Hate to break it to you, but at that point Overbuff was comparing your extra long competitive matches against shorter quick play matches. It should be fixed now, though. They announced it on Twitter.
RIGHT? IdgiJust finished a match and it said I had 6 eliminations when I'm pretty sure I had around 25...
I can't log into Overwatch (PC) right now
daily ddos attack probably.
What makes a bad Mercy anyway? If you're there healing and keeping everyone topped up, that's a pretty decent Mercy no? Is it a matter of how good/bad you are at self preservation and staying alive?
On the flip side, what makes a good Mercy? Resurrect timing? If everyone's healed up, and you have damage boost on someone who deals good damage, that's decent no?
I play Mercy a lot (cause I can't aim). I wonder if I'm good or bad. =D
Okay I lied. I tried to suck it up and give the game a chance. So I lost three straight today and got demoted two levels. I am 5-3 after placement, and I am lower than the rank I started at. Thank you Blizzard.
I have the screenshots and stats. I will make a topic in the official Overwatch forums to complain about this. I might free up some disk space too.
Went 7-3 in placement matches and got rank 53 :-/
Not sure how much competitive I'll play, really. I don't like the longer time commitment to each match. Quick match is a lot more fun to just sit down and do in short bursts.
Currently sitting at 2-12 for w/l in competitive playing mostly mercy, with lucio and d.va mixed in.
Over 9k avg heal with mercy, over 16k heals in one game using both mercy and lucio (we lost), over 12 resurrections per game, 18 in one game averaging 8.5 deaths per game.
Ranked 42
So competitive play is basically Quick Play now....minus the quick part lol
I honestly see 0 difference in the skill level of the people I'm playing with. And crazy as it sounds I still see people leaving matches!
All these "Competitive is so much better" posts are delusional.
Or maybe because through the random nature of a matchmaking system people are simply getting a different experience?
So competitive play is basically Quick Play now....minus the quick part lol
I honestly see 0 difference in the skill level of the people I'm playing with. And crazy as it sounds I still see people leaving matches!
All these "Competitive is so much better" posts are delusional.
I'd wanna quit too if i played with 130-200ms ping. Your frustration is understandable but I can't sympathize from a players perspective. Essentially your experience is tough to enjoy from the start when the game is laggy.
Coin flip is such utter bullshit, i cant believe we have to wait for the season to be over before they patch it out
blizzard fucking sucks tbh
Played with a good group
But in competitive and ranked we just got matched against groups just a little bit better in everyway and lost like 5 out of 6 games. The level of coordination was inhuman
But on the plus side, at least I now know my laptop keyboard is failing for sure and I need to get a usb one
Coin flip is such utter bullshit, i cant believe we have to wait for the season to be over before they patch it out
blizzard fucking sucks tbh
She's only real hard when your team doesn't frigging protect you.Why is playing Mercy so hard, jesus.
Honestly this is why I play solo. I would get into groups on Discord, but we would be constantly grouped up with full teams as well and in most cases they were just simply better than us. I do much better by myself in terms in winning matches.
That said I'm kinda feeling 'blah' on the game after playing some more today. Comp can be fun, but it takes a lot out of me. I kinda just want to chill with my gaming experiences at the moment.
She's only real hard when your team doesn't frigging protect you.
Why is playing Mercy so hard, jesus.
Why is playing Mercy so hard, jesus.
I can't understand how some people are so bad at this game. Please give me a option of having bots teammates.