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Overwatch |OT3| White, White, Blue, White

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Wouldn't you see greater benefit by sandbagging your placement games? People are complaining they're ranked too low after placement but look at it this way. You will probably win more games at the lower level which will each earn you more competitive points. Am I missing something?
Wouldn't you see greater benefit by sandbagging your placement games? People are complaining they're ranked too low after placement but look at it this way. You will probably win more games at the lower level which will each earn you more competitive points. Am I missing something?

Yes; you are missing a crucial part of the ranking process. On paper, play with scrubs>ez gg level up. Nope, because those scrubs are so bad that their games look like some volatile/random coin toss. AND you have rage quitters everywhere, so you only get deleveled. I went 6-3 and landed at a spot lower than my initial ranking, because there were two cases of rage quitting, and the recent game didn't freaking give me a full point event though I was the lowest level player there.

There is a limit to how much you can carry a team, especially when they force you to go Tank or healer.

I had a similar thought as yours (false hope), but I knew that leveling up down there is inconsistent...unless you have a group of competent sandbaggers.


the holder of the trombone
With the way leaving is implemented wouldn't the rage quitters be weeded out further along?

Not that there aren't anybody who ragequits but hopefully they'll be gone sooner or later.


Ranked, even solo queue, seems to be working ok for me. I'm at exactly 50% wins (32/64), some games are stomps one way, some games are stomps the other way, and some are nailbiting close fights. I've seen some great coordinated point caps.

I've tried queueing solo, with a friend, and with 3 friends -- all three configurations worked decently.

After 50% wins, I'm at exactly the same rating I started with, 48.

My main ranked complaint is the loss penalty if you have people disconnected for a significant amount of time, or if you disconnect/reconnect during setup. I think it should at least forgive setup disconnects.

*edit* I also got 2 achievements and a legendary skin tonight. Decent night.
Wouldn't you see greater benefit by sandbagging your placement games? People are complaining they're ranked too low after placement but look at it this way. You will probably win more games at the lower level which will each earn you more competitive points. Am I missing something?
Not really, you'll get grouped up with the level 70 guy who still doesn't get the objective of the game.
With the way leaving is implemented wouldn't the rage quitters be weeded out further along?

Not that there aren't anybody who ragequits but hopefully they'll be gone sooner or later.

With disconnects taken into account, I think the rage quitters can get away with it to some extent. The chronic rage quitters will obviously get banned or something. The core issue is the leveling up and penalty system; one person leaves and everyone gets screwed. The rage quit team gets an auto loss I think? I remember the game telling me that I have a 30 sec chance to leave without penalty, so I do and they warn me to not go to desktop, so I get back to the game and then it got canceled. So the rage quitter teammates have auto loss, and are at a risk of penalties if something goes wrong. The other team is royally screwed too; they barely get anything for winning.


Ranked, even solo queue, seems to be working ok for me. I'm at exactly 50% wins (32/64), some games are stomps one way, some games are stomps the other way, and some are nailbiting close fights. I've seen some great coordinated point caps.

I've tried queueing solo, with a friend, and with 3 friends -- all three configurations worked decently.

After 50% wins, I'm at exactly the same rating I started with, 48.

My main ranked complaint is the loss penalty if you have people disconnected for a significant amount of time, or if you disconnect/reconnect during setup. I think it should at least forgive setup disconnects.

*edit* I also got 2 achievements and a legendary skin tonight. Decent night.

My problem, at least for me is that I go lose more points when I lose that I gain when I win, so it'll be a slow descent towards rank 1.


Just finished a match and it said I had 6 eliminations when I'm pretty sure I had around 25...

I had a match the other day where my elims stayed at around 10 when I had 20+. I think it's a bug. Not sure how wide spread it is though.
Sooo, does this mean I'll get less crappy games now?



My problem, at least for me is that I go lose more points when I lose that I gain when I win, so it'll be a slow descent towards rank 1.
That happened to me early (especially with the KOTH bug) but it evens out.

In theory, as with every elo ranking system, you lose more than you win if you're expected to win (e.g. your team has a higher average rank than the other team). In theory, it averages out. In theory. But you may have to play like 50 games before you see that. It worked for me. :p

What's your level compared to the average team levels you're seeing when the game starts? It should show your average level vs. their average level.

