How's the character usage rates on comp mode for everyone? Is it the same style as quick play or different? Gotta know if i'll be the only zen player in existance in comp.
From my 11 games of comp so far
Rein and Zarya reign supreme as Tanks, either or both have been in everyone of my games
Roadhog/D.Va are ties for 3rd, Winston is only used if enemy Genji or Genji's in play
Attackers Soldier 76, Reaper, Genji mostly 2 of those 3. Tracer is a distant 4th. Pharah is rare, but gets targeted real quick, No more free skies for her. McCree is RIP, saw him in only 1 game, that nerf hurts him, I as reaper survived his Flash/FTH/Roll/FTH, (used my shadow in between, but got him before he could get me).
Defend side Junkrat and Torb real stand out. Mei is 3rd. Widow/Hanzo do get picked but maybe I saw them 2 times total.
Healing. Lucio has been a key player pick with a resounding 100% pick in all of my 11 games.
Mercy comes in second
Symmetra 3rd
Never seen a Zen yet in competitive
Mostly groups have been:
When teams counter and recounter then the other classes come out
Mainstays or starter have been mostly that group static
Zens problem is that he's back line and needs another support to tag along and a Rein or D.Va to assist in getting him to an advantage stage
A lot of players I've played against are covering flanking lanes or breaking through and flanking through your defense
Not saying you can't, hey that's up to you, but so far no Zenyatta in my games