So has everybody in here moved to competitive now?
For me, it feels like "HELP I CAN'T HEADSHOT WHY IS MY DAMAGE SO LOW". Because the ult can't headshot and you only get like one clip, it took a while to get the 4-kill soldier 76 ult achievement.I find soldier 76's ult to be one of the most satisfying in the game, second only to mei I think, growing up with fps games and never using a hack before its so cool to just use an old school hack for a few seconds and see what it feels like.
I will never understand some people. "It's attack, so we need two snipers", "I think this map calls for three tanks", this is all ranked by the way. Ugh.
Almost always feels that way.Console matchmaking feels like steamroll or get steamrolled atm.
two snipers is the WORST when I'm on an attack team. since they never want to jump into the objective and are hanging way too far back.
they probably don't even know where health packs are in every map yet
The same people who make a rejoin option so that, if you accidentally disconnect during champ select and reconnect before the match starts, and get a perfect victory, you will be given a (1-level in my case) loss and demotion instead.Seriously who designed a competitive mode, where if you make the enemy rage quit, you dont get credit for that game.
The same people who make a rejoin option so that, if you accidentally disconnect during champ select and reconnect before the match starts, and get a perfect victory, you will be given a (1-level in my case) loss and demotion instead.![]()
I find soldier 76's ult to be one of the most satisfying in the game, second only to mei I think, growing up with fps games and never using a hack before its so cool to just use an old school hack for a few seconds and see what it feels like.
Binding voice line to a mouse button has been the best thing I've done in this game.
No monkey business.
No monkey business.
No monkey business.
No monkey business.
No monkey business.
kong of the hill? is that an all winston game?
Cut a clip from it
Competitive is new so I hope these are mostly players who are quickly trying it out but don't care about their rank or ranked play in general. With any luck they'll stop playing that mode in a few weeks. Of course there will always be rage quitters and I don't know the ratio of them to those who don't care so who knows by how much it'll change. It also depends on how strict the penalties actually turn out to be for repeat offenders, if they work these players will be weeded out as the season progresses.Why are there so many leaver in ranked? Goddamn. None on my side so far, but I've met so many teams where when they lose the first round, someone disconnects, and then everyone disconnects.
They really need to up that penalty because it's clearly not working.
Cut a clip from it
This would encourage tactical leaves and bullying leaves.They should really make it so that if you stick to a competitive game after a teammate leaves and you win the match that you rank up more.
Only one sometimes that's a bitch is Junkrat trap
I once got caught in it at the most random place possible, like who the fuck leaves a trap here
Also hate it sinks way too much into ground to spot it easily
The teeth should be sticking out
Most Junkrat I've run into lately are trying the lay trap and mine on top of it for a wombo combo of sorts
It just gives away the position way to easily
pc or ps4? If pc I'm interested in your sensitivity settings, you're awesome
Is there a Hanzo on your team? Yes? The match is lost.
What is that? Two Hazons on the other team? Prepare to steamroll the match.
Hanzo hate on pub games is 100% justified.
Is there a Hanzo on your team? Yes? The match is lost.
What is that? Two Hazons on the other team? Prepare to steamroll the match.
Hanzo hate on pub games is 100% justified.