What were you playing on?Placed 60 after going 8-2. Every game was pleasant (except for one, with my team raging at a Widowmaker on Control... which I don't really blame them lol). Most games had multiple teammates use voice chat, which I'm not used to seeing. Hopefully my competitive games onward are like this (I'm sure they won't be).
The old Vanilla WoW rogue playerbase has resurfaced
and their name is Genji
What is weird to me, even in shutdown matches the teams dont seem that hard, a lot of the times I can pull of non-ult multi kills, but they will sucessfully be able to quickly shudown my entire team in seconds. I dont understand how this happens so much.
I had a teammate leave, so the game told me I could leave without penalty. So I figure, thanks, that's fair, and I leave. Guess what, that counts as a loss. What the fuck game? A loss seems like a penalty to me.
How much effect does the damage buff from mercy have?
Is it worth the risk to use it over healing sometimes?
Is it confirmed that support players get lower placement on average than others?
Welcome to soloque where randoms are bad hanzo/widowmaker/torb players and even your teammates are hostile to one another.Wait, this can't be right. Teams are even worse on Ranked?
I had a teammate leave, so the game told me I could leave without penalty. So I figure, thanks, that's fair, and I leave. Guess what, that counts as a loss. What the fuck game? A loss seems like a penalty to me.
anyone want to try and get a competitive group going today on NA? I'm tired of solo queuing, it's not going very well, and i want to grind back to 50. Currently sitting at about 44/45.
add me if so: bak3ray#1515
I've seen more matchquitting in 10 rounds of this than I have in 20 hours of regular play. People know that matchquitting only screws over everyone, right?
Yes. We have a group message thread we use to find games.
I don't get it.
I often use Zarya so a Rein is always appreciated, if not suggested. That combo is pretty sweet.when your team wants a rein and no one else wants to play rein and i pick rein knowing full well i don't know how to play and I'm sure once shield breaks its over.
No. I played mostly Mercy and Lucio in placement and got 57.
I feel like Overtime should stay, but there should be a limit to how much overtime you can have. Maybe make it where each team has 45 or 60 seconds of overtime to try and keep the game going, but as soon as they run out of time, they lose.
Yes, but I think his biggest issue right now is the way his orbs work. They should increase the timeout limit to, ideally, 10 seconds, 3 are way too low to do anything useful and it forces him to constantly peek at enemies when he has no health and mobility.
His role is concepually a bit weird, he's kind of a sniper so he can stay away from the enemy in the back lines, but the line of sight mechanic makes him follow people and enemies to keep the orbs on and the bad health/mobility works against that. Additionally, his ult positions him right in the center of the team, and inevitably exposes him to the enemy as soon as he's done. He's just not efficient at all. In my opinion they should rethink his orbs and increase his mobility so he can actually get the fuck out when he needs to.
"I have 47 hours on Zarya, you should switch to a support."
Proceeds to fail to solo reapers that are 3 feet in front of them, whiffs every ult, and never shields me while I'm healing them.
We won, but boy did I want to tell that guy off.
I had a similar experience with my placement matches. Every match was insanely fun. Probably helps that I was playing with a friend and we were constantly doing callouts and working together (Reinhardt+Soldier is the ultimate combo) and it was a total blast. I don't know how it is on the other platforms, but at least on PS4 enough players were working together to make it a fun time.I started competitive on PS4 today and the 5 rounds I played were by far some of the best matches I've ever had in the game so far. Maybe I've been lucky, but it's like both teams were consistently playing as well as they possibly could and it was always so intense. So far I've won 3 and lost 2.
I guarantee you all, that I, Kayo Police will have the lowest MMR in competitive ranked (NA) on NeoGaf![]()
Finished my solo q placement matches got 38.
Who dares to post that their rank is lower than mine.
Love chasing Genji players to the ends of the earth with Winston.
Don't worry, my team can hold the point.