I've watched the video three times, and I'm baffled with how Mei was able to slaughter everyone. I thought it was due to the assistance of Hanzo's ultimate, but I'm not so sure.
To me, a lot of these things take luck. Teleport 20 people had me running into front lines to build up an ultimate. and then quickly using it when I could
Just broke top 500 globally on PC (US) for score per min. #feelsgoodman.
Mostly play with pubs so it can be super hard to coordinate her ult/shields (especially since the latter only last for 2 seconds).
I swear there's a max damage amount for the shields too which I don't like - feels like they should just absorb everything due to the short duration.
I'm getting better as D.Va. Totally wrecked the defending team in two different matches last night. Crushed their Bastions and Torb turrets. Got some quick wins that way.
He's already squishier and less mobile than Mercy (with far better offense, admittedly) so an increased heal rate on his orb would reward a careful and thoughtful play style even more than it does now.
Anyone else think they could easily cut 30 seconds from the ready-up time? Just let the defenders on payload maps spawn closer to the objective for the very first spawn. People know the maps already so I don't see that being an issue.
I'm finding the downtime between picking heroes, readying up and moving to the point to be just a little too long.
I think in the competitive scene the extra 60 seconds will be needed. Teams will check out the other team's make up, make adjustments to strategy, etc.
Except you can't see the other team's make-up until they spawn. Unless they're changing that for competitive? For pub play, I just don't see the need for the huge downtime. In a game like DOTA where matches can take an hour? Sure.
In a 10 minute game of OW? 2 minutes of downtime is 20% of total playtime. It's too much.
I would be all for a small Zenyatta buff but you would have to be very careful with it. His ult is very powerful and so is his normal offense. I got PoTG with him last night on Anubis attack for using his ult to push the capture point and then saving a team mate with my healing orb while killing three of the enemy team with the discord orb.
One thing I would definitely be in favor of is increasing the healing rate of his health orb. He's labeled as support but it can be surprisingly difficult in the heat of battle with everyone moving around to get that orb on the right person and the speed at which you need to move it around means it needs to work quickly.
He's already squishier and less mobile than Mercy (with far better offense, admittedly) so an increased heal rate on his orb would reward a careful and thoughtful play style even more than it does now.
My highest number of teleported in one game is 19. I'm so mad. If I'd known I was that close I would have killed myself and teleported myself - that counts right?
That's assuming every player loads in ok, no one disconnects or leaves and even if they don't whoever fills in joins immediatly, chooses what they are going to play in a split second and moves to defend in time.Anyone else think they could easily cut 30 seconds from the ready-up time? Just let the defenders on payload maps spawn closer to the objective for the very first spawn. People know the maps already so I don't see that being an issue.
I'm finding the downtime between picking heroes, readying up and moving to the point to be just a little too long.
Shields will recharge after not taking damage for awhile if all of it isn't gone. Armor reduces 5 incoming damage, so it'll help a lot against tracers auto because each shot is reduced by 5 but no so much against her ultimate which will still just reduce by 5.Zenyatta is AMAZING on consoles, especially on an attack phase for payload with a rein. That discord debuff is NUTS.
I could def see them pushing his HP up to 200 or increasing his speed or something.
Also I can't find my old post when I asked this question.... But is there any difference between shields, armor, and health? Like do certain weapons do more damage against armor vs shields?
rush, die, respawn. repeat
Anyone else think they could easily cut 30 seconds from the ready-up time? Just let the defenders on payload maps spawn closer to the objective for the very first spawn. People know the maps already so I don't see that being an issue.
I'm finding the downtime between picking heroes, readying up and moving to the point to be just a little too long.
I fully utilize those 30 seconds. I shoot the basketballs in the spawn room, spam voice wheel and my special abilities, try to convince my team to run 6 Winston's, etc.
Am I the only one who thinks that the downtime between gameplay is just too long?
What with the play of the game, the stats display, the hero selection and then the 1 minute wait time before the round starts?
rush, die, respawn. repeat
Tom Cruise would be proud of this.
Am I the only one who thinks that the downtime between gameplay is just too long?
What with the play of the game, the stats display, the hero selection and then the 1 minute wait time before the round starts?
I've noticed a pattern that its like this until overtime, then everyone has an ult war to decide who wins.
I've watched the video three times, and I'm baffled with how Mei was able to slaughter everyone. I thought it was due to the assistance of Hanzo's ultimate, but I'm not so sure.
i think it's fine. people can do bathroom breaks, check GAF etc. you get kicked pretty quick for being AFK so these wait times ain't that bad in the long run.
