problem themselves. A team with 2 Torbs and 2 Bastions can be a huge pain in the ass IF the remaining 2 players have a good Reinhardt and Mercy. So yes, there are certain combinations that are easier to play. But do consider this, if a team has 2 Torbs, 2 Bastions, good placement, a good Reinhardt, and a good Mercy doing a solid job of managing the team's health and damage output, we're not talking about "minimal effort and high reward" here. We're talking about a full team playing together as intended. Is that really something to be frustrated about in a team game?
2 or 3 players stacking on Torbs and Bastions without coordination are worthless. People love to whine about Bastions being "hold button to win" post-match, but my experience has been that Bastions who do well are taking advantage of good placement and their teammates not being shit. The later is much more important. So yes, the main annoyance might be getting killed over and over by a Bastion in the same spot, but if that's happening and no one is taking the Bastion out successfully, it means they have other things going for them.
That's my mentality in team games.
At that point it's completely legit to run a bastion in your comp. Two reapers can also ruin a double zarya team up.
Her shield just simply doesn't last that long.
Yeah I can see how two good Zaryas can be a pain in the ass. But having said thay, it's not an easy hero to play well, so if two of them are good players that's tough. Not arguing against balance quirks tho, just saying that it doesn't mean stacking is automatically an easy win.
It lasts two seconds and recycles every ten seconds. If you had five Zaryas, you could keep one of them invulnerable all the time. As it is, with two Zaryas, done well they're both invulnerable about a fourth of the time, which isn't a problem if you catch them alone, but with a team that knows how to push they can be absolutely brutal. The people I just played were running two Zs behind a Reinhardt, with a Lucio in the pack, and a couple of flankers picking off anyone who got into it with the main group. The hammered us, even though we were actively trying to find compositions that worked.
Maybe they were just that good, I suppose, but the more I see it, the more I think it's about to composition.
Hog eats bastions for breakfast, though. So does D.Va.The also only absorb 200 damage each, which are all massively out dps'd by bastion.
Hell, the fact that they have 3 tanks in a comp is an automatic bastion pick for me. Have someone to protect his flank and you're golden honestly.
People keep thinking that bastion is a noob wall, but he also honestly serves a purpose as a tank buster. Reaper is better as that in most situations because he can do it on the offense too, has greater mobility and doesn't have as many hard counters, and also because people aren't going to run that tank heavy usually, but if I'm on defense and i see the other team heavily relies on their tanks I'll pull out bastion.
Perhaps already posted, but Coin Flip will not be returning for season 2 :
"we rushed out competitive this season"
Hog eats bastions for breakfast, though. So does D.Va.
Wait, they were admitting to throwing a match in chat? That's on log if you want to report them and ruining games for others definitely is against Blizzard's rules. Not only were they idiots, but also idiots.Had 3 guys throw a ranked match cause I was higher rank than them, they said someone my rank did it to them last match so they're doing it to me, neat. Then we queue again only to be matched against them, this time they actually try and end up winning, stealing points from us twice.
Ah well, I started at 60 (8-2) during placement and ended up with 60 (12-6) at the end of the night. I'm actually really enjoying competitive but that thrown match was beyond annoying.
At that point it's completely legit to run a bastion in your comp. Two reapers can also ruin a double zarya team up.
Her shield just simply doesn't last that long.
I think my highest was 21K damage as Bastion
Welp Torbjorn just pushed that a little too much ahead
Wait, they were admitting to throwing a match in chat? That's on log if you want to report them and ruining games for others definitely is against Blizzard's rules. Not only were they idiots, but also idiots.
Nice. I'm sorry that they ruined a game for you but the stupidity of them is almost funny.Yep they said it in chat, they thought it was hilarious to derank us "tryhards".
Reported all 3 of them.
A few days ago I ran into a triple Zarya stack when I was attacking on Hollywood. On my first respawn, I swapped to Bastion and went 22-1 from there - we just shredded the defense and hardly ever stopped pushing. That's what he's there for.