I hope quitters are getting suitably punished, feels like I hardly finish a match with a full team.
Yeah comp is a fucking joke in its current state. Just going to stick to quick play until Blizzard decides to make the game fair.
Also there needs to be separate queues for solo and group.
ps4 Overwatch is back up for me.
How would teams of 2-5 find matches in such a system?
People generally seem pretty amicable about losses as long as you're communicating and actually trying your best. ¯|_(ツI played ranked w/ a full group of gaffers last night. Ranked *seems* to be notably harder. The matches were some of the most intense I've played; One of the matches went on for 22 mins. I ended the night at 5-7 (rank 41). On the plus side, no one in the team seemed overly upset w/ the loses. It was pretty fun despite losing most the games.
Are the golden weapons for the top few % of players? I'm no sure I'd be able to earn enough currency to buy one.
I still think Hanamura is one of the worst. I feel like I only ever steamroll or get steamrolled there. Having a long, satisfying and tense fight seems rare.Think my favourite Maps are Hanamura and Hollywood, really well designed
Anybody else notice the console update (on Xbox) has resulted in character pop-in on the victory screen, massive screen tearing during replays and kill-cam and the POTG video always delayed with "black screen"?
I still think Hanamura is one of the worst. I feel like I only ever steamroll or get steamrolled there. Having a long, satisfying and tense fight seems rare.
In fact the only one that comes to mind is the long win I had last night lol.
I agree that if the first point falls quick, you can steamroll the second.I find the first point falls quickly and sometimes that can snowball the second within a minute but if it doesnt you get these really cool pushes and defences that go to the wire.
Find/get more teammates
Anybody else notice the console update (on Xbox) has resulted in character pop-in on the victory screen, massive screen tearing during replays and kill-cam and the POTG video always delayed with "black screen"?
Also this gem,
One thing is for certain, they need to up the level requirement a lot so that you can make sure whoever is matched has a basic understanding of the game, that level 40 something guy that doesn't know the game well yet isn't going to do as well as the prestige guys. I don't care about your skill rating and if they're close, that guy with more levels has more experience with the game and has dedicated a lot of time, that counts for a lot, it doesn't mean they are great players but at least know how things work by now, this game isn't just about pointing and shooting. Someone who started playing 3 days ago has a hidden skill rating that can go up and down a lot quickly too as the system adjusts over more games. I don't care about wait times, I go to ranked I expect to get a good match not a quick match, there is another mode for that.
Correct. Why start playing ranked if your internet is dodgy? Quick Match I don't mind but ranked is annoying because you always disconnect from the match, nobody rejoins.
Anybody else notice the console update (on Xbox) has resulted in character pop-in on the victory screen, massive screen tearing during replays and kill-cam and the POTG video always delayed with "black screen"?
Also this gem,
I'm thinking Symmetra is not so great for competitive. I have a near 80 win rate with her in quick play because teams are just disorganized but when people are coordinating ults and flanking, Symmetra crumbles. Couldn't even keep up a teleporter in Numbani because this Tracer was running around unchallenged behind the first point.
Is there a GAF PS4 group/discord?
Maybe iv missed something, but that will quickly solve itselfe with ranked playlist.
if your a level 20 who suck, you will get a low rank in competetive, and play against/with people who also suck.
If your a level 20 thats a world class player, you will get a high rank, and play against/with the best in the game
This, I'm done with randoms.
Yes. We have a group message thread we use to find games.Is there a GAF PS4 group/discord?
The entire point of placement matches is that "anything goes", you'll get matched across the full skill range by design in order to minimize uncertainty. Besides the ranked playerbase being inflated as it's the new mode and has exclusive rewards, the main issue this season is that placement results are completely out of whack thanks to the KOTH bug. It'll take more time to settle than it would have had they not rushed ranked out, but it'll sort itself out regardless. Give it 1-2 more weeks and MM will be much more accurate.
If you can get into a full group, I'm betting you'll like it.man, you guys make me wanna skip Competitive. i'm still gonna try it today.
If I'm queuing in solo am I only competing against solo players or groups as well?
I know some opinions on Competitive Mode have been sour, but playing it with a full group is honestly the only way to play Overwatch. Went 7-3 in my placement matches with a rank of 54, and almost all ten matches were tense as hell (we won 2 sudden deaths as the Attacking Team and went to round #5 on Nepal).
Some of the best matches I had played yet. Can't wait to hop on again tonight.
Alright thanks.Full groups are doubtful, but 3 or 2 man groups could be common. You will know who is in a group at the beginning of the match. (Competitive Mode only)
Also i am sick and tired of teams full of Torbjorns, Bastions and Widowmakers in Competitive.
I guess that's the only way for some ppl to win. Disgusting.
I wish I came across this on attack. That's a clown team.Also i am sick and tired of teams full of Torbjorns, Bastions and Widowmakers in Competitive.
I guess that's the only way for some ppl to win. Disgusting.