Doing solo queue on competitive was a spectacularly bad idea. Holy shit.
I've really seen this go either way. In the upper 40's solo games haven't been awful, just the occasional won't-switch-from-Tracer losses.


That happened to me early (especially with the KOTH bug) but it evens out.

In theory, as with every elo ranking system, you lose more than you win if you're expected to win (e.g. your team has a higher average rank than the other team). In theory, it averages out. In theory. But you may have to play like 50 games before you see that. It worked for me. :p

What's your level compared to the average team levels you're seeing when the game starts? It should show your average level vs. their average level.

I've really seen this go either way. In the upper 40's solo games haven't been awful, just the occasional won't-switch-from-Tracer losses.

More or less the same. At most one point of difference.


When does the point multiplier start kicking in for competitive points? I don't even have 300 wins in quick play after all this time. :(

Doing solo queue on competitive was a spectacularly bad idea. Holy shit.

Honestly other than one game during placements where a guy was raging, it's been far better than solo quick play. People are much more willing to coordinate and generally more courteous in my experience. Way more salty sure but not nearly as vicious.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I think anything between 45-55 is where the players who play this game the way its meant to be played, moderate players

Anyone above 60+ usually are the one who take it very serious, about team orientation and countering to the highest degree

Anyone below 30 I think is where the abyss lies

The in betweens are the ones who either get better and climb up to meet said players or stay stuck with their counterparts due to reasons


So far played 5 matches of competitive

1st a loss, leaver fucked us, then whole team bailed
2nd game was a Win, just pure bliss of working
3rd game was a Loss, team just couldn't counter there setup, never changed until 30 secs
4th and 5th Win, getting paired with smart players that understand on how to destroy a Defense position

On my 5th game, we held the team from taking the first point on Volskaya
Got the trophy
They kept coming through the middle or try to overlap through the room to the right (facing as Attack) go up the stairs, cross the bridge and jump down
We covered it well, never tried flanking from behind until like 1 minute, but by then we had sured up our defense

When it was Attack, 3 went Tracer,I went Soldier, Rein, and Lucio
All 3 Tracers flanked from the side jumping across the frozen water coming behind them
They had Bastion/Rein/Torb combo

The 3 Tracers caused so much fucking havoc, they just made the enemy chase them
Us 3 just came in and cleaned house and capped the point quick
Won that shit hella quick, my Ult was @76% (lol) when we finished


lvl 18 and finally had my first play of the game as mercy, also the first time I've seen a potg as mercy.
for me it was a rez like any other although I had a pretty sick one earlier where I was floating in midair over the objective, my teammates down there got rect, enemy team didn't see me, drop down to the objective, surprise mf, resurrect everyone

now I just need to grind to 25 to play competitive with the crew


Sometimes I feel like I've reached my skill ceiling with most characters and everyone else just keeps getting better... sigh.


After my placement matches I got rank 60, went down to 58 and now currently 59. I perfectly accept my ranking being as such.

After my placement matches I got rank 45, went up to 46 and then down to 44 and up to... 44 and a half? What's the point of having half steps?

EDIT: It's even worse than that, just lost another game and went down from 44 and three quarters to 44 and a quarter. This is stupid.
So it seems there's mixed feelings regarding ranked then? :/

I’m enjoying it much more than Quick Play, I also been soloing all of it. 50s are generally pretty good about playing the game. People play the objective and also switch if need be, sometimes there is an ass clown but that’s in every multiplayer game. There are also blow outs sometimes; I’ve been on the giving and receiving end of them both. However, the majority of my games have been competitive and fun for that most part. I haven’t had this much fun with OW in a while. Before this I mainly play Halo 5 and that game’s solo que is atrocious compared to this. It’s not even funny how much better this is in that regard. My experience so far has been extremely positive. After 45 games so far I went 25-20. It’s been a lot of back in forth for me. I started at 52, highest I got was 54 and I’ve just been bouncing between 52-54 since. So yeah, personally I love it.

My stats so far:

Someone call a doctor!


Damn playing competitive solo gives me more stress than my job. I feel like I always have to choose either Junkrat or Pharah because those are generally the heroes I feel the most useful with. Tryharding is real.

I've also been trying to learn Soldier 76 more but god damn he's a boring hero to play. He's very useful now after McCree nerfs but damn I just don't have fun playing with him. I'd really like a new hero to get good at. Maybe Reaper.

Oh and yes, sudden death is just trash. What the fuck is this coin flip.

