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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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i just lost with 92 elims and 95% kill participation


although i did go from 52 to 58 rating tonight, hope to be 70 by next weekend

damn bro wtf

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So I have someone I played some random games with around launch who sent me a Btag request back then.

So they invite me today to play some games. Ok fine. Get into the game. Disconnect. Comes back into the game, 'that's happened 4 times already'



lmfao there are some real champs on tonight

"You know what, I know we have a full team comp and we won the first round on Nepal pretty handily, but what my team REALLY needs is for me to switch from Roadhog to a SECOND HANZO because the meta dictates that Hanzo is S+++++++++++++ tier on CP maps."

Mother fucker only picked Roadhog so he could pull people into the pit on sanctum, then switch to Hanzo so he could join his other Hanzo buddy who stood off to the side of the objective spamming arrows until they could ult from spawn, which the enemy team easily avoided because this is July and not May.

Edit: Oh for my next match it put me on Anubis attack with 30 seconds left and no support. No thanks Blizzard.


Wow just went 30-0 and didn't get the 20 kill streak achievement because I had 19 kills one round 11 the other.
It counts between multiple KOTH rounds though, or used to. I got it between two different KOTH areas.

In competitive games, Tracer is the new Hanzo/Genji for me. I already disliked having her on my team or playing against her enough, but I've seen multiple occasions where whoever is playing her refuses to change for any reason. Two different times I've had Tracer payload offense (once with double Tracers). The most recent time we probably could have won payload with literally anyone other than Tracer, especially a tank, on the payload.


It counts between multiple KOTH rounds though, or used to. I got it between two different KOTH areas.

In competitive games, Tracer is the new Hanzo/Genji for me. I already disliked having her on my team or playing against her enough, but I've seen multiple occasions where whoever is playing her refuses to change for any reason. Two different times I've had Tracer payload offense (once with double Tracers). The most recent time we probably could have won payload with literally anyone other than Tracer, especially a tank, on the payload.
Not in competitive apparently.


I've got a question about competitive, will there be this 10 placement games thing every season or is it just once at the start of competitive mode? I ask because a couple of my placement games got completely screwed up, in one of them the enemy team was god-tier and then in the next one the entire rest of my team ditched me. I'd hate to have that affect my ratings forever.


Just played the round of my life with Winston on Nepal.


Ended up with my high of 41. Wish the game could've gone longer.
5 losses in a row and counting = matchmaking

this. I tried so hard to enjoy MM tonight but it did nothing but frustrate me. I couldn't get a group that would stay together no matter what- these dumb people were 20+ rank and running out, dying one by one rather than in groups. Picking support chars and then afk in spawn or running out by themself and dying. I tried attack/support class and held my own, but I felt like most of the people playing tonight were more concerned with killing than anything objective related.

What's the trick to getting into a GAF group? I'm a team player and I love learning the game. 14 ranked. PM me :) (sounds like a dating ad).
I've got a question about competitive, will there be this 10 placement games thing every season or is it just once at the start of competitive mode? I ask because a couple of my placement games got completely screwed up, in one of them the enemy team was god-tier and then in the next one the entire rest of my team ditched me. I'd hate to have that affect my ratings forever.

I believe they said yes, placement every season. I wouldn't sweat it though, if you play enough over the entire season where you start won't be a big deal. It's not like hearthstone where season resets every month either.


Roadhog was my most played tank for a while but I've gotten completely bored of him

is my
Best Tank

Winston is a straight up hoss, uce. I really turned a corner when I started jumping away and grabbing health instead of slugging it out in the pocket alone until death.


the holder of the trombone
I've got a question about competitive, will there be this 10 placement games thing every season or is it just once at the start of competitive mode? I ask because a couple of my placement games got completely screwed up, in one of them the enemy team was god-tier and then in the next one the entire rest of my team ditched me. I'd hate to have that affect my ratings forever.

I mean if they are outliers you can just keep building on your score.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm winning a 5v6 in competitive

Oh my god the other team just ragequit!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

What an amazing game. It's too bad I only got like... 1/20 towards 52. We should've gotten an entire rank for winning the unwinnable.


As far as I know, every single win tonight has had NO Tracer on my team. Every single loss tonight has had a Tracer on my team.

*edit* I finally won such a game, but we only had a Tracer briefly.


They need to fix ranking up. Currently you are punished too heavily for losing. It's much harder to rank up than down.
Seems fine. You're playing against people with whom you're presumably equally matched. If you're able to consistently beat people at your same skill level, you can level up. However, if you lose to someone presumably at your skill level, you should be aggressively adjusted down.

Kind of the whole idea of promotions being lagging, not leading.


First competitive experience, go Mercy because nobody will go support on Gibraltar defense. Two members both pick Pharah (whilst another picks McCree and Tracer) and we get a tank at least.

The two Pharah spend the entire match cussing each other out as we hold first point until overtime after which we get steamrolled because our reinhert keeps running out front alone.

Attack comes and I go Lucio. The two Pharah keep going on about their medals and neither choose a different character. We steamroll in return and go to draw.

Go back to Mercy, our reinhert kills himself and now for some reason everyone decides they want to play defense characters like offense.

"fucking noob team " is the last message I see.

Standing at the opposing teams door as well seems bad. Sigh.

After a bad match this morning in quick play my confidence in team attitudes is waning.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dropped to 49 from 51 sheeit.

Okay the problem is I'm pretty much only good on KOTH maps and wins are weighted for a lot right now. I guess I'm just bad at Payload when it's not Symmetra Defense.


If I continue solo queuing, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up getting a brain aneurysm.

My PSN is XenoRaven. How do I get on the GAF thingy?

Wii Tank

They should really make it so that if you stick to a competitive game after a teammate leaves and you win the match that you rank up more. Just had a game where one of our guys left halfway into the second round of payload. We stuck through it and played a fantastic game and ended up winning the sudden death on attack. In the endgame rank up though I got like an eighth of a point up. It just seems unfair at that point and kind of encourages people just up and leaving if you lose a team member. I had 20k in healing as Mercy haha.


They really need to fix the rejoin thing. :( I accidentally disconnected during character select, reconnected BEFORE the match started, and still lost an entire level because of it (despite defending the game and preventing the payload from even being STARTED).

On the plus side I think I'm like 5-2 solo queue tonight, but the leaver thing means it doesn't really make any difference.

I've seen one enemy leave the last 2-3 matches before the final animations finish playing. Is that something to prevent enemies from getting as much XP, or are they just rushing to new matches?


I've got some Sony MDR MA900 headphones which have very good positional audio and I'm wondering whether having Dolby Atmos switched on is actually worth it. From what I can tell, it muffles the sound slightly and doesn't really seem to affect the quality of the positional audio in any positive way.
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