Shy Fingers
I knew it was coming and it still got me
i don't even know why winrate is worth complaining about, i enjoy games better when everyone's close to the same skill and there's fewer stomps either direction. rolling over a clearly inferior team isn't fun.
How do you access that command on m/kb? I can only see "I need healing" and various other ones.
Are the stats bugged? There is no way I got 100% acc.
The line is heard differently depending on which character the person is using. "I need healing" becomes "I need shields" for Symmetra, "I need armor" for Torbjorn, or "we need a healer" if the team doesn't have one.How do you access that command on m/kb? I can only see "I need healing" and various other ones.
I just headshot McCree with Widowmaker as he prepared his ult
Best feel in the world
Still lost the game
Stonehardt, without question.Best Rheindhardt skin: Bloodhardt vs. Stonehardt
pug. king of the hill. widowmaker. enemy has 2 pharahs. we get rekt round 1.
peeps ask him to change if hes not going to kill the pharahs, he cries he has no defense (lol what its koth mate)
round 2, enemy team drops their widow, ours of course stays. we win round 2. "see I killed a pharah" hey congratulations, you did your job
round 3, we lose again (he never changes of course), cries in egenral chat that the pharahs wasted their ult on him the whole game, what noobs killing just 1 person with ults. The others are the noobs you see
Yeah I wouldnt play this game if I was just solo queing lol
I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
He's an Ultimate battery - which is a huge downside.So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
Same as his GAF name.
So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
I fear no Roadhog. Massive, easy to hit target, and as said before, he's great to build ults off of.So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
Hey guess what,roadhog has a massive hitbox.So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
but player level has nothing to do with skill, and if you're constantly winning then it means you need to be matched against better opponents which will naturally lead to more losses
So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
You telling me that map knowledge and character familiarity has no relation to "skill"? Let alone knowing even the basic game mechanics.
Hey guess what,roadhog has a massive hitbox.
So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
no i'm saying that none of that directly relates to player level. i've played with prestiged accounts who were shit and level 15s who were better than me.
I've been ignoring widowmaker since I don't really like the character, I really shouldn't. Even being super rusty with sniping and only a few games with her I've done pretty good, so with a good bit of practice it might be pretty nasty.
So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
So where's the Roadhog hate? Most HP, massive damage, self heal, great ult that knocksback and a hook that's very generous whether it hits or not. I'd put him in the same basket as McCree and Widowmaker, ahead of Widowmaker if anything.
Those are outliers.
Best Rheindhardt skin: Bloodhardt vs. Stonehardt
I wonder how long it'll take someone to get that.
there are pro players who have low levels because they mostly play custom games that don't earn xp. levels have absolutely nothing to do with skill.
I've been ignoring widowmaker since I don't really like the character, I really shouldn't. Even being super rusty with sniping and only a few games with her I've done pretty good, so with a good bit of practice it might be pretty nasty.
Stonehardt, without question.
The first Legendary I bought with Blizzard bucks.
Bloodhardt, because Gurren Lagann.
What percentage of players are pro?
it seems to average out at ~100 hours per 100 levels. So in theory, 1600 hours or ~60+ days without break. (or 6 months at 8 hours a day)
you are missing the point. there are low level players who suck and low level players who are awesome for lots of different reasons. losing a game in which you were matched with low level people is not indicative of an evil blizzard algorithm trying to ruin your winrate.
I accidentally clicked on the Jimquisition thread thinking it was this thread and wondered if it had just hit stupid o'clock or something.
I accidentally clicked on the Jimquisition thread thinking it was this thread and wondered if it had just hit stupid o'clock or something.
I feel like an unstoppable mlg pro sniper when I pick Widow and go unchallenged. Enemy team finds out what it's like to never have a healer the entire match. Then I try to do it with a team that can't hold the line for 3 seconds and an enemy Widow that has spent 80+ hours on that character alone, not quite as fun.
It's obnoxious going up against a sniper that only wants to play the sniper vs sniper game and is only ever looking for you. I think I'm failing at my job if their Mercy is alive long enough to even play the game. But as soon as you look down that other guy's respawned and is after you, butthurt about being headshotted the last time. It gets stressful and tiresome.
You telling me that map knowledge and character familiarity has no relation to "skill"? Let alone knowing even the basic game mechanics.
Good gunplay doesn't matter when you don't stand on the payload. It only leads to the dumbass flanker teams playing TDM which loses games.