Fan the Hammer does too much damage and developers agree. He should be able to 1 shot low health heroes with his combo, not tanks. He's a jack of all trades at the moment as an offensive character.
I actually played my first handful of Genji games ever today and I did pretty good as him, even got an achievement!You can't get better with new heroes until you suck for awhile with them.
You can't get better with new heroes until you suck for awhile with them.
Self-Destruct has a huge radius, but if you're behind any wall you're perfectly safe. The same is true for enemies.
So boosting it in (protip: you can activate it after boosting) to surprise the enemy is the best deployment method.
Soldier is a hell of a lot of fun. He's my goto offense guy and I've been playing him more and more. Surprised on how fun they've made a character who is seemingly so basic.
And his ultimate is one of the most fun and satisfying in the game. I'VE GOT YOU IN MY SIGHTS.
So much, even as Reaper I'll jump to his side seemingly perfectly dodging it and nope I was flashbanged :[The ol' Tracer blink into a suction BACKWARDS because you're now flashbanged and dead.
I think turrets should be as they are...when Torb is within a small distance.
When he is not in that small distance they have a slower speeds switching targets and tracking.
I think turrets should be as they are...when Torb is within a small distance.
When he is not in that small distance they have a slower speeds switching targets and tracking.
Feels good.
I think turrets should be as they are...when Torb is within a small distance.
When he is not in that small distance they have a slower speeds switching targets and tracking.
You have to time it pretty well to kill tanks as Mcree though. You don't nail the timing of that dodge and you're gonna have a bad time.
Fair enough though. I'm not experienced with the game enough yet to say whose OP and who isn't. The only character I've played as who felt OP so far was Bastion but as I start playing higher level opposition I realise his weaknesses are easy to exploit.
Sheeeeeeit, lucked out on Mcree and finished the stupid High Noon achievement on Hollywood today with a 5 man kill. Was thinking doubles and triples where the best I was gonna get since people are conditioned to shield/ult/teleport/heal/ghost as soon as they hear the first syllable lol.
Kinda hate these achievements are for quad kills tho.
One of the best parts of Roadhog is you can instantly shut down some of the most powerful ults in the game.
Did you cheese it? No idea how you got it in that location w/o cheesing it.
MMR (match-making ranking) will probably make sure that you're alright.Coming into this a few weeks after release, will I get my ass handed to me like there's no tomorrow or will I still have a chance of not embarrassing myself?
I've been playing less than a week, and the matchmaking on skill levels isn't too bad. You can also play against AIs with human companions, which is a relatively safe way to get to learn the characters. It's a team-based game though, so you can only be as good or as bad as the rest of your squad.Coming into this a few weeks after release, will I get my ass handed to me like there's no tomorrow or will I still have a chance of not embarrassing myself?
Coming into this a few weeks after release, will I get my ass handed to me like there's no tomorrow or will I still have a chance of not embarrassing myself?
tank yes, support no.I don't know if it's a regional thing but I see people pick tank or support all the time. Sometimes I'm in teams that have too many tanks.
A lot of zaryas too, weirdly enough.
I love this game, but I can't help but shake the feelingthat the game is so noob friendly, that it's impossible to consistently enjoy myself.not a feeling, it's a fact
Not to mention, getting shot while behind walls is beyond tiresome at this point.
Just played a GAF stack, I think. Yanger was there. It was fun, guys!
So my thoughts on this debate is that everyone enjoys the same bullshit hitboxes, so if you are better than the other player you will almost always still come out on top. I don't think its a problem. The most skillful win just like any other shooter. It does create some situations where you die when you don't think that you should, but you must realize that you've been doing the same shit to them.
Another problem is they're mixing projectile heroes w/ hitscan heroes, so you have to have somewhat lenient hitboxes so the projectile heroes can actually hit people. Overwatch is a fast game, and there are some skinny ass heroes that are hard to hit. For example, Imagine trying to hit a strafing widowmaker w/ Hanzos arrow across the map with perfect hitboxes. Basically impossible. Hanzo would be unplayable.
So my thoughts on this debate is that everyone enjoys the same bullshit hitboxes, so if you are better than the other player you will almost always still come out on top. I don't think its a problem. The most skillful win just like any other shooter. It does create some situations where you die when you don't think that you should, but you must realize that you've been doing the same shit to them.
Another problem is they're mixing projectile heroes w/ hitscan heroes, so you have to have somewhat lenient hitboxes so the projectile heroes can actually hit people. Overwatch is a fast game, and there are skinny ass heroes that are hard to hit. For example, Imagine trying to hit a strafing widowmaker w/ Hanzos arrow across the map with perfect hitboxes.
On an equal matchup hanzo would pretty much lose all the time even now.
I'm feeling like I'm getting worse at this game, and as such feeling my addiction slipping away. I'm not sure what's up, but my assumption is I've hit my skill-ceiling sometime ago while most other players are just more skilled and are only improving.
Static? I remember that name, not a gaf group though. we were playing like shit last night and I was salty, if I was shit talkingI did that a lot last night.