Cause everyone's gunning for you. They should be at least.Why is playing Mercy so hard, jesus.
Cause everyone's gunning for you. They should be at least.Why is playing Mercy so hard, jesus.
whats this mean
whats this mean
Got 2 POTGs as Symmetra on attack in Hanamura and Numbani today, the latter with 3 gold medals.
The most satisfying thing is imagining the defence Symmetras' reaction to my POTGs. They get killed by me and change character, whilst I stick with Symm and do their job better than them.
Teleporters are better than rezzes because the team can immediately come back with different characters in response to e.g. a Bastion, and you're not all clumped together to feed Reapers ults and the such.
whats this mean
whats this mean
Welp lost my first match already 6 vs 1
Fuck you Blizzard for giving assholes a free leave, then leaving a stupid prompt of you can leave but with a loss...
The fuck kind of bullshit is this
I stayed and ate the loss, yet watch that not matter at all into my SR
reminder that Season 1 should be completely scrapped, your rank, EVERYTHING.
Means if you want to maintain/grow that skill rank you better only play in a good group, because solo queue gobble ranks like crack.whats this mean
How long does the leaver penalty last? Feel like I've played ten games and it still won't fuck off.
Jesus, that seems excessive.I think it's 20.
Jesus, that seems excessive.
Oh, another question, can you come up against groups in solo queue and can you tell if a team is grouped?
3 of my 4 loses during placement was due to a leaver. Seriously, it's stupid that you still get a loss if someone else leaves.
Cheers!Yeah you can solo que group and you can tell who's in a group by the bracket on the VS. screen. Generally, the game does a good job of matching. It uses solo players to fill spots a lot of the times. Like a group of four and two solo players. Ive never seen it pure solo vs a full group. A lot of my games actually have been everyone solo.
It depends how often you leave games apparently. It lasted 2 games for me when the servers kept kicking me one day.How long does the leaver penalty last? Feel like I've played ten games and it still won't fuck off.
There is no set amount if games it lasts. It lasts as long your leave percentage over the last X games (20 I believe) is over a certain threshold. So the more often you leave in a row, the longer it will take to get away as all your leaves are concentrated in your recent games.Jesus, that seems excessive.
Oh, another question, can you come up against groups in solo queue and can you tell if a team is grouped?
God, fuck competitive. I don't know why Blizzard thought it would be fun to give someone an unnaturally high ranking, but let me tell you: my 3-10 record today felt like fucking SHIT. If the game had just placed me at, I dunno, 42 or 45 or whatever my actual ranking should be, maybe I'd actually win some games. Instead, every game feels awful and I hate everything.
Some of you worry about your number too much, lol.
Yeah I left like two games in a row over salt (left one game, got placed back into the same game, left again). It's gone now though.There is no set amount if games it lasts. It lasts as long your leave percentage over the last X games (20 I believe) is over a certain threshold. So the more often you leave in a row, the longer it will take to get away as all your leaves are concentrated in your recent games.
I actually decided to just play quick play tonight rather than torture myself with more competitive (currently 8-13, and 6 of the 8 wins were in my qualifying matches, so you can see how well things have been going once I got ranked) and I honestly had a lot more fun playing "casual" than watching my ranking tumble with every loss. Might just stick with quick play from now on, and wait for Season 2 to get back into competitive.
So it seems there's mixed feelings regarding ranked then? :/
XdRanked is amazing. Everyone is giving their best; each match is an exhausting 20 minutes of back and forth action. Everyone is using mics, chat, commands..,etc. The leveling up system is fair and works properly. Solo que works; someone went 9-1 in solo que and was rated 50+. Everyone is running meta teams and adapting mid-fight; no bad picks or quick play strats.