Dead Prince
we lost on attack on route 66. The lucio player comments on getting gold on kills and obj kills but doesn't talk about healing. no gold? lol just stop
we lost on attack on route 66. The lucio player comments on getting gold on kills and obj kills but doesn't talk about healing. no gold? lol just stop
we lost on attack on route 66. The lucio player comments on getting gold on kills and obj kills but doesn't talk about healing. no gold? lol just stop
To be fair we don't know he wasn't the highest healer. Could have not mentioned it because 9/10 times it's a given.Jokes on him, gold on kills for Lucio just means he was tagging them for like 5 damage, it's so easy to do and means nothing. That he wasn't even the highest healer means way more.
6-6 then 0-4. This game is fucking stupid.
6-6 then 0-4. This game is fucking stupid.
Competitive play has really done a number on the community. Now I get shit talkers every single game, both in Ranked and Quick.
Apparently he was basically the terminator in the beta too.
That will come in late July.
My god quick play has become more a shit show than it already was. Guess everyone who wants to try moved to rank.
I'll say this again.
Make zen's attack a hitscan.
Ranked play is so intense.
God looking at McCree's usage and then go on twitch Seagull hosting someone who was putting on a clinic with McCree
Good aim is so fun to watch, god I wish I was good at McCree
Alright I prematurely commented. Went 7-3 in placements. Came back from being down 2-0 to win 3-2 in the last one so that was awesome.You jinxed it. Twice.
Outside of just buffing his health pool.
What if Zenyetta's orbs gave off a small aoe of heals/debuff to the rest around that orb. Healing Orb could still heal the person under it alot, but the aoe would be a bit less. For the purple orb, just make it very minor like 5-10 percent debuff on its aeo, just so it not too strong. I think at least his healing orbs should do aoe.
What do you guys think, I think this would for sure make him an overall better healer.
Zenyatta is gonna be really tricky to balance. I feel like he's right on that line between underpowered and overpowered. You give him a bit too much and suddenly he becomes a serious problem.
You can already see it somewhat if you pair him with a Symmetra - just that extra 25 shield HP makes him notably better. Of course then you have two supports who aren't Mercy or Lucio, so that comp isn't very popular.
Zenyatta is gonna be really tricky to balance. I feel like he's right on that line between underpowered and overpowered. You give him a bit too much and suddenly he becomes a serious problem.
You can already see it somewhat if you pair him with a Symmetra - just that extra 25 shield HP makes him notably better. Of course then you have two supports who aren't Mercy or Lucio, so that comp isn't very popular.
He still dies too quickly with no means to escape.
Let them have their fun. It's Quickplay.Joined an attack game on Hollywood with 2 minutes left.
My team had one Widow and TWO Hanzos.
Got the gold medal with only two kills.
People is really bad at this game.
To be fair we don't know he wasn't the highest healer. Could have not mentioned it because 9/10 times it's a given.
And Lucio is pretty good damage wise, I have got heaps of kills with him that are more significant than just tagging them for 5 damage (His shots to 16 damage each anyway) not to mention bouncing people off the map.
Alright I prematurely commented. Went 7-3 in placements. Came back from being down 2-0 to win 3-2 in the last one so that was awesome.
48 ranking.
What the fuck?
What assholes. Haven't run into a lot of BM in comp yet, but there's been some stupid shit. Mute or block, maybe report and move on is the easiest.
Welcome to competitive. Some people are toxic garbage. As long as you avoid swearing or breaking common sense, I wouldn't worry about what others say. People who get mad are usually not that good at the game, so they blame it on others.
Just remember to always report people who go out of their way to be childish, toxic and so on. I don't mean stuff like writing "EZ" in the chat after winning, but people who curse and start insulting others. Blizzard said they'll be strict about this, so the best thing we can do is ignore/not reply to troll and then report them.
Let them have their fun. It's Quickplay.
Let them have their fun. It's Quickplay.
My first day on competitive has been horrible all around and made realize that it also makes no sense at all.
Skill is not involved or rewarded if the only means of advancing is by winning. This isn't a team-exclusive mode where you can say "that team is better than the other one", everyone can play it solo, so what's the point of an individual "skill level" if it's just a winrate score? It makes no sense. The amount of "competitive exp" makes no sense with KotH maps being worthless, the flipping coin sudden death being a death sentence for the attacking team, the rampant toxicity (I've seen more in 1 day than in the whole quick game+beta) of people constantly arguing and insulting each other, the leavers, and so on.
Is it that hard to implement a real skill level? Like the one they're using for quick game MMR? I seriously can't see any positive in playing competitive over quick game. It's a worse experience in every aspect. And, as I've said before, the "rewards" are terrible so there's not even that incentive.
6-6 then 0-4. This game is fucking stupid.
The system is flawed right from the start. What's the point of the skill level if skill is not involved? Losing doesn't mean that you're not skilled in this game.Right now, the issues with competitive:
1-KoTH bug.
2-Quitters and rank sabotaging.
3-Solo que is poop.
4-A lot of people are reporting a bias in the ranking system where it favors non-healers; they are reporting cards and gold medals, but lower ranks than their group members.
Was finally gonna win a non-KotH game. Disconnected for the first time since the full game launched.
Oh boy.