on ps4. Lucio is 4675 with 33 games with him
never played with Mercy on here yet. but if i had to guess it would be around that. even that looks low tbh considering how well some mercy players are.
I had a chance to try out the console version the other night at a friend's house who double dipped and I noticed some differences in feel between the two versions.
Heroes like Genji, Hanzo, Pharah or anyone where you may have to switch between leading your shots and trying to go for point blank hits while moving erratically were much more frustrating to play fluidly.
Having some one get behind you as reinhardt was immensely terrifying.
Solider 76 felt immensely powerful because the aim assist basically felt like his ult was always active if you had your crosshair anywhere near an enemy.
It also felt much easier to track enemies at close range with Reaper, Mei, Symmetra and Tracer.
Despite the fact that it was the same game it felt very different to play with a controller.
How much healing is "good"? my average is like 2700....is that good? bad?
How much healing is "good"? my average is like 2700....is that good? bad?
How much healing is "good"? my average is like 2700....is that good? bad?
Yeah, they need to make his ult build at least 25-35% faster because its the weakest support ult by far
Then give him 25 more shield because there's no reason for him to die by a widow bodyshot and BAM, zenyatta is now super good, not OP and not weak either
bonus point: make him able to have 2 orbs of harmony up at the same time instead of one, but now that MIGHT be too powerful... not sure
I wonder if I'm the only one who gets excited to be POTG. And totally bummed when it's for someone else even go I did well in a match.
I pick D.Va when attacking the first point on Hanamura and it works really well with random teams. I jump through the upper opening next to the doorway and go right for the point. Typically I'm ignored or maybe one player notices me on the way to the point. As soon as they realize I'm taking the point, they break away from the door to attack me and D.Va is surivable enough to keep them distracted while my team is free to flow in. It almost always works if not immediately, within a minute or so because their defense has fallen apart.
I'm right there with you. What's frustrating to me is when somebody gets a PotG because I revived and then healed them as they did whatever. I'm the real hero!
It blows when I was Pharah and killing multiple guys in the sky and they give it to Torb or Bastion who sat there in turret mode.
Last night on the PS4, I ran into someone that already prestiged one time and was level 45...
That's pretty bad tbh.
Of course it also always depends on how long or short your games are.
Haha yes there's a lot of that. I do think the game gets it "right" a lot of the time though, where you'll see something happen while playing and think yeah that was PotG and it usually ends up being it.
I wonder if I'm the only one who gets excited to be POTG. And totally bummed when it's for someone else even go I did well in a match.
Also tired of Reapers and their Die Die Die
Except it's "yeah that shit will be potg" because it's so predictable.Haha yes there's a lot of that. I do think the game gets it "right" a lot of the time though, where you'll see something happen while playing and think yeah that was PotG and it usually ends up being it.
It blows when I was Pharah and killing multiple guys in the sky and they give it to Torb or Bastion who sat there in turret mode.
For ranked, surely you will have to attack and defend a payload for a complete match, right? Otherwhise I fear people just figure out which has the higher win rate and leave everytime they are up to do the harder round.
Ranked needs to restrict stacked characters. That's all I ask for.
Apparently the tournaments that restricted people to 1 hero of the same kind per team are already thinking about removing that rule since it wasn't very well received and makes the ways you can set up your team very strict and rigid.
Seagull uses his wolf ult with Zarya's ult to kill 4 people (I don't know if all 4 were final blows though) and then he kills a 5th later after few seconds. Everyone says it's the PoTG.
The actual PoTG goes to Mercy in his team who did a quadruple ressurection that led to them capturing the point and everyone in the chat called it lame and robbed and what not. Healers get no appreciation !
I know there are counters and im a horrible person for saying this, but I still think Bastion does too much damage.
If he didn't he'd be assI know there are counters and im a horrible person for saying this, but I still think Bastion does too much damage.
Seagull uses his wolf ult with Zarya's ult to kill 4 people (I don't know if all 4 were final blows though) and then he kills a 5th later after few seconds. Everyone says it's the PoTG.
The actual PoTG goes to Mercy in his team who did a quadruple ressurection that led to them capturing the point and everyone in the chat called it lame and robbed and what not. Healers get no appreciation !
I know there are counters and im a horrible person for saying this, but I still think Bastion does too much damage.
His reaction is great, doesn't get mad or rage at the lucio, he just can't stop laughing, priceless.
I know there are counters and im a horrible person for saying this, but I still think Bastion does too much damage.
it's sped up btw
If he didn't he'd be ass
Hes doing atleast 3 times as much as everyone else. I think a little less damage wouldnt kill him as a character. But I understand this is a very unpopular opinion.
Hes doing atleast 3 times as much as everyone else. I think a little less damage wouldnt kill him as a character. But I understand this is a very unpopular opinion.
Hes doing atleast 3 times as much as everyone else. I think a little less damage wouldnt kill him as a character. But I understand this is a very unpopular opinion.
I tried that lucio movement with a friend.
You have to ADADADADAD while also moving your mouse quickly left and right in conjunction with the ADADAD spam
or i guess you can just macro it XD
In an immobile form. I though people already gotten over their salt with him?