Those said... people definitely play more for the team in competitive. Team comps are much better etc.


Idk where I'm at it seems a rank is added or subtracted depending on win or loss

Nope, definitely not happening like that here. I'll see if I can take some pictures.

Those said... people definitely play more for the team in competitive. Team comps are much better etc.

Maybe at whatever rank you're at they are, but at the rank I'm at they're still trash, only now it's worse because everyone gets penalised.


There is nothing more depressing than going up against an organized team with randoms. I and one other guy were the only ones who even approached the payload and no matter what we did, we were just slaughtered wholesale. It's hardly even about anyone else sucking, but if the team is that much more adept, there's not much to be done.


semen stains the mountaintops
I really hope Blizz adds a max of one character for quick play, so fucking tired of my whole team picking one character and then losing horribly. Shit stopped being funny long ago, now it's just a time waster.


I really hope Blizz adds a max of one character for quick play, so fucking tired of my whole team picking one character and then losing horribly. Shit stopped being funny long ago, now it's just a time waster.

Quick play shouldn't have that kind of limit. Competitive play could definitely use something like this, maybe instead of the red boxes being just advisory, the game should just refuse to start until people pick proper team members or something.


semen stains the mountaintops
Right after making that comment, I got queued up with them again, there goes 20 minutes of my life that I will never get back.


Yeah comp is making me hate the game.

Anyways, I leveled up and got Devil skin. I wanted Imp but good enough for me sitll lol.


J Range

I went 4-6 and got 49. Im alright with that, i expected a lot worse. I solo queued it all, for better or worse.

Does 49 put me in a group that will play reasonably or am i screwed with triple hanzos?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Inspite of obvious competitive things that irk me, and would always irk me even if the game was 100% super balanced, this is the most fun ive had playing a game in ages.

Fuck Roadhog

M.J. Doja

Damn it.. Went up 2-0 in KOTH. Opposite team is imploding, had a Hanzo and then another rolled Widow.

They end up rolling 3 tanks and the Hanzo carries them to 3 straight wins. All because my team gets complacent as fuck, doing everything possible to give the advantage away.

I played Reaper the whole time, could have done a bit better but things get too hectic on KOTH and I end up fighting in an area that doesn't matter. Damn it!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Does anyone know if you get more points for a win the lower your ranking or not?


I really don't like how Competitive is setup for solo queues. It's really frustrating when you get a team that won't work together or do shit and you lose the match and rank because of it. I'd really prefer some kind of system that reduced the amount of rank the losing team loses depending on their individual performance or something.

It's super frustrating when someone rage quits during a match and you have to take an L for it or do beat overwhelming odds. It's even worse when someone just afks/falls asleep during a match because then you have to take the L and rank hit. I had that happen in my last game tonight where some dude fell asleep at his keyboard between rounds and we couldn't do as well against the other team because of numbers disadvantage.


So does me doing good matter for placement games if I lose? I've been doing really well compared to my team, but I'm only 3-4.

Yeah probably, otherwise everyone with the same W-L record would get the same starting rank you'd think. No clue exactly what it takes into account though.

I really don't like how Competitive is setup for solo queues. It's really frustrating when you get a team that won't work together or do shit and you lose the match and rank because of it. I'd really prefer some kind of system that reduced the amount of rank the losing team loses depending on their individual performance or something.

It's super frustrating when someone rage quits during a match and you have to take an L for it or do beat overwhelming odds. It's even worse when someone just afks/falls asleep during a match because then you have to take the L and rank hit. I had that happen in my last game tonight where some dude fell asleep at his keyboard between rounds and we couldn't do as well against the other team because of numbers disadvantage.

The game in general is a nightmare for those of us that play solo. There needs to be a mode strictly for people playing solo imo.


Lol. Just tried this week's Weekly Brawl. I wish after a number of cycles they start putting out an option to use previous Weekly Brawl modifiers on Custom Games, because it might actually be fun just for dicking around.

Mercy+Pharah combo with quick cooldowns = Come Fly With Me Tonight

Lol. Most players never touched the ground except while dying. Silly, but fun. Except it's pretty much impossible to win on Attack. They should have custom objectives for Weekly Brawls if they're doing gimmick stuff like this. Defense has the obvious advantage because if there will always be players contesting the point at almost all times, it makes sense that eventually defense will win when Overtime slips.
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