This morning games with D.Va were fucking amazing, I only use her on attacks when someone has a healer in the team, if not, I change to mercy to help the people that chose tanks in my team (to push the payload through).
But wow, the rest of the team keeping the defenders on the chokepoint, while I fly to the checkpoint using the other corridors, and staying there for like 40 seconds without no one interfearing. My team was killed, the defenders came after me, pushed one of the guys, the others destroy my mech from behind, and I start striding killing a genji and a hanzo with my pew pew pistol, but dying just before I could summon the mech, my team just arrived in time to kill the remnants and capture the point. Same with the second point, got it up to half, then we had some hard time becuase there was 3 symetra turrets, a bjorn and a reinhardt defending. Say to my team on the chat to stay on the chokepoint until I use my ult, fly over reinhards head, use my ult, kill everyone inside the last checkpoint, I died becuase of one the auto bjorn turrets before i can scape, but my team enters and wins the game. Also they gave me POTG for that last one.
And that was only one of this morning. The other also went pretty well with wins when attacking, flying with d.va and fucking up widows and bjorns.
Defending was a little worse, but we won once or twice (usually use junkrat or mercy on those). Had more wins than loses today, so im proud, as yesterday went super bad. This was all with randos and a friend.
Thankfully, as a guy, it's a quick trip. XDBut you CAN'T do a bathroom break because you WILL get kicked for inactivity XD
Thankfully, as a guy, it's a quick trip. XD
Dual Mercy + D.Va. Healing stacks, she's nearly invincible and never has to reload.
I've watched the video three times, and I'm baffled with how Mei was able to slaughter everyone. I thought it was due to the assistance of Hanzo's ultimate, but I'm not so sure.
Boy am I ever sick and fucking tired of being defense every single game I play.
Wait,so Mercy healing stacks, but Lucio healing doesn't?
Zenyettta's design makes zero sense. His ulti needs to be on point but he has 150 HP so when that invulnerability goes he's dead 99% of the time, same goes for heal/debuff as it needs line of sight.. He's literally the worst heal support in the game with zero exaggeration. Hampered even further by Widowmaker that can shoot anywhere and kill him. Even if your point is he does more damage ok..The huge nerf to his ultimate build up speed which they though was a good idea to increase by 50% is a garbage idea. Let's look at the other heal supports, we all know Zenyatta dors the most damage out of them but i'll be focusing ultimates here, where Zenyatta loses AGAIN. Mercy's ultimate builds up very quickly and it's not uncommon to use 6 - 7 resurrections a game. Even if you only res two people with a standard HP pool that's more dps on board for your team and you can count a resurrection as a full "heal". The range of her resurrection is 15 meters.
Lucio, His AoE healing frequently out heals single target mercy when i do play him which makes sense since mercy is more of a spike healer. Thanks to the nature of how he works you can get his ultimate up damn quickly. Looking at masteroverwatch, my average for Lucio is 9 ultis a game and somehow i got 23 in one which seems crazy to me. That's 9 times i'm dropping an overheal for 500 protection. He has a 28 meter LoS range on his ultimate.
On to Zenyatta, coupled with having an ultimate range of a 10 meter radius and healing for 100 HP a second with the slowest building ultimate of the healing 3, it just makes makes it harder for him to even get on the point and use him effectively. He has zero mobility skills which makes the decision to give him 150 HP even worse. It seems classes like him are always destined for this fate sadly, buff to much and you end up with Zenyetta meta like in the beta, nerf to much and he drops to neverused. I understand it can be hard to balance games but it seems like they're just throwing numbers out there in hopes of "well we'll see if it works".
Now i hope the people that do play him take this as some extreme backlash on what you should be playing. Design wise he's one of the coolest heroes for me, i even have his Djinnyatta and Sunyatta skin! but as it stands, i see no situation whee i would pick Zen over Lucio or Mercy ever. We've discussed the nerfs and buffs to D.Va and McCree but i think it's Zenyatta that should be the one people should keep on their radar in hopes of better changes.
How much healing is "good"? my average is like 2700....is that good? bad?
Watch the kill feed in the top corner.
Hanzo actually got the triple right off the bat then picked off the other two.
He was the killing blow for all 5 targets.
mine's sitting at close to 4500 with her. Lucio is 5000.
Is that PC? Im PS4 and I know the average is somewhat skewed by games where I have done horrific. I think my best was like 9k.
Just trying to gauge my skills.
How much healing is "good"? my average is like 2700....is that good? bad?