I like to think and hope that a bit of time and patience will fix that. The more people will rage quit, the more I see said quitters get punished for doing it, maybe even get banned if they do it repeatedly or they'll simply end up at the bottom of the barrel. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic though.
Blizzard has a very punishing perma-ban system that has a nasty usermap profile tracking. But I doubt they will perma-ban rage-quitters, even the more obvious ones who get reported on daily basis--we have to keep disconnects in mind.
Actually, I have an idea. Group up rage quitters together and never let them play with normal humans.
And oh, griefers should get perma-banned. There is no reason to deliberately turn into a complete bitch and go AFK because the flankers slots were taken before you.
Can someone please help me here? I really need advice on how to do better with Rein/Winston in competitive.
Practice in quick play and watch some high level replays.
For Reinhardt, don't get too defensive and keep an eye on your surroundings i.e watch out for Reapers/backline flankers, flying Pharahs and Bastion. Don't go sucide-charging when you are holding a choke point or when the whole team is on the other side. Also, learn which ults you can deal with/block and practice your charge and firestrike accuracy. As for your ult, don't waste it; spam the group up/ult ready message, and coordinate that with your teammates. And yes you can go apeshit with Reinhardt's hammer and try to take weak characters.
People in competitive are very familiar with Reinhardt countering, so I advice you to try and counter Reinhardt too instead of playing him; think of how to bypass his shield and bait his charage/firestrike.
Winston is a bit tricky. You need to play him a bit like a flanker--you should use his dash as much as possible as it recovers fast and does 50 damage. Try to position yourself somewhere in which you can dash to health packs or back to teammates, and remember that Winston is NOT a sufficient tank for the team--he is ideal for KoTH and against certain matchups. Remember that he isn't a defensive, shield-spamming character; get aggressive with his dash and chase flying pharahs and snipers (but be careful and sneaky about it).
Winston can easily be smoked in competitive because people anticipate his dash in, and they won't run away when you ult. They also know how to counter you with Roadhog. I suggest that you use Winston with another tank on KoTH maps.