Yes the game immediately warns you if you stay stationary. Griefers move subtly to avoid that; we had a bitch that pulled that move before. A worse case was a Soldier-76 shooting walls and feeding the other team ult charges.
That aside, this is my latest competitive match with Lucio. We had a tough cookie in a Widow that was convinced to switch later on. We smashed the other team and they started rage quitting. I lost a silly sudden death match before that and lost 75% of a point, and now watch how much I gain in the second pic.
It doesn't matter. I got gold medals and at least three medals in each of my proper competitive placement matches. I ended up with a really low rank because of three botched matches. I have a +55% winrate in quick play when I screw around, so I don't get how this translated into the lower 1% of ranked (I actually know). People at this level are so bad, it is not even funny.